R.i.p ruby


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Jan 31, 2010
What a sh!t morning . I have just had to have Ruby put to sleep, she had a VERY VERY aggressive and fast growing tumor in her anal gland, nothing any one could do for her.
I only noticed something the matter with her on Friday and hoped it was just an abscess, but it turned out to be far nastier then I could ever have imagined.
I can't begin to image'n life without her she has been my constant companion for the last 11 years. She has been a wonderful mother and Grandmother , She is going to be missed by all of us. I was crying so hard when I came out of vets it took me over an hour to drive the 3 miles home.
Run free you will always have a place in my heart, and will live on in Amber and Fern.
Aww Karen that is sad. Bless her heart. Thinking of you xx

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Oh Karen, I'm in tears for you. You must be devastated, and not even given any time to prepare for the worst. Look after yourself, you were so ill after all the stress with Misty, this is a cruel blow to take. Thinking of you. (((((((xxxx)))))))
So sorry to read about Ruby - what a dreadful time you've had recently. Take care.
I am so sorry to hear about your LittleOne. (((cwtch))) (hugs))) to you from AuntySnarly. :heart:
Oh No how sad....Ruby gave you the best gift of all her puppies.Try and celebrate her life tomorrow sending you a hug....
Such a young cat, I am so sorry, I know there is nothing anyone can say to help. I am sure she was deeply loved during her time with you. Sending you massive hugs and purrs from Sidney msx
Oh Karen I am so very sorry to read about Ruby. Taking a much loved pet to the vet and coming home without him/her is always so distressing and hard to come to terms with. Take care of yourself xxx
Love and hugs to you.....our pets are so very special and their loss is felt deeply. Hope your other adorable companions give you the comfort you need. xxxxxx
I'm so dreadfully sorry. It's an acutely painful loss, especially when it's so sudden and unexpected.

Wishing you peace over Christmas and hoping you can find a little comfort with Amber and Fern.
Karen, words fail me reading about Ruby, just after having the blessing of Misty returning. The strength you got from Ruby being your companion over the years will never leave you she will alway be that little shadow or movement you see out of the corner of your eye just letting you know she's checking up and making sure mum's ok., I speak from experience as I have Jack and Darcey with me quite a lot it always brings a smile to my face especially when I sitting down and one brushes past my back I turn round thinking it's Soks there is no one there then I realise I've just had a visit.

Sending you lots of love and light to brighten your path
Mary x
Thank you for all of your kind words they have help me no end but I think I am still in a state of shock.
I know that in giving any of our furry friends a dignified end is one of the biggest ways we can show our love for them, it was just that this was so unexpected and I just didn't have time to get ready for it.
I was out walking Martha and Amber on the beach which was one of Ruby's favorite walks and for the whole time we were walking there was a full rainbow over the sand dunes where Ruby loved to go and flush out the rabbits. It was so amazing and really made me think that YES she was OK and saying don't worry you did the right thing for me.
The others are VERY unsettled and are constantly "looking" for her, last night Amber barked on and off all night, her way of letting me know that she thought Ruby was still out in the garden and need to be let in because she couldn't find her to sleep with.Ruby was always going out during the night and then the door would blow shut and she couldn't get back in ,she wouldn't bark to let me know but Amber ALWAYS let me know her Mum was stuck out side.
This is Ruby's rainbow

It was much brighter in real life

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