Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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I don’t have the tatty appy and don’t watch much but caught a few minutes of LR at lunch time when a “customer” phoned in by video call to originally to talk about LR but very quickly was asked about what else they liked which was Kimmy jumpsuit and on it went.

It felt like 1995 but with moving pictures! Is this what it has come to?
Cartoon conveyor belt 276078015_10160.jpg
Just watched hyacinth in her 88th video ,her first one was only 5 months ago,so that's averaging 18 purchases per month ,plus there's probably some she hasn't reviewed ! All that crap plus 88 p+p ,in her first video she's boasting about her wrinkle free skin ! No mention of the ginormous bags under her eyes ,or sagging skin ,meeow ,I'm just being bitchy ,but hey it's cost me nowt !!
That woman’s spending is off the scale she must have a very good pension, there is a quip about the ‘holiday home’ too.Even if you could easily afford would you really want to announce your lifestyle so much.Perhaps a little discretion especially at the moment might be called for?
That woman’s spending is off the scale she must have a very good pension, there is a quip about the ‘holiday home’ too.Even if you could easily afford would you really want to announce your lifestyle so much.Perhaps a little discretion especially at the moment might be called for?
I didn’t see it, but I’m sure a poster here said that she mentioned that she had received an inheritance. I have heard her refer to the caravan. it looks like she scours the website to find “bargains”. If you need something, say a pair of shoes, then getting something that is in clearance might be a bargain, but its not a bargain if you don’t need it. When something is reduced you don’t save you just spend less.
Just watched hyacinth in her 88th video ,her first one was only 5 months ago,so that's averaging 18 purchases per month ,plus there's probably some she hasn't reviewed ! All that crap plus 88 p+p ,in her first video she's boasting about her wrinkle free skin ! No mention of the ginormous bags under her eyes ,or sagging skin ,meeow ,I'm just being bitchy ,but hey it's cost me nowt !!
In all honesty with all the money she's spent on this gloop she could've afforded cosmetic surgery!
That woman’s spending is off the scale she must have a very good pension, there is a quip about the ‘holiday home’ too.Even if you could easily afford would you really want to announce your lifestyle so much.Perhaps a little discretion especially at the moment might be called for?
I agree, but as we know, she doesn't. In her eyes it's the perfect antidote to all the bad going on in the world at the moment, though it's pretty clear that they're only bad when they start to affect her on a personal level. Hey, at least she's got a tonne of Cozee Home blankets if they have to switch the heating off. It does seem pretty obscene though when you see these poor people queuing up in freezing cold conditions trying to escape their war torn country. People who actually NEED blankets, and there she is stroking the plush fabric with her manky ole nails...."Ooh this one's got a pretty cat design on it -F*** off!
Not sure there is really any need to go in so hard on the Qurio users :(. Some posts in this thread rightly mention about being sensitive to what’s going on in the world but how are you going to make the world any better with nasty comments. Mocking their looks and their homes. How’s that sensitive ? If you want people to be kind you lead by example. I’m sure there are lots of genuine people on here that worry about how spending could be a manifestation of depression or loneliness but there are also some that come across as bullies. Of course them people must have perfect lives with perfect homes / looks / nails / style or they wouldn’t feel in a position to make such derogatory comments about others. Maybe they could spend their time appreciating their perfect lives rather than looking for opportunities to insult people. The world needs SO much love and positive energy now. Might be nice to concentrate on that instead. I found this forum on a search engine and clicked on out of curiosity as I used to use QVC for the odd skincare set and they’ve been mailing me re Qurio. The app isn’t my really my thing but I’ve watched recent reviews and I don’t see any maliciousness. Yes people may be spending a lot of money but maybe they work / have worked hard for it. I don’t think you can assume that they’re not also supporting charities with their money. I really can’t see anything in their behaviour that warrants the level of vitriol from some members of this forum. Maybe they use Qurio as a confidence boost or as a community. Maybe they don’t get much validation elsewhere or maybe they just do want to tell people about products they like. They’re not being nasty, they’re not ripping each other apart, why rip them apart ? Where’s the win ? We’ve all had the be kind message for very good reasons over the last few years. Maybe we could remind ourselves of that ethos. It really is a good one.
"MaybeTryToBeNicer". Well that's a very virtuous username isn't it? We are nice and our comments aren't nasty, just to the point. We're actually a very caring bunch of people, but you wouldn't know that as you're new.

I’m sure there are lots of genuine people on here that worry about how spending could be a manifestation of depression or loneliness I am a genuine person and I have spent thousands because of depression and loneliness. I feel qualified to advise on that to others.

If the world (forum included as I'm guessing that we're in the world) needs so much love then go away and give it. I don’t think you can assume that they’re not also supporting charities with their money. Don't you assume any such thing because we're not assuming anything either.

Stop preaching and "be kind" - to us.

I get what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong. The thread was started by myself as I was shocked by this app and initially saw the encouragement of compulsive spending. I expressed my concerns to QVC. The thread has turned into a bit of a soap opera and I admit to forgetting that the “characters “ are real people and have said things that I’d be unlikely to say to their faces. Despite this - The crux of this thread is the unethical nature of this app. Where’s the win? Try asking the CEO of Q!
I get what you’re saying, don’t get me wrong. The thread was started by myself as I was shocked by this app and initially saw the encouragement of compulsive spending. I expressed my concerns to QVC. The thread has turned into a bit of a soap opera and I admit to forgetting that the “characters “ are real people and have said things that I’d be unlikely to say to their faces. Despite this - The crux of this thread is the unethical nature of this app. Where’s the win? Try asking the CEO of Q!
I agree re QVC and I’ve raised it in feedback to them. If people are struggling to control their spending I think they have a responsibility to identify them patterns and trigger a process to help. Not sure what that would look like or how it would be received but they certainly should be treating their customers with respect and care. In response to other replies I don’t see any reason to insult the app users though. If that makes me preachy & happy clappy I’ll wear the badge.
I feel its a bit like other "vices" ie when drink companies say "drink responsibly" I always think they must mean yes do drink responsibly but not so little to affect our profits, and gambling is
the same, telling us to have limits and take time out from gambling, should we now be told to shop responsibly or asked can you really afford this? I don't want to sound like I am trivialising what people are saying on here, but surely it's peoples own responsibility to spend there money wisely or not, or do people think Qurio shouldn't exist?
I feel its a bit like other "vices" ie when drink companies say "drink responsibly" I always think they must mean yes do drink responsibly but not so little to affect our profits, and gambling is
the same, telling us to have limits and take time out from gambling, should we now be told to shop responsibly or asked can you really afford this? I don't want to sound like I am trivialising what people are saying on here, but surely it's peoples own responsibility to spend there money wisely or not, or do people think Qurio shouldn't exist?
Brilliant question and after giving it some thought, I’ll say this. I actually believe that Q intended to create this community full of “real” demos, useful hints and tips. This is far from what they got - yes, they were to expect some amateur productions, shaky camera work, and with their tips section, and Katy Pullinger coming to the rescue, they addressed this. However, it would take a blind person not to notice a gathering of people with seriously worrying spending habits, and that the app is actively encouraging this behaviour, and like other addictions, it should at least come with a warning/ link to a helpline. It’s easy enough to do! Giving Q the benefit of the doubt here, they didn’t intend to create an “addicts club”, but this is what they’ve got. If they can’t recognise this and address it , then no, it shouldn’t exist. Better off incorporating it into their website, or one of their other social media platforms, where the reviews will not only get a wider audience, concerns can be discussed openly - not hidden away to fester and brew !
Agree totally with the comments Merryone has put forward.This whole discussion started from a disbelief as to the spending habits of some people who appear on Qurio and expressed concern about their behaviour.If that is uncaring? When some people on any social media platform be it Qurio or any other display concerning habits and a lack of intelligence, emotional or otherwise they lay themselves open to comments and questioning.Ripping people apart is not something I would attribute to anyone here, some pointed comments, yes, but let us not get carried away please.
Not sure there is really any need to go in so hard on the Qurio users :(. Some posts in this thread rightly mention about being sensitive to what’s going on in the world but how are you going to make the world any better with nasty comments. Mocking their looks and their homes. How’s that sensitive ? If you want people to be kind you lead by example. I’m sure there are lots of genuine people on here that worry about how spending could be a manifestation of depression or loneliness but there are also some that come across as bullies. Of course them people must have perfect lives with perfect homes / looks / nails / style or they wouldn’t feel in a position to make such derogatory comments about others. Maybe they could spend their time appreciating their perfect lives rather than looking for opportunities to insult people. The world needs SO much love and positive energy now. Might be nice to concentrate on that instead. I found this forum on a search engine and clicked on out of curiosity as I used to use QVC for the odd skincare set and they’ve been mailing me re Qurio. The app isn’t my really my thing but I’ve watched recent reviews and I don’t see any maliciousness. Yes people may be spending a lot of money but maybe they work / have worked hard for it. I don’t think you can assume that they’re not also supporting charities with their money. I really can’t see anything in their behaviour that warrants the level of vitriol from some members of this forum. Maybe they use Qurio as a confidence boost or as a community. Maybe they don’t get much validation elsewhere or maybe they just do want to tell people about products they like. They’re not being nasty, they’re not ripping each other apart, why rip them apart ? Where’s the win ? We’ve all had the be kind message for very good reasons over the last few years. Maybe we could remind ourselves of that ethos. It really is a good one.
I think what started as a little banter and shock of how much a few Qurio ladies were spending has turned into something I find uncomfortable to comment on ladies appearance like eye bags and horrible yellow nails and their appearance this forum has gone off track and has crossed the line into a kind of bullying we all commented at the beginning about the competition between a couple of ladies trying to outdo each other with their reviews me included but to attack how they look is wrong just imagine how they would feel if they have read this ,what started off as a bit of a giggle has gone completely the other way most comments are about their looks ,I expect a big backlash from a couple of you but Maybetrytobenicer is right
OK Cazza there are a couple of comments which may have gone a bit far but that is it, but let us keep this in proportion.I have decided not to check on Qurio because there are much more important things in the world to concern ourselves with than someone reviewing their multiple purchases from QVC & I stress multiple not just the majority of posters, now I find that lacking in a degree of awareness and sensitivity.

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