QVC reviews, hmmm.....?


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Ive found them helpful, but I do think they may be a bit biased

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Hi Mia

The same thing happened to me very recently. They were my first reviews: one five-star which was published, and a very negative one-star which did not appear.

I was furous. And, like you, very cynical. I contacted QVC about it a couple of times. Finally I received a reply from someone in customer services, which included this explanation :

"I have been in contact with the relevant department regarding this matter. They have advised that your review of item 142190 mentions the pricing therefore this was not published. We ask that customers do mention this as the price of an item can change."

It seems (amazingly!) that QVC do not retain reviews on a database so there was lots of to-ing & fro-ing about the item number, username etc.

As QVC claimed not to have the original review (and neither did I) I submitted the same comments as best as I could recall them, omitting any reference to price. The one-star review was published very soon afterwards. I did contact QVC again and said that the reference to price ban policy really should be made clear in the guidelines. They claimed that it was in the guidelines but conceded that it could be made clearer still.

If this was why your review was rejected, do try again and see what happens.....
I am glad that I started this thread. It has been so good to hear all your views and experiences. It was interesting to hear about the contact madamgeorge had with QVC. I must admit that I did mention the price in my review. I pointed out, amongst other things, that a pearl necklace which cost £178 should have come more attractively packaged. I wasn't impressed when I received it inside a leather look pouch!

I think I might review it again and see what happens. I was not aware that the price should not be referred to.
Aren't the reviews done through a 3rd party?
I seem to remember when they 1st started doing them one of the presenters saying something.
I have written some stinkers and had them posted. I have commented on whether I thought that the item was VFM but not actually stated the price...I assumed there was no need as the price is listed on the item details. Yes I think that the comments are moderated through a third party business. What does nark me is that you can only comment once. I had so of thir sand pans were they called? the eco friendly non stick stuff I was very pleased with it and so posted a good comment but about 8 months after I got it, the coating started to peel. QVC refunded me no probs but i couldn't post a comment to say that it had peeled
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Well, I know for sure my comments were not obscene or spiteful ( re: guidelines ) so it must be that I made reference to the price! LOL!
One thing that I found odd is that you don't have to buy the item to review it. I appreciate they aren't going to check your account to see if you've bought it but in this case the reviewer said something like they couldn't wait to receive the item. I contacted QVC and asked why they showed a review by someone who did not have the product they said that you can review something from seeing the presentation or seeing it on the website.
I recently wrote 3 reviews for QVC items. The first was rather negative and the other two were glowing reviews with 5 stars. I should say that the negative review was submitted about 12 hours before the others. I checked for all three today and lo and behold there were the 5 star reports but no sign of the other! Needless to say I am not happy!:12:

This happened to me once, too, but on a good review. I decided to try to put further review, expecting to be told the usual "thanks, but you have already reviewed this product", but it didn't happen-my second attempt went through a day later. I have left a couple of dreadful reviews-both published. It's worth trying again, as it's possible that the system fails occasionally.
One thing that I found odd is that you don't have to buy the item to review it. I appreciate they aren't going to check your account to see if you've bought it but in this case the reviewer said something like they couldn't wait to receive the item. I contacted QVC and asked why they showed a review by someone who did not have the product they said that you can review something from seeing the presentation or seeing it on the website.

I think that's just plain daft, tbh. Do you remember someone gave 5-star reviews for a Kim n Co TSV on the day it was aired? Madness!! :lol:
This has happened to me several times Mia. I've always been honest and constructive with the criticism but it's pretty obvious that they only allow a certain percentage of the low star reviews through.
I think there's probably an automated workflow process for reviews, where 4* and 5* reviews go through with only a cursory manual check of the content (weeding out anything totally irrelevant or obscene), and the negative ratings are put through an analysis-by-computer to reject anything that matches a list of criteria set by QVC.
I know I wasn't obscene so I guess it must have been the price comparison I made. Will resubmit without that bit and see what happens lol.
Forgot to say that when I'm considering buying anything I always sort the reviews from low to high as a low review might just have something in it that's the deciding factor in a decision not to buy.
Well, I know for sure my comments were not obscene or spiteful ( re: guidelines ) so it must be that I made reference to the price! LOL!

I reckon that was probably it Mia, you have to be really careful what you say as with feedback elsewhere; any reference to the price, QVC's honesty, better value to be had elsewhere, etc. etc. may & almost certainly will, result in a review not being published!
Forgot to say that when I'm considering buying anything I always sort the reviews from low to high as a low review might just have something in it that's the deciding factor in a decision not to buy.

Yes, me too & of course, (as with our fav online auction site! lol), it is always worth reading through the poor reviews, particularly if there are not many reviews in total, as even a damning review may be due to some nonsensical reason & actually have little bearing on the true quality & value of the product in question! :)
It's all pretty subjective really, isn't it? lol
Yes, me too & of course, (as with our fav online auction site! lol), it is always worth reading through the poor reviews, particularly if there are not many reviews in total, as even a damning review may be due to some nonsensical reason & actually have little bearing on the true quality & value of the product in question! :)
It's all pretty subjective really, isn't it? lol

Yes it is subjective I've seen negative reviews on M & S as some t-shirts were too long but I'm 5'10" tall so for me that's a positive.
I do get fed up with reviews that give one or two stars for some idiotic reason that has nothing to do with the quality of the item. You know...'I bought it to go with my eyes, and it doesn't', or 'It took over a week to arrive.' I'm amazed that those 'reviews' don't get weeded out. I assume the weeders are of the same ilk as the people who type in the QVC item descriptions as if they've heard them over a bad phone line.

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