QVC sex talk 😬


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It's good to have a rant. I had a good rant when I saw on TV a woman trying to locate her nearest food bank by using the SatNav on her top-of-the-range smartphone.

This is what I LOVE about this place. Even one (or more!) of my (sometimes) hormone-driven rabid rants are accepted. Nay, forgiven!

My neighbour's food bank was referral only but the staff would keep some overstock back for those we all know in the community to be in need. We're pretty lucky to have virtually no homelessness (one man who has mental problems and cannot cope with being inside). A single middle-aged women who gets very little help as her kids are grown and moved away and her ex deliberately 'can't hold down a job' so he doesn't have to contribute financially despite the court order from their divorce saying he must. A few pensioners who are too proud to ask for credit and other financial help. They don't visit the bank but were brought to their attention so now get a parcel every now and then.

The regulars to the bank mostly come from the rough estate next to us where flash cars are parked outside almost every house and all the women look like a modern-day Stepford wife with fake tans, filled faces and fake nails. The women keep the local nail bars, Costas, tan and beauty salons and hairdressers going. Most other shops are now closed in town. The teen boys all have off-road motorbikes (not cheap) that they ride on the roads without helmets. They post all over FB about their newest purchases but can't afford food or other basics. I feel so sorry for the kids as the truancy rate is through the roof so they'll never get their education.

I often wonder if the government started charging for basic education would it make it more desirable to people who put a high value on the wrong things in life.
When I worked at said community centre there was a bus sent round the estate picking up primary school children to bring them to the breakfast club where they would get fed and be able to do homework or play. Some of them arrived with no socks or shoes or filthy clothes. Where were the parents? Many had addiction problems, many were bone idle. Their children clearly weren't their priority and had they not spent their money on other things they would have no problem putting food on the table - if they could be bothered.

If it's free people will take it, whether they need it or not.

Oooh-boy Q are wading into yet more commoditising and commercialising of women's bodies at the same time they waffle on about "all genders".
Sick of it.
Q only care about the 💰💰💰 and regardless of any trends they will follow what puts more #£$£ on their bottom line. They are a business at the end of the day.
The so called Tampon Tax is interesting. You had to pay 17.5% VAT as sanitary products were a luxury, non essential item (oh don't get me started on that...).

Gordon Brown's government reduced it to 5%. When George Osborne was chancellor he said the tax couldn't be totally scrapped as it was under EU law (still in EU at that stage) but claimed the money would fund women's organisations.

When we left the EU the tax it was scrapped. But period pants were not included as they were classed as a garment (but they've now been included).

But of course some retailers were accused of not passing the saving on to customers. You just feel you're fighting against authority all the time. But things are so much better than in my mum and grandmother's time. Even when I started my periods aged 11 in 1978 my mum took me to the local chemist where there was one brand of stick on towels and it was really thick and uncomfortable. Tried tampons but just couldn't get on with them.

So much more choice of products these days, and much more freely available, shops open longer etc. Things are still not good though, some schools accused of not letting girls go to the toilet unless it's break time, and girls still being made to think it's shameful.

More women in politics must be helping, particularly MPs like Jess Phillips who are not afraid to speak openly about these issues.
When I worked at said community centre there was a bus sent round the estate picking up primary school children to bring them to the breakfast club where they would get fed and be able to do homework or play. Some of them arrived with no socks or shoes or filthy clothes. Where were the parents? Many had addiction problems, many were bone idle. Their children clearly weren't their priority and had they not spent their money on other things they would have no problem putting food on the table - if they could be bothered.

If it's free people will take it, whether they need it or not.


Indeed. Parents need to start parenting.

I can't believe kids aren't taught the Green Cross Code. I had a Tufty the Road Safety Squirrel record before I started school and got my ROSPA badge after passing the bicycle test in the school playground.

I got taught stuff in school that's stayed with me and been useful all my life. Now they have lessons where they're told there are 70-odd genders and that they can change sex. With parents clearly not parenting a few lessons in basic cooking would be helpful and basic biological sex education might, just might bring teen pregnancy rate down a bit.

Don't get me started on uniforms. All students should wear trousers. It would stop boys lifting skirts or taking photos. It's now illegal but is still happening in my niece's school. It would help keep costs down for the girls as no tights would be needed.

Parents with children having to have rotten teeth out in hospital should be banned from having kids and have their children removed. It's utter neglect. Parents are too lazy to teach and supervise tooth brushing. We had a dental unit visit our school to teach us the importance of dental hygiene complete with a plaque disclosing tablet to prove the point. Money better spent than on la-la land subjects.

My ex-neighbour was a single mother with 3 kids, aged 6, 9 and 2. She moved them from school to school as she didn't like home truths from the teachers. She was one of those defensive mothers who would tell everyone she was a lioness mother and that no one would ever tell her kids off yet she'd send them to school without coats, and dump them after school while she'd go out. They'd be sent to school breakfast club in the morning then locked out of the house for a few hours after school every night without being fed and without coats even in the rain.

But that was okay cos she was a 'mama bear' who would defend her kids to the death.

Both boys are in prison now and the little girl was a teen mum. Not their fault according to their mum, mind you.

Definitely not their fault. They never had a chance with a mother like her.
Indeed. Parents need to start parenting.

I can't believe kids aren't taught the Green Cross Code. I had a Tufty the Road Safety Squirrel record before I started school and got my ROSPA badge after passing the bicycle test in the school playground.

I got taught stuff in school that's stayed with me and been useful all my life. Now they have lessons where they're told there are 70-odd genders and that they can change sex. With parents clearly not parenting a few lessons in basic cooking would be helpful and basic biological sex education might, just might bring teen pregnancy rate down a bit.

Don't get me started on uniforms. All students should wear trousers. It would stop boys lifting skirts or taking photos. It's now illegal but is still happening in my niece's school. It would help keep costs down for the girls as no tights would be needed.

Parents with children having to have rotten teeth out in hospital should be banned from having kids and have their children removed. It's utter neglect. Parents are too lazy to teach and supervise tooth brushing. We had a dental unit visit our school to teach us the importance of dental hygiene complete with a plaque disclosing tablet to prove the point. Money better spent than on la-la land subjects.

My ex-neighbour was a single mother with 3 kids, aged 6, 9 and 2. She moved them from school to school as she didn't like home truths from the teachers. She was one of those defensive mothers who would tell everyone she was a lioness mother and that no one would ever tell her kids off yet she'd send them to school without coats, and dump them after school while she'd go out. They'd be sent to school breakfast club in the morning then locked out of the house for a few hours after school every night without being fed and without coats even in the rain.

But that was okay cos she was a 'mama bear' who would defend her kids to the death.

Both boys are in prison now and the little girl was a teen mum. Not their fault according to their mum, mind you.

Definitely not their fault. They never had a chance with a mother like her.
Indeed. Parents need to start parenting.

I can't believe kids aren't taught the Green Cross Code. I had a Tufty the Road Safety Squirrel record before I started school and got my ROSPA badge after passing the bicycle test in the school playground.

I got taught stuff in school that's stayed with me and been useful all my life. Now they have lessons where they're told there are 70-odd genders and that they can change sex. With parents clearly not parenting a few lessons in basic cooking would be helpful and basic biological sex education might, just might bring teen pregnancy rate down a bit.

Don't get me started on uniforms. All students should wear trousers. It would stop boys lifting skirts or taking photos. It's now illegal but is still happening in my niece's school. It would help keep costs down for the girls as no tights would be needed.

Parents with children having to have rotten teeth out in hospital should be banned from having kids and have their children removed. It's utter neglect. Parents are too lazy to teach and supervise tooth brushing. We had a dental unit visit our school to teach us the importance of dental hygiene complete with a plaque disclosing tablet to prove the point. Money better spent than on la-la land subjects.

My ex-neighbour was a single mother with 3 kids, aged 6, 9 and 2. She moved them from school to school as she didn't like home truths from the teachers. She was one of those defensive mothers who would tell everyone she was a lioness mother and that no one would ever tell her kids off yet she'd send them to school without coats, and dump them after school while she'd go out. They'd be sent to school breakfast club in the morning then locked out of the house for a few hours after school every night without being fed and without coats even in the rain.

But that was okay cos she was a 'mama bear' who would defend her kids to the death.

Both boys are in prison now and the little girl was a teen mum. Not their fault according to their mum, mind you.

Definitely not their fault. They never had a chance with a mother like her.
What about the father(s)? They had a responsibility as well.
How on earth have we managed to have fulfilling relationships, sex and get through the menopause for decades without QVC’s input? 🙄

Also if people didn’t spend most of their lives glued to their phones and social media then parents would know how to talk to their children and they wouldn’t be left to their own devices (literally) or end up getting fake news from TikTok etc or whatever they spend hours on.

I’m just glad that I grew up in a different and much friendlier and safer “era.”
What about the father(s)? They had a responsibility as well.
How many times are Fathers never in the picture? It always amazes me when couples will have a child but when it comes to getting married, oh No that is a step too far in commitment.A marriage can be dissolved and where there are no children there may be no further contact
I'm watching the 10 o'clock news as I write this. There are parents directing their children to hurl missiles at the police.
I know I read that. Just seen the ones that have been charged for rioting in our town. None were from the town,one was from Lincoln,one from Sheffield and the others from Barnsley,a 17 year old can't be named!!!!!!
The lot of them are just Nazi thugs
I'm watching the 10 o'clock news as I write this. There are parents directing their children to hurl missiles at the police.
I saw this on the News, too, and sadly more than one instance of it. The parents are as thick as mince (although admittedly this is an insult to mince) and the kids should be removed to at least give them a chance in life, otherwise they'll grow up thinking this is the 'norm'. As I used to say: back in the day you needed a licence to have a dog, but any idiot could have a child.
Here we are used to riots. So the batten rounds also known as plastic bullets have been used already. Next few days, if it continues, the water cannon will be used. UK mainland police are just too soft.

It was quite funny on the local news last night. Three people up in court and refused bail.

One out with his children attacking a PSNI officer with his stick, seen on CC TV. He said he was just walking past and stopped to ask the police if his house would be okay?

Two was just out walking his dog but shown on CC TV attacking the police.

Three was a teenager and no excuse given.
Here we are used to riots. So the batten rounds also known as plastic bullets have been used already. Next few days, if it continues, the water cannon will be used. UK mainland police are just too soft.

It was quite funny on the local news last night. Three people up in court and refused bail.

One out with his children attacking a PSNI officer with his stick, seen on CC TV. He said he was just walking past and stopped to ask the police if his house would be okay?

Two was just out walking his dog but shown on CC TV attacking the police.

Three was a teenager and no excuse given.
Better yet we could get the army in on a tank and roll over them if they didn't move.
Hubby was telling me about a 30 year old who said he was just watching but they had video of him attacking a Police Officer. In court he was crying and when he was remanded he started crying for his mum.
The good old days had some very nasty aspects. Children abused and never believed. We are still reaping that harvest.
Overt isms of all sorts.
Women unable to enter into financial agreements without the authority/ countersignature of a male authority figure (hubby, father, brother etc). Women blindly prescribed valium or similar when they went to the GP.
There was a period, relatively recently when we aeemed to have turned a corner and consolidated the many hard-won gains.
Then the western world lost its collective mind.
Rampant misogyny 'disguised' by transgender agenda.
Reverse apartheid promoted under the guise of identity politics.
Bullying amplified by social media.
We are circling the drain right now as a society.
All gives the morons who are using the tragic stabbings of 3 little girls a perfect excuse to be violent and dangerous.
What a time to be alive!

QVC should be a refuge from this nonsense instead of which they smelling the filthy lucre and jumping on the bandwagon.

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