Random musings and general banter.


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Shaun Ryan strikes me as someone who is likely to keep an eye on the comments, especially about himself.

He comes in for quite a lot of (deserved) stick on this forum and I suspect he might have grown a little self-conscious about his sob story tales when it comes to flogging the Luggie scooters. I find it a little curious that these shows are never available on playback, which is not the case for other products.

It’s just possible that he might have requested no replays for the Luggie show in order to minimise the scope for ridicule. (Given his position as one of the more ‘senior’ presenters, I imagine he can exert a certain influence.)

Being serious for a moment I find Shaun Ryan highly offensive. Putting aside the stomach churning 'stories' about his expired Father's illness (if they're actually even true) but I genuinely could not believe it when, presumably, a Gay Man like him is enthusiastically selling Cruise Holidays to Dubai where gay activities are illegal, and the penalties for which are exceptionally harsh.

Breathtaking, it seems he'll say and do anything to shill and he'll shill anything that he's asked to :down:
There's a lot more to Mr Vollebregt than mere art, hoovers, and ladders. Here's a couple of Volaufacts that are likely to confound his critics:-

Graduated at the 'Gaiety School of Acting' in Dublin.

Was once voted ‘The Sexiest Accent in the British Isles’ on Channel 4’s Richard and Judy show.

Once visited the Emmys wearing a tuxedo...View attachment 11712

Enough said:mysmilie_59:

Oh. Looks like he's already hit the heights then and now he's taking it easy with hopefully millions in the bank.

Maybe he just loves Hoovers? I guess if you used your imagination you could have a lot of fun with a Bissell :mysmilie_59:
Being serious for a moment I find Shaun Ryan highly offensive. Putting aside the stomach churning 'stories' about his expired Father's illness (if they're actually even true) but I genuinely could not believe it when, presumably, a Gay Man like him is enthusiastically selling Cruise Holidays to Dubai where gay activities are illegal, and the penalties for which are exceptionally harsh.

Breathtaking, it seems he'll say and do anything to shill and he'll shill anything that he's asked to :down:

He might argue that it's no different from selling skiing holidays if you can't ski yourself (or similar), though there's definitely an ethical/moral dimension to this that he/his employer is wilfully choosing to ignore. Also it's definitely an oversight for the supposed independence of their 'expert guest' though they might attempt to argue that gay people should already be aware of country-specific restrictions.

Doesn't excuse the sales pitch of course but certainly makes the presenters appear to be sloppy or not impartial at best.
Oh. Looks like he's already hit the heights then and now he's taking it easy with hopefully millions in the bank.

Maybe he just loves Hoovers? I guess if you used your imagination you could have a lot of fun with a Bissell :mysmilie_59:

I just need some clarity here - would that be on the blow or suck function?:mysmilie_12:
Hello to your mum muttley.
:smirk: @ baby gollum...i would love to know if any of the presenters read this forum?.
Has create & craft lost all it's presenters?...I ask as we've had baby gollum, shreque, genevieve and now denise presenting on there in the last few days or so.
Finally R salleh is on again (my count 7 days in a row) "selling the new and improved wagner" with BB craig...am I wrong saying the old one must of been tosh? :cheeky:

Of course the presenters plus close family and friends read this forum (Hello to all of them) as they want to read up and massage the ego's of the failed actor type relations now selling on 3rd rate selly telly.

BUT then when the normal Joseph and Josephine public like ourselves point out presenters faults like in ye olde days of bid TV oh how the family and friends didnt like us mere mortals stating the truths and facts unlike some wayward presenters who were allowed to spew nonsense and tales all day and night long "as they are just trying to earn a living" as the saying goes "the truth hurts":wait:
I need to speak to you all. It's important.

If you're dismayed at the Financial, Political & Constitutional crisis we now find ourselves in take stock fellow Britishers, have a cup of tea, show some bulldog spirit, raise those stiff upper lips. Calm down and carry on.

None of these problems are anywhere near as bad as ............... :mysmilie_59:

I need to speak to you all. It's important.

If you're dismayed at the Financial, Political & Constitutional crisis we now find ourselves in take stock fellow Britishers, have a cup of tea, show some bulldog spirit, raise those stiff upper lips. Calm down and carry on.

None of these problems are anywhere near as bad as ............... :mysmilie_59:

View attachment 11715

Can we set Moira's windmill afloat, and send it on to Calais?
Being serious for a moment I find Shaun Ryan highly offensive. Putting aside the stomach churning 'stories' about his expired Father's illness (if they're actually even true) but I genuinely could not believe it when, presumably, a Gay Man like him is enthusiastically selling Cruise Holidays to Dubai where gay activities are illegal, and the penalties for which are exceptionally harsh.

Breathtaking, it seems he'll say and do anything to shill and he'll shill anything that he's asked to :down:

If a man will happily use his dead relatives to shill tat to the old and vulnerable, is he REALLY going to think twice about flogging holidays to destinations with dubious human rights records?

And where he himself would be treated like crap if authorities in those countries caught him showing the least affectionate gesture towards his partner (he who must never be named on air)?
Can we set Moira's windmill afloat, and send it on to Calais?

She's like Rod Hull and Emu, they used to give in a Windmill although I think Kenny Rogers looks more like ..........


If a man will happily use his dead relatives to shill tat to the old and vulnerable, is he REALLY going to think twice about flogging holidays to destinations with dubious human rights records?

And where he himself would be treated like crap if authorities in those countries caught him showing the least affectionate gesture towards his partner (he who must never be named on air)?

After the 'Cruise' sale I went from thinking Shaun Ryan was just a BS'ing little creep to really thinking he's a piece of work.

I think he's a shameless rat, the worst of the worst :bandit:
Do you know, I wondered if this had even occurred to him? I would have thought it must, unless he never watches any media, but some of these presenters are so far inside their own "bubble" that you do wonder. What really annoys me are the never-ending stories about the medical conditions of members of his family that he seems to exploit in order to make a sale. True or false, they are in poor taste and some of them are so ridiculous as to be laughable.

Being serious for a moment I find Shaun Ryan highly offensive. Putting aside the stomach churning 'stories' about his expired Father's illness (if they're actually even true) but I genuinely could not believe it when, presumably, a Gay Man like him is enthusiastically selling Cruise Holidays to Dubai where gay activities are illegal, and the penalties for which are exceptionally harsh.

Breathtaking, it seems he'll say and do anything to shill and he'll shill anything that he's asked to :down:
There's a lot more to Mr Vollebregt than mere art, hoovers, and ladders. Here's a couple of Volaufacts that are likely to confound his critics:-

Graduated at the 'Gaiety School of Acting' in Dublin.

Was once voted ‘The Sexiest Accent in the British Isles’ on Channel 4’s Richard and Judy show.

Once visited the Emmys wearing a tuxedo...View attachment 11712

Enough said:mysmilie_59:

well I always wondered how he got onto IW..... turns out you just need to be ''doing'' a current presenter.... or have worked for bid
Do you know, I wondered if this had even occurred to him? I would have thought it must, unless he never watches any media, but some of these presenters are so far inside their own "bubble" that you do wonder. What really annoys me are the never-ending stories about the medical conditions of members of his family that he seems to exploit in order to make a sale. True or false, they are in poor taste and some of them are so ridiculous as to be laughable.

This crop of 'presenters' are exhibiting the behaviours of true pondlife. I have never seen a group of voracious, vulgar salespeople like them, much worse than Bid. They are utterly charmless and humourless, just voracious.

There's a desperation to them to the point that it seems they'll do whatever it takes to shill their tedious merchandise. I guess we don't know whether it's because their employers are demanding more from them or that they're being heavily incentivised to do so.

Either way I won't be sorry to see the back of them when the viewers get sick of them (and they will, especially if they more closely scrutinise what they're actually saying at times).

It's surely not the behaviour you might expect from staff representing a thriving company :mysmilie_59:
This crop of 'presenters' are exhibiting the behaviours of true pondlife. I have never seen a group of voracious, vulgar salespeople like them, much worse than Bid. They are utterly charmless and humourless, just voracious.

There's a desperation to them to the point that it seems they'll do whatever it takes to shill their tedious merchandise. I guess we don't know whether it's because their employers are demanding more from them or that they're being heavily incentivised to do so.

Either way I won't be sorry to see the back of them when the viewers get sick of them (and they will, especially if they more closely scrutinise what they're actually saying at times).

It's surely not the behaviour you might expect from staff representing a thriving company :mysmilie_59:

This has become a very strange shopping channel. It is there to sell products, a handful of them, on a hamster's wheel, going round and round. Yet sometimes you'd be forgiven for thinking that the complete opposite is true. In the case of certain presenters, the item they're shilling is there, yet the presenter is trying to take centre stage and hog the limelight.

The other night, Mr Brittas, aka Tim, was with the fitness cycle (with backrest, that they love to mention how wonderful it is to have one but never mention on ones without, of course) was trying to be very informative and give as much info on it while all the time, that papal buffoon was exagerating the grunting and puffing, making Tim lose track of what he was saying. If he's not interrupting with words, he does it that way. He has got to be the centre of attention in every hour he does. Bugger the products 'look at me'!!! But then, nearing the end of the hour, it's relentless, phones busy, hurry, hurry, selling out, limited stock.........it is dreadful.
Hello to your mum muttley.
:smirk: @ baby gollum...i would love to know if any of the presenters read this forum?.
Has create & craft lost all it's presenters?...I ask as we've had baby gollum, shreque, genevieve and now denise presenting on there in the last few days or so.
Finally R salleh is on again (my count 7 days in a row) "selling the new and improved wagner" with BB craig...am I wrong saying the old one must of been tosh? :cheeky:

My mum said hello too! She really loves this forum and loves to click over to Ideal World to hear what ridiculous comment they will make next. She made be "older" but she is totally on the ball and can see through the likes of Mikey Boi Mason.

As for presenters and/or their friends reading this forum, I don't think they would be able to resist it. They know it is a bad idea, and that they may read something they wish they hadn't, but I bet they do!
I need to speak to you all. It's important.

If you're dismayed at the Financial, Political & Constitutional crisis we now find ourselves in take stock fellow Britishers, have a cup of tea, show some bulldog spirit, raise those stiff upper lips. Calm down and carry on.

None of these problems are anywhere near as bad as ............... :mysmilie_59:

View attachment 11715

You are quite right, things could be worse.
This has become a very strange shopping channel. It is there to sell products, a handful of them, on a hamster's wheel, going round and round. Yet sometimes you'd be forgiven for thinking that the complete opposite is true. In the case of certain presenters, the item they're shilling is there, yet the presenter is trying to take centre stage and hog the limelight.

The other night, Mr Brittas, aka Tim, was with the fitness cycle (with backrest, that they love to mention how wonderful it is to have one but never mention on ones without, of course) was trying to be very informative and give as much info on it while all the time, that papal buffoon was exagerating the grunting and puffing, making Tim lose track of what he was saying. If he's not interrupting with words, he does it that way. He has got to be the centre of attention in every hour he does. Bugger the products 'look at me'!!! But then, nearing the end of the hour, it's relentless, phones busy, hurry, hurry, selling out, limited stock.........it is dreadful.

The atrocious Genpleaseleave seems to similarly resent anyone else talking during her 'show' and the truly awful Shreque is exactly the same.

But of course you're quite right Momma, this is most certainly a very strange channel. It's monotonous, off putting, with a crop of most dislikable 'presenters' and excruciating 'experts' I've known on Selly Telly.

But I urge people, if you can stand to, to really pay attention to what's being said. I haven't really done that until quite recently as it's the flaky flannel that usually gets noticed but some of the things being said by various goons are genuinely up there with Sit Up.

I couldn't be bothered pursuing it really, it's pretty clear this is a not a ship shape shop. With the now inevitable downturn in the economy it's likely retail will be hit as people are more careful with their spending.

It's a dead duck for me, it's bad. In fact it bliddy awful. And the reviews just keep getting worse and worse :mysmilie_59:

Words of wisdom from that renowned Hatton Garden Jeweller, Sally Jacks :-

'I have worked with a lot of jewellery, I'm not as experienced as Tom* but I've got many years of loving and looking and seeing friends jewellery'.

Loving, Looking, Seeing. Friends Jewellery. Now that's experience, and surely wasted on shilling little farting bits of pretend glass meteorites stuck on a 'guess the amount of gold' ring.

* Tom De Beer? Tom Da Bore :mysmilie_59:


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