Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Katy P has just done a video with a demonstration of how to apply/use the Elemis pick of the month. There’s the word “ad” at the top of it. 😳 MissLadysmith has already done a lengthy and fairly good video of the same product so I don’t think Katy has actually bothered to read the other reviews. 🙄 Doing another one, which is obviously advertising the product because of the word “ad,” seems unnecessary to me unless the product isn’t selling as well as they thought it would.
I think you have to put AD on your videos if you have a commercial relationship with the brand, from observing social media influencers bitching about it.
I haven’t been around for ages spilling out my words of wisdom! Well never watch Q any more my attention span doesn’t extend beyond a few seconds.I did however dip into Qurio and it doesn’t get any better does it OMG.I do not want to see Hyacinth in the shower, I would never think of subjecting anyone to viewing myself in that state and as for the leopard stalking through what I think is Gatwick with as much luggage as Joan Collins, words fail.I thought the trend now was to ’go hand baggage’?I am keeping away from air travel until I think things are running a bit more smoothly but then it would be a major research project on luggage sizes etc. All I can say about Qurio is thanks for the laughs, Action!!
You know, had Q had this Quiro thing some years ago I might have been one of the ladies we're now commenting on. You somehow become immune to the amount of money you're spending. You order the christmas hampers, mince pies, tons of presents even though you live alone and no one visits. You end up chucking it all out.

I agree we should be pointing out that spending on things you don't need when you don't even have the money is a good thing, but there's a deeper problem with compulsive spenders and also with lonely people buying into a lifestyle that is probably never going to be theirs. QVC don't care, they only want people's money. If anyone comes on here and confesses then we should be kind. In fact I think Ballerina did just that but I haven't seen her for a while. Hope she's OK.

I think it is an addiction like any other, they get such a high from receiving their parcels. And like any other addiction they can only stop when they decide. My brother is a hoarder, sorry, "record collector". He buys vinyl non stop. He shares my flat because he can't cope on his own. It's quite normal for him to receive 5 parcels a day, albeit just one 7" single in each. He was obsessive as a child and my dad didn't discourage it, he built floor to ceiling shelving in the hallway, he thought he was being a good dad. I remember my brother saying, aged about 10 "there's no limit to the stuff I can bring in this house". I'm 2 years younger and was shocked even then. His only meaning in life is the acquisition of more records. His stuff has to stay in his bedroom as I won't let it spread. Most of his room is just shelving but he can't get to the stuff behind. He said recently "I haven't got too much stuff, I just have too little space to store it". He will never accept that he has a problem so will never address the issue.
Mavispinklady(bonking dog woman) is now a model,apparently modelling old helmet hairs clothes was she on yesterday?
Of course nothing wrong in that,but any future reviews on clothing made by her are surely a bit suspect if your modelling the tat.
Also Qurio seems to have another to good to be true video maker,suddenly appeared in their ranks.
Don’t forget Nicola’s bedspread(itwouldn’t look out of place in a house of ill repute)tacky and cheap doesn’t do it justice😂🤔
Mavispinklady(bonking dog woman) is now a model,apparently modelling old helmet hairs clothes was she on yesterday?

Of course nothing wrong in that,but any future reviews on clothing made by her are surely a bit suspect if your modelling the tat.
Also Qurio seems to have another to good to be true video maker,suddenly appeared in their ranks.
I had to look at Saturday's shows to find this and I wonder how she managed to get this gig? They didn't mention Qurio on screen, probably because she only ever appears in Kim's stuff. Surely this is gonna make her Qurio mates want a piece of the action too - What next Hyacinth parading around the set in her towel?!
Is the "too good to be true" video maker Jess Rou? The young lass that looks good in the stuff, for some reason something doesn't quite sit right with her, I just get the feeling she's a "plant" put there to attract a younger demographic, which it probably won't, but maybe they're hoping that the mums will buy the stuff for their daughters, or alert their daughters to the wonderful fashion they could be buying...just a bit odd that's all!
Going back to humping dog lady, she didn't look great in Ruthie's stuff bless her, the stuff she was modelling was far too tight for her!
Don’t forget Nicola’s bedspread(itwouldn’t look out of place in a house of ill repute)tacky and cheap doesn’t do it justice😂🤔
I just can't believe that she didn't realise that she could claim her postage back after all this time she's been a customer, and boy, she has sent a lot of stuff back! To be fair to her, I think this should be automatically returned if you've sent something back within 14 days, maybe a tickbox on the form would be more convenient than having to phone them and make a special request!
Don't blame her for returning that throw, it looked bad enough before inevitably the gold spray started to split and fade. We knew she would be back didn't we?!
Stroke of genius by QVC to get mavispinkbonkingdoglady involved,I’m sure the sheep will follow and lap it up.
Found the clip reminds me of 2sizes2small🤔
Stroke of genius by QVC to get mavispinkbonkingdoglady involved,I’m sure the sheep will follow and lap it up.
Found the clip reminds me of 2sizes2small🤔
I agree, because it's definitely gonna incite others to buy more stuff if they think they're in with a chance of getting this sort of "stardom" lol! But why her? I just don't get it, she only ever buys Kim & Co, yes she posts a lot, but then so do a lot of the others. Her appearance hasn't been mentioned in any way shape or form over on Qurio which I find extremely strange, and again why is she modelling for RL.
To be honest I don't think there's anything wrong with having customers as models, I actually think it's a great idea, but this is weird and I'm not really sure what to make of it....if there's any fishy business involved I can't quite work out what it is! Any ideas?
The only fishy business is if she does rave review videos for helmet hairs clothes,then that’s a conflict of interest and certainly not independent as a reviewer.
Other than that being a model for QVC is fine by me,in fact good for her nice to see a person from the general public.
The only fishy business is if she does rave review videos for helmet hairs clothes,then that’s a conflict of interest and certainly not independent as a reviewer.
Other than that being a model for QVC is fine by me,in fact good for her nice to see a person from the general public.
Sorry to sound stupid, but are you saying that it would only be fishy if she suddenly starts posting rave reviews about old Helmet hair's clobber? Yes, I agree that would be a bit suss! What I'm most baffled about is why this particular lady has been invited to model Ruth's clothes on Ruth's show, had she been invited onto a Kim hour, I would totally understand it. Let's face it, apart from the odd exception, everything she's reviewed on Qurio has been Kim & Co. I wonder whether she approached them, maybe she's got a connection with Q in some form, perhaps she used to work for them - God knows? I find it most baffling!
Sorry to sound stupid, but are you saying that it would only be fishy if she suddenly starts posting rave reviews about old Helmet hair's clobber? Yes, I agree that would be a bit suss! What I'm most baffled about is why this particular lady has been invited to model Ruth's clothes on Ruth's show, had she been invited onto a Kim hour, I would totally understand it. Let's face it, apart from the odd exception, everything she's reviewed on Qurio has been Kim & Co. I wonder whether she approached them, maybe she's got a connection with Q in some form, perhaps she used to work for them - God knows? I find it most baffling!
Yes if she starts reviewing ruthless clothing,then it’s fishy and it should be classed as a advert and not a normal review by the Qurio shopaholics.
No problem in her modelling the clothes,just don’t leave any reviews on them.
Yes if she starts reviewing ruthless clothing,then it’s fishy and it should be classed as a advert and not a normal review by the Qurio shopaholics.
No problem in her modelling the clothes,just don’t leave any reviews on them.
Still gives me no idea to how she managed to get herself on the show! I can't help guessing that she knows someone who managed to pull a few strings. As for the suitcases.....I loved them! I'm not a lover of gaudy clothes, but I'll happily pull a whacky suitcase, and they're easy to spot on the conveyor belt!

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