Why can't these declarations of non receipt be handled via email?? I realise QVC wouldn't have a hard copy with a signature but if the declaration is sent to the customer's registered email address that is on their account surely that would be good enough. It would save so much time which equates to money in business admin costs plus it would increase customer satisfaction. If a claim was for a high value item where a signature would be important for an insurance claim then those letters should be sent via recorded delivery.
Very good suggestion,PPC.
:thinking: However, until QVC move into the C21st, here's the Blue Peter method that I use:
1) make a copy of any spare 'declaration' forms received;
2) tippex (or cross) out - redact, in modern parlance - the particular details at the bottom of the form; and
3) make some copies for future use.
When an item fails to arrive, contact customer services and report non-delivery, then complete your own Blue Peter form, adding the name of the customer service operative with whom you spoke and the date, and send off using 1st class stamp.
When Q's declaration form turns up, you have another 'blank' to amend and add to the pile!
I concede that it is a bit of a hassle, but at least the money is returned much earlier than it would have been, were you to have adhered to standard QVC procedures.:happy: