Beyond all the loud beeping noises and Carry On Shopping banter, there lies an interesting character, I suspect, with more depth to him than some of his colleagues (nobody say Jacks). He has clearly led an interesting and varied life. Also, if he did intentionally step back from the final desperate days of Ideal World, whilst others carried on flogging as normal until the plug was pulled (literally, in Head of Rubber’s and Blodwyn’s case), then some credit at least to him in a world where credit was exclusively something over four months. I suppose on the downside, working on shopping television, and some of the other less depth providing activities, for me lessens his credibility as a ‘life coach’ or whatever he exactly pitches himself as. He may well be very good at the work, but if I booked him to stop me prevaricating (I am on bail for it currently) - or was it procrastinatiing..or masticating?? Then all I could see at our sessions would be him making loud noises and selling cheap watches on Exemplar Planet.