Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

I can’t even get on Qurio anymore. I tried to log in yesterday (first time in about 12 months I’d say) and it said it needed to email me a code to prove it was me.
The code did arrive but it didn’t work (invalid link it said) so that’s that. I’m not too bothered though, I’m sure that I’ll be able to cope with the crushing disappointment of not being able to see what the Q faithful have been buying 😂
Okay, there is a post on the Money Saving site on the forum, a woman talking about her mother who has a shopping addiction. Seems she loves the shopping channels, especially QVC, and spent around £20,000. The daughter has taken the mother's debit card away and had to step in with helping to pay household bills. She had found out her mother has taken a £40,000 loan on the house and will no doubt spend it on the shopping channels.
Okay, there is a post on the Money Saving site on the forum, a woman talking about her mother who has a shopping addiction. Seems she loves the shopping channels, especially QVC, and spent around £20,000. The daughter has taken the mother's debit card away and had to step in with helping to pay household bills. She had found out her mother has taken a £40,000 loan on the house and will no doubt spend it on the shopping channels.
Okay, there is a post on the Money Saving site on the forum, a woman talking about her mother who has a shopping addiction. Seems she loves the shopping channels, especially QVC, and spent around £20,000. The daughter has taken the mother's debit card away and had to step in with helping to pay household bills. She had found out her mother has taken a £40,000 loan on the house and will no doubt spend it on the shopping channels.
That's the trouble with shopping channels, they're "company" for some people. I often have them droning on in the background when I'm doing the housework, it's quite nice. The thing is, it's all very well hearing a friendly voice, seeing a familiar face, but when you start listening to what they are saying and start buying all these "wonderful things" you can't live without, then trouble can start. Shopping channels unlike other retailers allow orders to be placed over the phone which makes such spending accessible to those who perhaps don't do computers or mobile phones, often these people are lonely and vulnerable. There's little that can be done about it, other than make a concerted effort to keep your own finances in check, and to look out for your loved ones. The only thing that possibly can be done is to NOT encourage it. The idea of having customer reviews and demos is a good one, but imo they should be part of Q's website, or on their FB page, making it open to all comments positive or negative. I know the Qurio members would disagree, but it's a spender's club - end of.
Merry you are so right. Way back when QVC started I lived alone, discovered QVC, was always working, didn't go shopping in town, liked the idea of buying off the telly. So I did. Clothes, household, then it was garden things then it was food, the christmas parcels, buying christmas presents for everyone, running up debts. I didn't order off the net, I phoned up, had a wee chat, didn't feel so on my own, ordered more.

I now order very little and if I do it's garden things. All the beauty has gone, temptation for bits of junk has gone. Had I been a Qurio member back then (if it had existed) it would have been a disaster. There should be a warning really about not buying things you don't need and can't afford. If your loved ones live alone, elderly parents for instance, check what they are up to. Not only shopping channels but charities and the like as well.

I remember on here we went nuts buying, stockpiles talked about. I got cable TV in 97 and discovered QVC, they sold brands I could not get here in Northern Ireland I had to pay by cheque as they did not take my debit card. Not only that, but I was so miffed I could not get easy pay. Move forward into the 00s and a different debit card, and suddenly I could get easy pay, but didn't really use it much. But then I discovered eBay and only once in my time did I get a fake item and got refunded no problem.
I know I buy too much from QVC. I am a difficult shape and clothes shopping is hell for me, and Kim & Co fits me well. (Not to everyone's tastes but it suits my life). However, I am able to afford it. When I couldn't, I didn't. I buy most of my beauty from Superdrug, but like SBC and M. Assam as a treat. I go to garden centres for plants, Currys for electronics, Argos and Amazon. I listen to pod casts or the radio now, rather than having QVC in the background. I only watch QVC for targeted shows and then switch off. I don't like listening to most of the presenters, sorry. This forum helps me to select what to watch or not.
It is awful that someone built a £20000 debt buying from shopping channels. I hope they can sell some of the stuff to get back some return.
I know I buy too much from QVC. I am a difficult shape and clothes shopping is hell for me, and Kim & Co fits me well. (Not to everyone's tastes but it suits my life). However, I am able to afford it. When I couldn't, I didn't. I buy most of my beauty from Superdrug, but like SBC and M. Assam as a treat. I go to garden centres for plants, Currys for electronics, Argos and Amazon. I listen to pod casts or the radio now, rather than having QVC in the background. I only watch QVC for targeted shows and then switch off. I don't like listening to most of the presenters, sorry. This forum helps me to select what to watch or not.
It is awful that someone built a £20000 debt buying from shopping channels. I hope they can sell some of the stuff to get back some return.
It was the reverse for me! I can afford it now but I can attribute that to seriously culling my shopping habit (especially from the channels) I'm done with skincare (It doesn't work) I remove make up with baby wipes and use a moisturiser on my face. Apart from a jumbo pot of M.asam magic foundation I bought from Q a year or so ago, my make up is cheap, I've got enough jewellery (a mixture of decent and junk) & enough clothes for to cover any occasion. I don't enjoy shopping physical shopping as the high street is so limited these days, so if there is something that I need or want, or a present I need to buy I'll get it from my catalogue where p&p is a nominal amount or free depending upon your spend and their buy now pay later deals are interest free and can be spread over 12 months and you can pay what you want when you want. I still enjoy watching the shopping channels of course, but my purchases are few and far between.
What's even more awful about this is the amount of stories you hear about this sort of thing (though this case is rather extreme) is that the person is found surrounded by boxes and boxes of goods that they haven't even bothered to open. Someone on Qurio ordered a massive teapot with a candle inside which can't even be used as a teapot as the spout is closed, paid nearly £40 for it and called it good value! She said that it'll be handy to put teabags in once the candle's finished! I think there's a big difference between what you can comfortably afford and value for money. QVC are not value for money.
I've got a few of Kim's clothes and they're great, but the prices have rocketed!
It was the reverse for me! I can afford it now but I can attribute that to seriously culling my shopping habit (especially from the channels) I'm done with skincare (It doesn't work) I remove make up with baby wipes and use a moisturiser on my face. Apart from a jumbo pot of M.asam magic foundation I bought from Q a year or so ago, my make up is cheap, I've got enough jewellery (a mixture of decent and junk) & enough clothes for to cover any occasion. I don't enjoy shopping physical shopping as the high street is so limited these days, so if there is something that I need or want, or a present I need to buy I'll get it from my catalogue where p&p is a nominal amount or free depending upon your spend and their buy now pay later deals are interest free and can be spread over 12 months and you can pay what you want when you want. I still enjoy watching the shopping channels of course, but my purchases are few and far between.
What's even more awful about this is the amount of stories you hear about this sort of thing (though this case is rather extreme) is that the person is found surrounded by boxes and boxes of goods that they haven't even bothered to open. Someone on Qurio ordered a massive teapot with a candle inside which can't even be used as a teapot as the spout is closed, paid nearly £40 for it and called it good value! She said that it'll be handy to put teabags in once the candle's finished! I think there's a big difference between what you can comfortably afford and value for money. QVC are not value for money.
I've got a few of Kim's clothes and they're great, but the prices have rocketed!
I agree about skincare. I do pay closer attention to my cleaning and exfoliating, put on an oil and then any moisturiser done.
With the candle review, there was no comment about the smell. Please excuse my opinion, but a lot of reviews are not reviews ( what is good, bad, does it work) they are just - look what I bought.
I do try to look around and check prices. I see the postage as part of the price.
I agree about Kim’s prices. My wardrobe is stuffed so I need nothing more. I had a good clear out when I retired but it has crept up again. Oh dear!
Does Qurio serve a purpose No!
Is it addictive Yes!
Are people drawn into this fantasy cyber world of family and togetherness Yes.
Are people getting into debt,maybe who knows.
Did the cheerleaders try in the past,to encourage people to spend more money,with their heads-up frenzy on a daily basis.
Have people seen sense I certainly hope so🙂
Does Qurio serve a purpose No!
Is it addictive Yes!
Are people drawn into this fantasy cyber world of family and togetherness Yes.
Are people getting into debt,maybe who knows.
Did the cheerleaders try in the past,to encourage people to spend more money,with their heads-up frenzy on a daily basis.
Have people seen sense I certainly hope so🙂
Agreed - but with a few tweaks it could be (but the powers that be can't be bothered)
Not sure yet - From what I've seen over the past year or so, is not a picture of folk that would rather spend money on QVC at the expense of putting food on the tables, heating their homes, or even having luxuries like foreign holidays and other leisure activities. What I have seen though is people wouldn't know value for money if it hit them in the face, cannot recognise that their homes are starting to look like warehouses, think that their skin looks good because of all the gloop they use (absolutely nothing to do with the fact they've not yet reached the time when "proper aging" sets in) can't close the wardrobe door, but would sooner buy another wardrobe than to have a sensible cull and so on. I would say that it's a combination of apathy (on both sides) and Hyacinth's sabbatical that's brought Qurio to this sorry state. I'd be surprised if the spending has stopped, but people are not prepared to take the time to make presentations that are gonna be seen by an ever decreasing handful of people, who'll make such mindblowing comments as "that's nice"! QVC don't give a $h*t about it and that's become more and more obvious, no check ins from KP, no name checks, no prizes to win. I believe a Whatsapp group has been created so members can communicate without having to hastily put up a video of their old vacuum cleaner in order to able to take part!
QVC - You need to kill it or cure it - that's if you know it's still there!
I remember on here we went nuts buying, stockpiles talked about. I got cable TV in 97 and discovered QVC, they sold brands I could not get here in Northern Ireland I had to pay by cheque as they did not take my debit card. Not only that, but I was so miffed I could not get easy pay. Move forward into the 00s and a different debit card, and suddenly I could get easy pay, but didn't really use it much. But then I discovered eBay and only once in my time did I get a fake item and got refunded no problem.
Ebay is brilliant tbh. If you do have issues they sort things out is a timely and fair manner. Plus I get NECTAR points.
I often see something on QVC that I want to try and so buy it from eBay. I never want huge sets of anything but can usually source a single item that I’ve seen in a set on eBay …. and it works out cheaper because I’ll use it.

I also like the fact you can pay via PayPal which gives added protection, as well as being able to collect Nectar points. Their refunds, via PayPal, are far faster than QVC’s as well.
By its very definition Qurio really encouraged shopaholics to spend more,it’s as simple as that!
Even the most ardent QVC supporters could not deny that.

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