Random musings and general banter.


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Why do they do a pretend limp
That's so offensive isn't it. I've got rheumatoid arthritis which is mainly under control but sometimes I limp a bit as my feet are painful, particularly first thing in the morning. To think of a presenter feigning a limp to sell a walking stick is appalling.
I've got two outstanding ASA complaints and have had nothing back other than the initial acknowledgement. I think they probably kick as many as they can into touch.
Maybe if one of us spots something to complain about we should share the details so we all put in a complaint. Might make a difference.
The pitcherrest town of Durham, he says. What is the name of the river that runs through Durham? The River Conn? It’s a city also, isn‘t it?

Donald…Ronald…He’s pining for his old job back it sounds..

Hammy from Aberdeen? Praising the cane. It can‘t be our one???
Could be our Hammy if he was taking the p**s by being overly gushing about it😂
The pitcherrest town of Durham, he says. What is the name of the river that runs through Durham? The River Conn? It’s a city also, isn‘t it?

Donald…Ronald…He’s pining for his old job back it sounds..

Hammy from Aberdeen? Praising the cane. It can‘t be our one???

Definately not me.

When i text or email them i use my full name, don't hide behind a forum name when challeging the shysters. ;)
One of the complaints does involve him with ducahamp watches.

Although i doubt ASA would be interested in his unsavoury behaviour unless it specific to misinfo on a product, think his behaviour would be more for an OFCOM style complaint.
ASA are like the OFCOM for shopping TV. (OFCOM don't cover shopping telly) As well as dealing with misinformation and so on, they deal with conduct as well
That's so offensive isn't it. I've got rheumatoid arthritis which is mainly under control but sometimes I limp a bit as my feet are painful, particularly first thing in the morning. To think of a presenter feigning a limp to sell a walking stick is appalling.
I didn't watch (couldn't bare) too much of Peter Simon selling this. But what I did notice was, despite telling us it must be adjusted to hip level, he clicked it into place, but it was far too low for his height. It made him stoop down, so the cane wasn't being effective for him and he looked ridiculous (his posture was off).
I happened to catch a little bit of Sally Jacks selling her Christmas grotto. There's nobody more into Christmas than me, she claimed. Apart from Santa and the church and little children, no not as into Christmas as Sally. Now almost every item had a light up element to them. But they don't come with batteries. What's her solution? If I were you I'd get yourself a battery drawer she said. I was thinking does that come in 3 flexi pays? :LOL:

I don't know why they don't do proper AA or AAA battery offers
I happened to catch a little bit of Sally Jacks selling her Christmas grotto. There's nobody more into Christmas than me, she claimed. Apart from Santa and the church and little children, no not as into Christmas as Sally. Now almost every item had a light up element to them. But they don't come with batteries. What's her solution? If I were you I'd get yourself a battery drawer she said. I was thinking does that come in 3 flexi pays? :LOL:

I don't know why they don't do proper AA or AAA battery offers

But when they sell the overpriced rechargeable battery sets we're told batteries draws are the work of the devil, a thing of the past, a waste of money, get a charger, it's what all the savvy shoppers do, everyone at IW's got them, they 'were just saying' how much better this is not only for the environment, not only for money, but Brenda's in, ok, right… etc
I thought this was supposed to be selly telly not a bummin documentary showcasing sally jacks life story 😐
it’s all me me i i me I me me.
I posted the same thing about her yesterday & I wish she'd give us a warning about when she's going to go off the decibel scale with her cackle
I happened to catch a little bit of Sally Jacks selling her Christmas grotto. There's nobody more into Christmas than me, she claimed. Apart from Santa and the church and little children, no not as into Christmas as Sally. Now almost every item had a light up element to them. But they don't come with batteries. What's her solution? If I were you I'd get yourself a battery drawer she said. I was thinking does that come in 3 flexi pays? :LOL:

I don't know why they don't do proper AA or AAA battery offers
Check out her socials she says, showing us how to make a bow with wired ribbon. I've made hundreds of these she says. I could have done better. She's an expert on everything, worked in America, worked at the BBC, and been a member of Bucks Fizz. Yet, here she is on Selly telly.
Its pure comedy value but only in very small doses these days, only a maniac could stomach 4 hours of Pedro Simone and his antics (although Margaret seems to judging by the number of times shes ‘in’), even old IW knew that wasnt remotely sensible letting him present too long without his meds.

I chuckle every time i hear that cheeseball anton excitedly grin and proclaim ‘and Hey Presto, your fabulous goods will be winging their way to you’ he needs a dictionary.

Who runs this shower, a self made billionaire who started off selling second hand slippers in Calcutta, it just has zero class.
Check out her socials she says, showing us how to make a bow with wired ribbon. I've made hundreds of these she says. I could have done better. She's an expert on everything, worked in America, worked at the BBC, and been a member of Bucks Fizz. Yet, here she is on Selly telly.
She did sing about ‘the land of make believe’
Foghorn Pintpot making up her own pricing rules again. Pick a price out of your head, double it, times it by three and then say you aren’t making comparisons. It‘s like telling somebody they’re ugly, then saying pretend you never said anything to them. I.E. - the seed is sown..Produces some vile three piece muffler set for £9.99 and pretends its something to keep you ‘toasty warm’ rummaging through Santa’s sac..k in Lapland…Really? Are you buying one then, Sal? How are they getting away with this price comparison nonsense that isn’t price comparison really? I thought there were rules about what you could say on shopping television? I thought one of those rules would be not being allowed to pick prices out of your head, then not substantiating them, using them to entice people to buy, and then immediately withdrawing the claim?? I am genuinely gobsmacked at how this channel is operating..
Check out her socials she says, showing us how to make a bow with wired ribbon. I've made hundreds of these she says. I could have done better. She's an expert on everything, worked in America, worked at the BBC, and been a member of Bucks Fizz. Yet, here she is on Selly telly.
She often goes on about the Bucks Fizz thing. I think she was in the post chart success version. The Beeston Social Club type one…
Foghorn Pintpot making up her own pricing rules again. Pick a price out of your head, double it, times it by three and then say you aren’t making comparisons. It‘s like telling somebody they’re ugly, then saying pretend you never said anything to them. I.E. - the seed is sown..Produces some vile three piece muffler set for £9.99 and pretends its something to keep you ‘toasty warm’ rummaging through Santa’s sac..k in Lapland…Really? Are you buying one then, Sal? How are they getting away with this price comparison nonsense that isn’t price comparison really? I thought there were rules about what you could say on shopping television? I thought one of those rules would be not being allowed to pick prices out of your head, then not substantiating them, using them to entice people to buy, and then immediately withdrawing the claim?? I am genuinely gobsmacked at how this channel is operating..
Ive noticed that (hard not to) naming brands saying they also do them (the product) but then saying but im not comparing it to them, well you are youve just called the other brands out ten seconds ago.

That is one seriously weak disclaimer

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