Random musings and banter on TV


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Blankety Blank.

How do they find the thickest contestants? Is it deliberate?
No clue about the hints or theme of the question.
Blankety Blank.

How do they find the thickest contestants? Is it deliberate?
No clue about the hints or theme of the question.
It's not for the contestants, it's for the banter between the celebs ;) Haven't seen it since Lilly Savage was on: if it's still on. And if not, who would really want, as a prize, a blankety blank cheque book and pen :p I expect I've just shown my age: Terry Wogan and Les Dawson.
"When I was a kid, we couldn't afford a parrot, so instead our Dad put feathers on our <blank>".

The contestant wrote: "Bums".

Then if you want a little more adult (than Lilly), Snatch Game. But again, that is more how like the person the player is than the actual game itself.
And talking TV. Is it just me, or do a lot of theme songs from the past stick with you over the programmes? Many a theme song I like(d) but couldn't take to the actual programme itself.
Blankety Blank.

How do they find the thickest contestants? Is it deliberate?
No clue about the hints or theme of the question.
Blankety blank's just a bit of fun and sometimes the answer is obvious but what pi$$es me off the most is when a member of the celebrity panel deliberately puts an "out there" answer on their card just to get laughs for themselves - Selfish beggars! I mean you don't need any intellect to be a contestant on that show so it doesn't matter to me if the contestants seem a bit thick as there's no right or wrong answer as such and they've only got a minute or two to think of something and I wish they wouldn't make the top prizes so undesirable (The tv/games package was ok this week for a change) but musical instruments for a band and surfing equipment?
The show that annoys me the most is Bridge of Lies....Contestants are nearly all as thick as mince, they waste time talking even when they know what answer is correct, they don't bother hoovering up answers they know are right 'cause they just want to move forward and for Ross Kemp, he's more wooden than a lump of wood and comes out with the most annoying phrases "Go with your gut" "You don't want to half your money now" "Remember we're looking for breeds of dog" and yes I've given up watching it now!
It always staggers me when people go on quiz shows when they frankly have zero in the way of general knowledge and then you've got the phrases they come out with "Ready as I'll ever be" "No pressure then" "My boyfriend will kill me if I don't get this right" and this sort of thing does my head in too - "On which of the week does Prime Minister's question time take place?" = Pass! FFS- Guess!!!!
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
It's not for the contestants, it's for the banter between the celebs ;) Haven't seen it since Lilly Savage was on: if it's still on. And if not, who would really want, as a prize, a blankety blank cheque book and pen :p I expect I've just shown my age: Terry Wogan and Les Dawson.
Sure, but they do play for quite decent prizes too.

Bradley Walsh presents it now. I remember all the ones you mentioned.

But the average intelligence, or ignorance, of the people they select...

The final last week "swimming <blank>".

Contestant said "shorts".

Not "pool" like the celeb.

They had a young man on, a farmer:

"I'm learning to ride, but found I'm scared of heights, so they've given me a <blank> to ride instead."

The farmer said: giraffe.

Not pony, dog, cat, etc ...

Tonight, "Celeb is busy with 2 children. When he's in his shed he sneaks in a <blank>"

Young contestant said: chocolate.

Panel all said nap, sleep, doze bar one who said take-away.

Don't think they understand or have comprehension.

Finally, "Brad looks up to Rylan, but is jealous he doesn't have his <blank>".

Another young contestant said "jazz".

Yes, jazz. WTF?

Jazz, not ji.... joked Rylan.

ALL the panel said: teeth.

I despair for the next generation, our education system is failing them.
@merryone Yes, absolutely agree with your Bridge of Lies comments.
The most unsuitable people put themselves forward. Waste time, don't guess from obvious list.
I assume the tv crew tell them to be verbose and discuss their thinking, but still.

Another comment you hear "oh I,m not very good on <any subjects they're asked>".

Then why did you put yourself on a quiz show.

Just to be on tv, presumably.
I know a lot of people sneer at channel 5 but it's one of my go to channels as they do some good documentaries and I love those programmes about the scandals of the 1970's, they do a lot that looks back at the not so distant past. I know all the taking heads are annoying but I realise they have to do that as they wouldn't be able to use the footage otherwise, I know there's some legal reason. The only soap I watch is corrie but that's gotten too dark and depressing, too many baddies and illnesses I preferred it when the biggest hoo har was Deirdre/Mike/Ken's love triangle. Literally every character on the street has spent time in prison for one reason or another it's ridiculous!
@merryone Yes, absolutely agree with your Bridge of Lies comments.
The most unsuitable people put themselves forward. Waste time, don't guess from obvious list.
I assume the tv crew tell them to be verbose and discuss their thinking, but still.

Another comment you hear "oh I,m not very good on <any subjects they're asked>".

Then why did you put yourself on a quiz show.

Just to be on tv, presumably.
Then you get the programmes at the other end of the spectrum where the contestant's knowledge is so good and they're so quick that you don't have a chance to get your answer in. I'm talking about pop master tv/the hit list. I'm still trying to sing the song think of the answer to find that they've moved on the next question already - frustrating!!!! Some of the contestants can name a song in a microsecond literally by hearing one blinking note and as much as I admire them, it doesn't make for very entertaining tv for ordinary folk like me. I love family fortunes, it's a proper good laugh trying to think of the answers though I do have to put the subtitles on for Gino D'acampo because I can't always understand his strong accent. Love Catchphrase too, good bit of fun. Tipping point bores the hell out of me, like pointless, the chase and house of games also I don't mind the one with Roman Kemp and Sarah Greene
"I'm learning to ride, but found I'm scared of heights, so they've given me a <blank> to ride instead."

The farmer said: giraffe.
Quite comedic :p That being said, IF you are scared of heights, why would you want to ride on one of the 'highest' critters in the world? lol

The show that annoys me the most is Bridge of Lies....
I go through phases, and when Dr Who was on this year, it had that, in it's celeb guest form. I actually watched it. For my own knowledge. Question...... I think it's....... and see if I'm correct. Haven't seen it in any form since Dr Who finished though :p
I wish that there was more shows that didn't waste time asking contestants about their lives...We don't care! Name, where you're from and what do you do for a living will suffice - Like they did on Mastermind, 15 to 1 etc. We really don't need to know that Phyllis likes baking cakes and that she fell down a well in 1986. I guess they're trying to make the contestants feel at their ease but I'd prefer it if this was done before the show off camera. They always have to ask what the contestant would do with the money if they won, and how I'd love someone to come out with "none of your business!"
I wish that there was more shows that didn't waste time asking contestants about their lives...We don't care! Name, where you're from and what do you do for a living will suffice - Like they did on Mastermind, 15 to 1 etc. We really don't need to know that Phyllis likes baking cakes and that she fell down a well in 1986. I guess they're trying to make the contestants feel at their ease but I'd prefer it if this was done before the show off camera. They always have to ask what the contestant would do with the money if they won, and how I'd love someone to come out with "none of your business!"
Filler. And what would you do with the money? :p
I wish that there was more shows that didn't waste time asking contestants about their lives...We don't care! Name, where you're from and what do you do for a living will suffice - Like they did on Mastermind, 15 to 1 etc. We really don't need to know that Phyllis likes baking cakes and that she fell down a well in 1986. I guess they're trying to make the contestants feel at their ease but I'd prefer it if this was done before the show off camera. They always have to ask what the contestant would do with the money if they won, and how I'd love someone to come out with "none of your business!"
So, so true! Drives me nuts! Bradley Walsh: So, Ethelred, what do you do for a living? Ethelred: I'm a plumber. Walsh: Really? So what does that involve? Ethelred: Plumbing. There was actually one occasion when this happened (different occupation) and it was that thrilling, I kid you not. Walsh just stood there, looking gormless.

And I love the people on 'Pointless', who win all of a grand and are going to use it to go on a world cruise, install a new kitchen, buy a vintage Daimler car and give a house deposit to their Auntie Mavis. How? Just how?
And I love the people on 'Pointless', who win all of a grand and are going to use it to go on a world cruise, install a new kitchen, buy a vintage Daimler car and give a house deposit to their Auntie Mavis. How? Just how?
I couldn't be further from a millionaire if I tried, but seriously, 'today' a million goes nowhere. 'Maybe' a house and a car, if you're lucky, but probably just a house (obviously dependent on location). So, how on earth does anyone expect to make £1000 go anywhere. Holiday with some decent souvenirs, and that's being generous. Granted, you'd have to be a fool to turn down any amount of money, but still.
I couldn't be further from a millionaire if I tried, but seriously, 'today' a million goes nowhere. 'Maybe' a house and a car, if you're lucky, but probably just a house (obviously dependent on location). So, how on earth does anyone expect to make £1000 go anywhere. Holiday with some decent souvenirs, and that's being generous. Granted, you'd have to be a fool to turn down any amount of money, but still.
I've noticed that most of the people who go on these shows realise that they're not gonna win a life changing amount of money. I guess it depends upon what show. It's possible to win megabucks on The Wheel/Catchphrase and Millionaire (if you're really lucky) but in general it's a 5-10k jackpot which will get you a quarter of a fitted kitchen, a used car or a family holiday or go towards a forthcoming wedding so most people tend to go on there just to satisfy hedonistic dreams. Ladies wanting to own a designer handbag, blokes wanting a Fender Stratocaster guitar and the amount of people who want to do Route 66 in a camper van is nobody's business! I think if I were to be asked I'd just say I'd spend a bit ie have a holiday to celebrate and put the rest away. I must admit I do like it when I see people winning life changing amounts especially when they really appear to need it.
I cannot stand Pointless, bores the hell out of me.

I have tried a few times to get into it, but I just find myself changes channels.

A Place In The Sun, now I know someone who sold her apartment in Spain on it. She then bought a new build and got it done to her specs.
But the endless Spanish shows, it is just like the same damn apartment or house each show. They look all the ****** same. They film in the winter so it is quiet, and the pool is empty, but it is shared by say only 20 other apartments does not mean only 20 people no could be 3 or 4 people in each not just 1 or 2!

The French or Italian are so much better.
I cannot stand Pointless, bores the hell out of me.

I have tried a few times to get into it, but I just find myself changes channels.

A Place In The Sun, now I know someone who sold her apartment in Spain on it. She then bought a new build and got it done to her specs.
But the endless Spanish shows, it is just like the same damn apartment or house each show. They look all the ****** same. They film in the winter so it is quiet, and the pool is empty, but it is shared by say only 20 other apartments does not mean only 20 people no could be 3 or 4 people in each not just 1 or 2!

The French or Italian are so much better.
I love pointless (apart from all the waffle) in between rounds, but these place in the sun/country etc drive me round the bend and it's usually the people taking part with their huge budgets. Ok I completely get they want something perfect but it just grates on me when they stay stuff like the kitchen is too small when it's industrial sized in comparison to mine or the a couple of acres worth of garden isn't enough when I haven't even got the luxury of a balcony/patio or a back yard! I don't think I've ever seen any of them buy any of them. The closest thing to a conclusion is at the end of the show when they say Tarquin and Margot put in a offer for another house in the area and it's been accepted or for Hilary and Jonathan the search continues - Whoopie!

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