QVC purchasing from a Husband's perspective


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
I thought this utube video from a QVC USA customer (actually, her 'moaning' husband) was an interesting watch, so I thought I'd share. Im sure some viewers can relate, men, aswell as women!
Maybe this is the rule ' I pay for it, so I have to open it' I must say I wouldn't be enthralled to find my eye shadow stick smudged
Poor guy. He doesn't seem to have a say in the matter. I buy it so you pay for it - she has a problem.
I bet there`s loads of houses where the items are ordered secretly, then the stuff arrives whilst OH is at work and the packages are undone then stashed away without even being mentioned to him or her.
I suppose that`s a sign of the World we live in, forever materialistic, forever looking for the Holy Grail of skincare or makeup and forever wanting more and more.
How sexist this vid is, insinuating that women are the ones who spend, spend, spend (a la Viv Nicholson) aimlessly. My ex fiancée used to haemorrhage money, throughout the 13 years we were together, and then hide the stuff so, whilst cleaning, I would find this purchase hidden under other junk of his, under the bed! Or pay to do online courses he never had time to do! Conversely, I am extremely careful with money.
I wouldn't want my cosmetics opened and tried, either. Wonder if she agreed to him making this vid? I somehow don't think she will want to give her bag to her daughter to play with, it is actually to keep the make up in!
Wouldn't you have loved to see his wife to see if all the purchases were worthwhile ?

Whilst it does seem she buys an awful lot there is something badly wrong that HE is paying and opening the post - a real no no in our house, together with never look in a lady's handbag (!).

This video strongly enforces my belief in earning your own money. I always maintained I would never have to ask a man for money unlike my childhood.
How sexist this vid is, insinuating that women are the ones who spend, spend, spend (a la Viv Nicholson) aimlessly. My ex fiancée used to haemorrhage money, throughout the 13 years we were together, and then hide the stuff so, whilst cleaning, I would find this purchase hidden under other junk of his, under the bed! Or pay to do online courses he never had time to do! Conversely, I am extremely careful with money.
I wouldn't want my cosmetics opened and tried, either. Wonder if she agreed to him making this vid? I somehow don't think she will want to give her bag to her daughter to play with, it is actually to keep the make up in!

I have an OH like your ex fiancee fortunately we have completely separate finances. He buys stuff and never opens it, loses it, wastes it. He is addicted to shopping but this is not common in most men.
Men are likely to make very large purchases.. Cars, motorbikes, expensive watches, computers. Women tend to make lots of small purchases.
I didn't find the video sexist at all,I found it hilarious and something I can relate too as all of my of my purchases from Q have been mostly beauty,I can't wait to show it to my OH.
I didn't think it was sexist, either. Just a poor guy bewildered about his wife's being sucked in to spend his money on stuff it sounds like she doesn't need. The video does show the evil of on-screen shopping which feeds on easily-led, addictive personalities. But open someone else's mail? A definite no-no in our house for both of us, but then again, we've both worked for what we've got and we don't squander it. He probably doesn't know how else to handle it, though, so feels he has to keep tabs on her. He should be more upfront and actually say something to her. Or maybe he has and he's giving up. She needs to examine herself more carefully though I wonder how long that relationship will last if it continues on that level of trust. There is a message for anyone addicted to tv shopping channels or whatever: buyer beware.
The parcels might have actually been addressed to him if his wife had used his card. OH`s daughter regularly gets fishing tackle addressed to her because her hubby only has a business account so uses her card ( with her knowledge ) when he`s buying personal items.
Just showed that vid to my husband. He loved it and now realises that I am not so bad after all! (He also thinks he is now a member of an international "club")
Depends who is paying the bills!As a single householder I don't have to worry about stashing away my purchases, but then again I have to meet all the bills.I have cut back on my Q spending recently but I can see how some people can be easily sucked in to internet buying and to a great degree.I have bought things online which I would never take the time to go & buy in a shop. He didn't mention the 30 day MBG--presume the same in the States?!
Well I have to sneak 48 tarts into the house without the OH seeing them .................. However at least its me buying the tarts and not him :mysmilie_11:
We both pay for everything by pooling our resources. But I definitely spend more in beauty products than he does! I buy stuff for me, him and the kids but obviously it's only me with a skincare routine and make up. But no way do I have as much as that man's wife! Before I met my husband I was single and financially independent for years. I got into a certain lifestyle with beauty products that I have never been able to snap out of, but my bills were always paid-by me. Now they are paid-by us.
I didn't think it was sexist, either. Just a poor guy bewildered about his wife's being sucked in to spend his money on stuff it sounds like she doesn't need. The video does show the evil of on-screen shopping which feeds on easily-led, addictive personalities. But open someone else's mail? A definite no-no in our house for both of us, but then again, we've both worked for what we've got and we don't squander it. He probably doesn't know how else to handle it, though, so feels he has to keep tabs on her. He should be more upfront and actually say something to her. Or maybe he has and he's giving up. She needs to examine herself more carefully though I wonder how long that relationship will last if it continues on that level of trust. There is a message for anyone addicted to tv shopping channels or whatever: buyer beware.
Who is to say it was HIS money she was spending? But even if it was surely, in a marriage, surely the phrase "what's your's is mine and what's mine is mine", shouldn't apply? My initial comment about it being a sexist vid was, somewhat, tongue in cheek. Had he voiced what you have said, I really would have felt it was truly sexist. I do agree, however, that if he is unhappy with the way in which/amount of money she is spending, he ought to man up and confront her, to preserve a harmonious relationship.
Thankfully Mr Crinkly would never dream of opening my post. Occasionally we order things for each other, but if I knew the parcel was FOR him, I would let him open it, whether it was addressed to me or not!

And how about whinging about your life partner on utube? How unpleasant is that? Sort out the problem, in private, to her face. Don't bitch behind her back on the internet.

What a sad little video.

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