QVC v IW forum readers


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Jul 4, 2008
Does the fact that ten times as many people are on the QVC forum as we speak compared with the IW one reflect on the fact that QVC is much more popular than IW - or much less??
Yes I would say so.

Don't watch IW, never sat through a whole show since I first got cable. Anytime I flick over onto IW seems to be the same products over and over and over and over and over again.

Ordered once long ago from them that was it.
Yes for all it's faults QVC has a lot more for people to get interested about.You never hear people on the Ideal World forum speculating as to the 'pick of the day' for example.
I have sat through several IW presentations over the years but gave up watching a few years ago. I have never ordered anything from them.
I've seen bits of IW but seems so boring and repetitive........and there are times when I think QVC are too......but IW really wins hands down in the boring stakes.I once tried to watch birkenstock - but there seemed like 4 basic styles that they just rotating around in one hour :sleepy::sleepy: i've never ordered from them
I've seen bits of IW but seems so boring and repetitive........and there are times when I think QVC are too......but IW really wins hands down in the boring stakes.I once tried to watch birkenstock - but there seemed like 4 basic styles that they just rotating around in one hour :sleepy::sleepy: i've never ordered from them

Four? blimey they were really going for it.....could the presenter cope? :wonder:
Id probably say more IW, but i think i watch it for comedy, Derek Belcher, could do with setting up his own online shop, as he deals with his orders anyway postage and packaging, and the items come from him,
I think people watch QVC more than IW because there are only so many Karschers, Bamix, Poltis, Scarflaces, steam cleaners etc etc that people need. :wink:
QVC for all we complain does definitely have more variety and is generally a much more professional set up. They are generally more hours on there I would choose to watch. Every single time I put IW on, it's either Karcher, Bisell, Polti or the Beauty Bra. Whole hours on one product and the same demos over and over. I actually in many ways feel their presenters have a tougher job. I do like to watch Loen though, she is the best thing on there by far. I've only ever occasionally ordered from them, but bad experiences with their CS mean I will never give them a penny again. I've had problems with QVC orders, don't get me wrong - but I've always found their CS to be good, thus they get my custom and keep me as a watcher.
I'll only ever watch certain shows on IW, and only then for entertainment value.

Pretty much the same as QVC really, as I tend to shop around for stuff I really want to buy.
I've never even seen any other shopping channel other than QVC!!! I am proud of that too, hehe! :D

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I would not touch Ideal World with a shi**y stick. That is all.

It's about time they had some new items in their inventory, so you never know ....... they may start selling those. :wink:

At least it would add some variety to the mind numbing repetitive items. I'm sure IW runs on a loop.

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