Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Hi am new to the forum . I do watch QVR occasionally.. more in morbid fascination than in buying mode .
Has anyone else thought that certain posters on Qurio are planted there to encourage the others posting ?
I was a member of an Aldi group on Facebook for a while until it got so bitchy that I could stand it no longer and there seemed to always be one somewhat jokey poster ( they stayed for a few weeks and then disappearednto be replaced by another new friendly poster!) recommending random stuff .. doing reviews or just being all pally and over sharing without too much to identify them in real life. No visible Facebook details either.
One reminded me of one of the posters and shared the same name too ?
Welcome Bettyhere, hope you enjoy yourself here on the forum.
I think we did notice a bit of a kerfuffle with a social media influencer on Qurio in the earlier days. I think brands cannot help themselves when it comes to social media. It does them no credit and then renders trust in reviews by anyone participating meaningless. Some reviews are already meaningless when the review is to say it's arrived, or the package looks nice. Maybe it will get better over time, but some wonderkid will reinvent the wheel, think they are clever enough to escape detection... and fail!
Welcome Bettyhere, hope you enjoy yourself here on the forum.
I think we did notice a bit of a kerfuffle with a social media influencer on Qurio in the earlier days. I think brands cannot help themselves when it comes to social media. It does them no credit and then renders trust in reviews by anyone participating meaningless. Some reviews are already meaningless when the review is to say it's arrived, or the package looks nice. Maybe it will get better over time, but some wonderkid will reinvent the wheel, think they are clever enough to escape detection... and fail!
Thank you .. yes I suppose it is tempting to influence people but obviously not very honest ! I just wondered if this person was a professional 😊 being featured on the adverts for Qurio and all that lol ! Most of the posters seem to be genuinely delighted with their purchase or Not ! And certainly braver than me … I did buy a feather mattress on special a few months ago which is rather lovely but not sure how I would present it . Maybe I should give it a go and give you all a laugh 😂
Thank you .. yes I suppose it is tempting to influence people but obviously not very honest ! I just wondered if this person was a professional 😊 being featured on the adverts for Qurio and all that lol ! Most of the posters seem to be genuinely delighted with their purchase or Not ! And certainly braver than me … I did buy a feather mattress on special a few months ago which is rather lovely but not sure how I would present it . Maybe I should give it a go and give you all a laugh 😂
Hi, welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy it!
This is it, I mean why on earth would you? I totally get it when you buy something that exceeds expectations, but what's wrong with writing a good review? A review that will be seen by those who are wondering whether or not to buy a particular item. Qurio is nothing more than a random, crazy spending fest, that does nothing other than to encourage others to buy stuff that they most likely had no intention of buying in the first place. You can't look up reviews because they're not categorized in any way, a lot of stuff has been bought as a tsv or in clearance anyway, so the chances of getting it at the same price, or even getting it at all, is pretty minimal, so imo it's pretty pointless. What's in it for the contributor? unless there's a chance to win something (which seems to be a thing of the past after the spectacular Mother's day fail) well absolutely nothing. Why are they so anxious to make sure that other people spend their money with QVC? Unless they are so addicted that they genuinely worry that if they don't do their bit to boost sales then the channel would go under leaving them literally "lost at sea"!
The one thing they do actually do is that, they give us a laugh. Hyacinth's latest video showing her son unboxing his birthday presents (not all from Q) was actually quite sweet and to be fair it was a good choice of gifts and as she said "He's made up with them". She then went to tell QVC that they're missing a trick not stocking more stuff for men. One of the gifts she'd bought was a Hugo boss t shirt and she seemed genuinely upset that she hadn't been able to buy it from Q - Why, just why - when you know full well it will be top dollar, there'll a ridiculous amount of p&p added and it'll be crammed into a plastic bag and squashed through your letterbox!
Very few would be addicted to writing reviews it’s the moving pictures in the hope to be a star on Q which is feeding them.
I’ll bet there are hundreds, if not thousands not on the tatty appy who are addicted to the buying and receiving of online items - many here and I include myself have admitted that when Q sold decent stuff we all went overboard and bought as an Olympic sport. I would probably still be doing it except there isn’t a single thing that I would be arsed jumping through Q hoops to own.
You could give Qurio shopaholics some sound advice,but it would go in one ear hole and out the other,because none of them have a brain,some even make jokes about all the easy payments they pay each month.
Bonking dog woman (Mavispinklady) even has her daughter in on the clown act for QVC😂
A few of them in the chat box are more critical of QVC. They’re saying that QVC clothes are old fashioned and frumpy or a ridiculous price like the MW offerings.

The criticism is not from the regular video customers, who must be single-handedly keeping QVC’s profits from bombing, 🙄 but maybe those who do appear to have their postman on a bit of elastic will read the comments and take note.
That’s why EZPay isn’t something that I choose to use, nor have I ever used my credit card. I’m lucky that I can afford to buy things that I want, but EZPay and a credit card only encourages spending, in my opinion, and none of us know what’s around the corner financially the way that the cost of living is rocketing,
You could give Qurio shopaholics some sound advice,but it would go in one ear hole and out the other,because none of them have a brain,some even make jokes about all the easy payments they pay each month.
Bonking dog woman (Mavispinklady) even has her daughter in on the clown act for QVC😂
To be honest, I thought her daughter looked stunning in that dress, but youth and a good figure always helps. She was saying she has a stoma bag and the dress is comfortable and covers well - brave lady. That aside, some of Kim's offerings are lovely, but there's a saying "Too much of a good thing" and sadly with the humping dog lady, this is the case and she does tend to look like a bit of a caricature - She's happy and probably very sweaty lol!
We have another Kim fan in da house! Young lady, and yes she looks great . As I said in the previous post - youth, and a good figure always helps and in this lady’s case a gorgeous tan!
Her presentations aren’t slick so she’s not screaming “influencer” , however, the cynic in me is wondering whether she’s some way involved with Q , she works there behind the scenes or her mother does. It’s bad but when a presentation stands out as different, I can’t help myself wondering lol!
In the chat bit, one of the ladies has said she's bought something she doesn't need (sparkly trainers) and how they won't get much wear as she lives in the "muddy countryside" - She admitted to being addicted, a few regulars have admitted that too , including Erika. None of them seem to believe there's a problem, or a problem brewing and have justified these huge spends for reasons such as I don't drink or smoke, and shopping makes me happy...ooh dear!
Can we have a minutes silence for Nicola,not been seen for awhile maybe just maybe all the kids jewellery she bought,has been valued and found to have no resale value at all.
Loved Qurio Loved QVC 💡until she had to return so many items guys🤣
I'm so glad that she has appeared to have seen the light, by disappearing. However, I do feel it's only a matter of time before she's back. Erika, bless her will never go, seems to me that she never sends anything back and by the looks of things, she really should. One of her most recent veedios was of a finery dress, yes it may have been a great saving, but babe, the dress looks uncomfortably tight on you and really doesn't hang right. The comments tell her that she looks stunning in it, and of course nobody wants to tell her the truth, but you've only got to look at the dress on the website to see how it's supposed to look, and "about to burst" is not it. Perhaps had she bought a larger size it may have looked a little better. The colour didn't do much for her either, she looked like a character from a dystopian novel. In the chat bit when they were discussing their addiction, she said she sticks with Q because her MIL has clothes from Q that she's had years because they still look good as new - Yes she probably does, because she buys so many she probably only wears them once!
Those poor Qurio shoppers now complaining about Christmas in August!
Its spoiling the real meaning of Christmas for them,simple don’t watch it, then nothing to complain about 🙈
Nicola’s back! But in the comments section talking about the ridiculous price of mince pies on Q . Keep up the good work - don’t slip back into their jaws!
You know, had Q had this Quiro thing some years ago I might have been one of the ladies we're now commenting on. You somehow become immune to the amount of money you're spending. You order the christmas hampers, mince pies, tons of presents even though you live alone and no one visits. You end up chucking it all out.

I agree we should be pointing out that spending on things you don't need when you don't even have the money is a good thing, but there's a deeper problem with compulsive spenders and also with lonely people buying into a lifestyle that is probably never going to be theirs. QVC don't care, they only want people's money. If anyone comes on here and confesses then we should be kind. In fact I think Ballerina did just that but I haven't seen her for a while. Hope she's OK.


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