Random musings and general banter.


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I never watch the news but I look at BBC News websites and others as I like to know what is going on. I don't want to watch up close footage of train crashes or bombings. There was an episode of Drop the Dead Donkey in the 1990s where their reporter Damien Day was caught putting a child's teddy bear at disaster scenes to make it more sad. And it was allegedly based on a real reporter.

I recently cancelled Netflix as I just wasn't watching it. Prefer older stuff on Britbox.
I fell much the same way, Muttley. I know there’s all the sadness and badness in the world, without being shown it all the time.
Britbox is pretty good- like you I’ve cancelled Netflix for it.
Has Peter Simon surfaced anywhere yet?
I wondered if he might see this as his excuse to properly retire.
Mind you, my local Maccy D’s just was refurbished, and they had a re-opening with Ronald McDonald there. And with Peter newly ‘available’ I did wonder, just a little who was in that suit…
What do I still watch on the non-repeats channels? Well…erm…er…Nothing to speak of on BBCs 1 and 2 and ITV and C4. Some stuff on C5 (the motorhome travels with Paul Merton and similar), the Police stuff. Rich House, Poor House…The Jane McDonald travel shows. Little else, I’m afraid. I am forced to watch EastEnders as my partner who usually is in a sane mind frame, loves to watch it. For me, absolute garbage and of course like so many other things now, completely driven to tick every PC box there possibly is. About the only thing worth having are the £1.50 burgers and chips meals the cafe people somehow still make a profit on still in 2023?? Love Bangers & Cash and The Yorkshire Auction House..CAR SOS - those types of shows. If I want to actually watch something to make me laugh I need to go back to about 1975 with episodes of Rising Damp and similar. Such brilliantly written and observed comedy from those days. A long dead art today. Oh..and loads of old TOTPs and Supersonics (the ITV stab at rivalling it). And the old Parkinson shows. When an interview with a celebrity was a conversation with them about their life - not their latest DVD…
Selling right to the end,please don’t give the shop extra foursome(Ideal World)the benefit of doubt.Absolutely disgusting and lacking any thought about what they were doing,people are still out of pocket!
Fun,Family,Friendship same old BS
For me, anybody directly involved in selling the goods AS NORMAL over the last few days of operation cannot simply claim they thought everything was okay behind the scenes. Whatever way you dress it up - customers, either intentionally or unintentionally were misled in terms of the right to an informed choice to buy or not by. An informed choice, in my view, also includes a right to know if the company selling the goods is in serious trouble or not.
I know what you're saying, but the bolded areas are where we differ slightly, as i don't see them as entertainers working in entertainment / show business, yeah some may have originated there, but they're working in retail (Shopping Channel) directly selling to the public, different rules should apply, and they definately went further than just 'dubious selling technique' on many occasions.
Yeah they are using the TV medium (and web) to connect with the public but that doesn't mean what they are doing is similar to actors etc creating a persona in an entertainment program..
An actor playing a character in a drama show but who is a totally different person in real life, is fine, his fake persona is for entertainment purposes only and doesn't affect anyone directly, maybe effects the viewers emotions depending on the character they're playing, but that's it. On the other hand, IW presenters so called play acting / using a persona to increase sales, isn't entertainment, in reality it is bordering on fraudulent behaviour, and it does effect the viewer directly, deliberately giving false and misleading product information in a bid to persuade viewers into purchasing an item under false pretense is wrong and as i say bordering on fraud and whether they are nice off screen or not matters not to me as they've still broken the rules, just a shame that the authorities that are supposed to regulate channels like IW don't have the guts to regulate them properly. :)
Yeah I maybe didn't explain my analogy in the best way. When referring to folk like actors, I wasn't meaning when they perform, I was referring to how their actual/real personality off-screen can often differ quite dramatically (in a good or bad way) from their public persona i.e. promoted by the pr machine around them. I'd still assert selly telly presenters are quite different (in terms of what they need to do) than a salesperson working in a high street shop. To me, there is more of an entertainment/performance angle to what the former are doing, there needs to be. And entertainment can be fraudulent, not a nice thing to think but true.

My view on the public vs private persona thing isn't to excuse many of the sales techniques they employ. However if you were sitting down with each of the IW presenters on their own for a normal (not filmed) conversation e.g. over lunch with no agenda just general chat, it's not impossible you might come away from at least one of those lunches thinking 'actually, he/she's okay.' Then you see them on a selly channel the next day and think 'what a **** they are!!!'

It's a job that is easy to do badly but difficult to do well. The ones who are really good at it have a knack. The knack involves creating an impression that you as the viewer are somehow part of a family, and they, as a fellow family member, are giving you good neighborly advice to buy something, to keep all the family happy. Unfortunately, there are some people out there, that fall for that sort of rubbish. And end up buying something partly out of some misplaced loyalty to both the presenter, the channel and the family overall... Very cynical and manipulative stuff if you look into the psyche of it, methinks.
Very cynical and manipulative stuff if you look into the psyche of it, methinks.
Agreed, as is much of the sales world when you think about it, to varying degrees of course. Make you feel like a friend etc etc.

I remember when mum was getting double glazing and new doors years back. First time we'd ever bought replacement windows. The salesman waxed lyrical about how the installers would be at the house for about a week, taking great care to install the windows and doors to the highest standard. He also mentioned how the door we'd chosen and the glass above it was such a unique combination that, if ok with us, he'd arrange for it to be photographed and featured in a trade magazine.

The install took about 2 days max and we had to get them back for a few issues. Oh, and the photographer for the trade mag never appeared ;)

Smoke & mirrors and as you say, manipulation. It's what salespeople, to varying degrees, do.
Selling right to the end,please don’t give the shop extra foursome(Ideal World)the benefit of doubt.Absolutely disgusting and lacking any thought about what they were doing,people are still out of pocket!
Fun,Family,Friendship same old BS
#Filthy #F*ck*rs #F*ck *ff
More like.

I'll withhold my judgement on Shop Extra until it airs, but as they're going to be selling Vostok, Piranha and RDM drones, I don't hold out much hope.

Was hoping it might be a more 'common sense', more reasonable, broader appeal version of QVC. We'll see.

Incidentally, we may not. How many of you have Internet-connected smart TV or VMedia/Freesat?

Most people, i.e. those with plain Freeview, won't be able to watch.

Hopefully they may add Shop Extra to Roku / C&C channel or new, or the C&C app or provide a live web stream or re-purpose the defunct IW app, which does nothing now.

Unless the IW "temporarily suspended" (still the blue banner being broadcast) Freeview channel will resurface as SE?!?!? But they haven't said that it will... yet.
Those with Plain Freeview do you get Craft Extra as well as Create and Craft , as if you do Craft Extra will become Shop Extra, From 10pm it will go onto the main channel

The Create and Craft app, covers Create and Craft live stream as well as Craft Extra, hope the information helps
Nope, not afaik. I don't even see CE in the C&C app. Only via their website, I believe.

I've just dropped a note to the Hochanda broadcast team email, asking if any plans to extend coverage to Freeview or online. I'll let you know anything I receive.
Those with Plain Freeview do you get Craft Extra as well as Create and Craft , as if you do Craft Extra will become Shop Extra, From 10pm it will go onto the main channel

The Create and Craft app, covers Create and Craft live stream as well as Craft Extra, hope the information helps
CE is on smart TV, hence only Freeview red button internet 85 from 6pm.

Regular Freeview loses Create & Craft at 10 pm.

But it does mean able to watch SE on the main C&C stream from 10pm on the C&C app, or their website.

P.S. should we copy/move SE posts to the SE dedicated forum thread?
CE is on smart TV, hence only Freeview red button internet 85 from 6pm.

Regular Freeview loses Create & Craft at 10 pm.

But it does mean able to watch SE on the main C&C stream from 10pm on the C&C app, or their website.

P.S. should we copy/move SE posts to the SE dedicated forum thread?
To get Craft Extra Shop Extra on the app, it has to be a smart tv app
To get Craft Extra Shop Extra on the app, it has to be a smart tv app
Ahh, ok, so my Roku C&C app, or Now TV Roku/Amzn firestick apps may also have CE on it, like the website. It's not on the mobile Android app.

Which means you can watch Shop Extra from 6pm on website CE stream, or via TV apps. And on C&C website or tv app, incl. Android, from 10pm.

(They only say via ch85 red button, internet TV stream, which again is a TV stream link to additional channel stream, not a link afak to a C&C or CE TV app.)

I may hookup my smart TV box/recorder (Manhattan T2, Freeview HD & Freeview Play apps/internet) also to access SE and record it for posterity!

Also thinking that a Zoom watchalong of the Shop Extra launch might be in order! 😀
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Ahh, ok, so my Roku C&C app, or Now TV Roku/Amzn firestick apps may also have CE on it, like the website. It's not on the mobile Android app.

Which means you can watch Shop Extra from 6pm on website CE stream, or via TV apps. And on C&C website or tv app, incl. Android, from 10pm.

(They only say via ch85 red button, internet TV stream, which again is a TV stream link to additional channel stream, not a link afak to a C&C or CE TV app.)

I may hookup my smart TV box/recorder (Manhattan T2, Freeview HD & Freeview Play apps/internet) also to access SE and record it for posterity!

Also thinking that a Zoom watchalong of the Shop Extra launch might be in order! 😀
I’d be there opening night, not buying from those lot though

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