Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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You've got to be so careful in this day and age. At the risk of sounding like a sad stalker, but to illustrate a point, armed with the information she inadvertently gave me (and everybody else on the tatty appy) I found her on FB in a matter of minutes. She has applied no privacy measures to ensure that personal details, photos etc are visible only to her contacts, pure madness imo. If you want to brag to strangers over the internet about a 4 month cruise you're going on - don't arm with them names, dates, addresses, reference numbers etc. The app might appear to be a friendly safe space for these brainwashed eejits to show off their purchases and talk to like minded people - but it's always wise to remember, however innocuous an app or a forum seems to be, it's still the internet, and you don't know who's watching. For every person who contibrutes to the tatty appy, there'll be more than one who doesn't - You don't know them, but they'll know you if you're not careful!
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You've got to be so careful in this day and age. At the risk of sounding like a sad stalker, but to illustrate a point, armed with the information she inadvertently gave me (and everybody else on the tatty appy) I found her on FB in a matter of minutes. She has applied no privacy measures to ensure that personal details, photos etc are visible only to her contacts, pure madness imo. If you want to brag to strangers over the internet about a 4 month cruise you're going on - don't arm with them names, dates, addresses, reference numbers etc. The app might appear to be a friendly safe space for these brainwashed eejits to show off their purchases and talk to like minded people - but it's always wise to remember, however innocuous an app or a forum seems to be, it's still the internet, and you don't know who's watching. For every person who contibrutes to the tatty appy, there'll be more than one who doesn't - You don't know them, but they'll know you if you're not careful!
Yes 👍 didn't take long 🙄
You've got to be so careful in this day and age. At the risk of sounding like a sad stalker, but to illustrate a point, armed with the information she inadvertently gave me (and everybody else on the tatty appy) I found her on FB in a matter of minutes. She has applied no privacy measures to ensure that personal details, photos etc are visible only to her contacts, pure madness imo. If you want to brag to strangers over the internet about a 4 month cruise you're going on - don't arm with them names, dates, addresses, reference numbers etc. The app might appear to be a friendly safe space for these brainwashed eejits to show off their purchases and talk to like minded people - but it's always wise to remember, however innocuous an app or a forum seems to be, it's still the internet, and you don't know who's watching. For every person who contibrutes to the tatty appy, there'll be more than one who doesn't - You don't know them, but they'll know you if you're not careful!
You can see her address on the invoices. Easy enough to find a photo of where she lives.
You can see her address on the invoices. Easy enough to find a photo of where she lives.
It’s just so incredibly stupid. You hear so many terrible stories of elderly people being cheated out of their life savings, being burgled and attacked in their own homes. So often you hear them say “they were so plausible “ - and I very much doubt whether they’d been splashing their personal details all over the internet or announcing the fact that their house is gonna be empty for 4 months! So much is being done to prevent this happening to elderly and vulnerable people, there is so much publicity. This silly silly woman is throwing common sense out of the window, and what for? A tonne of rather tatty clothes and a chance to brag about her holiday. I ****** hope it’s worth it!

I would just like to add that the owners of this dreadful app should include a warning about giving out or displaying personal information - it’s basic really. I’m hardly surprised though as this app seems to have very little thought put into it.
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To most people this would be common sense? I tear my name/ address off anything before it goes in the recycle bin never mind flashing for all to see! Some of these Qurio people are just so self absorbed in their own little world.If that consists of waxing lyrical about some trousers from Bon Marche and top from QVC save the cruise money as they won’t know New Brighton from the Bahamas anyway.More, concentrating on ‘ what will I wear for the Captain’s dinner tonight’
To most people this would be common sense? I tear my name/ address off anything before it goes in the recycle bin never mind flashing for all to see! Some of these Qurio people are just so self absorbed in their own little world.If that consists of waxing lyrical about some trousers from Bon Marche and top from QVC save the cruise money as they won’t know New Brighton from the Bahamas anyway.More, concentrating on ‘ what will I wear for the Captain’s dinner tonight’
One would think so, but like I've said in previous posts, this app has completely "blindsided" a lot of people. Not only has it made people buy more overpriced tat than I'm sure they would've done before, it's made people, Hyacinth in particular at the moment take leave of their senses. I've got a good mind to contact Q again regarding this. I shall tell them that I'm concerned for one of their contributors regarding how they are giving away far too much personal information, which has the potential to cause untold damage to her and her family. I shall strongly suggest that they display a warning about this sort of thing.
Thinking about it, it is actually quite shocking that the makers of an app that they know will be inhabited by older people (and young of course) who perhaps aren't all that internet savvy. Common sense? It doesn't always come with age as we can see here. Off to compose my email!
A very polite email has just been sent, and here it is. I wonder how they'll respond to this, if at all? Probably, thank you for your concern we'll pass your comments to the relevant department, or they'll steer me towards something in the small print that I've missed. I'm pretty sure that I haven't, but if I have, I still think that this should be given prominence. Anyhow, here were are

Hi, I thought I'd share a concern I have regarding the app, and I feel that this should be addressed promptly.
There is a very prolific contributor who goes by the user name of HollyDolly. I am becoming rather concerned as I have noticed that she is disclosing a lot of personal information in her comments and on her videos. Most recently, a close up of a letter showing her full name, and home town, and a shot of her email inbox showing reference numbers for a holiday she's been talking about a lot. She has previously shown a pile of invoices where her home address is visible. She has been telling people when she is going away and for how long - I find this extremely disconcerting.
I'm wondering whether the community host could pop her a message, but if this is inappropriate, please think about setting out a prominent warning to your users about being careful not to disclose too much in the way of personal information. Although this is a community app, it is still the internet and has the potential to cause harm.
Many thanks
Hollydolly has thanked someone on the pineapple top review for alerting her to the fact that her personal details were on view.

If her cruise does get cancelled (although heaven forbid that the current, dreadful situation in Ukraine goes on for that long) what on earth is she going to do with all the tops etc that she bought for it? I hope she’s got a big wardrobe.
That amount of clutter would drive me mad because I like “neat and tidy.” As for blocking the window with piles of plastic boxes full of stuff, well ….. words fail me. 😳
that bathroom is absolutely ridiculous! Who in God's name needs that many products???? How do you keep the place clean, must take hours🙄
Oh my gosh how unhygienic are all those products all over the place and even on top of the toilet!
Just how does she manage to flush the loo without everything going everywhere.
It’s a wonder how stuff doesn’t get knocked over the place and somethings smashed.
The only stuff we have in ours are soap, hand wash, toilet paper and towels. Luckily when we had a new boiler we lost the hot water tank and the airing cupboard to on the backside knocked through to create an enlarged en-suite wet room.
On the landing side is now a good shallow floor to ceiling shelved cupboard for all our toiletries, bedding, towels, mats, for shower cleaning: window vac and cleaning products all neatly hidden away.
That amount of clutter would drive me mad because I like “neat and tidy.” As for blocking the window with piles of plastic boxes full of stuff, well ….. words fail me. 😳
Omg it looks like a hoarder house what you see on tv when they clear it and find masses of unused stuff apart from that it’s so unhygienic in the bathroom
Has anyone seen the loo brush review? The number of products Nicola has in her bathroom is unbelievabl. She must have spent a fortune.

Hyacinth is getting rather indignant on the post about the pineapple top. She’s definitely not the sharpest tool in the box.
Holy Moly! Never seen anything like it! Love the way she calls it a "bog brush" though - I'd love to see Hyacinth's review on this - She'd never say something so common :ROFLMAO: Anyway gotta love our Lola, omg you can see me in mirror I've just got out of the shower, firstly I'm sure she's done an entire review wrapped in a towel and a turban, and we've seen "more" when she's reviewing her jumpsuits lol!
That bathroom - Organised chaos, however, I'm amazed that someone would block a window with boxes - I don't know about anyone else but sometimes it's necessary to open the bathroom window, since smallest rooms can get a bit steamy and er.....smelly! Those boxes omg, I don't fancy trying to get something out of the ones at the bottom of the stack, what a hassle!!!! And never have I seen anybody pile stuff up on top of the cistern. I also see one of those "useful" Harry Slatkin jars which appears to be empty!

Let's go on to Hyacinth, she had a chance to redeem herself there, "The cruise has been cancelled twice already, and I'm getting a bit paranoid, but of course in the grand scheme of things I'm extremely lucky, I didn't mean to be flippant" - but oh no, up she gets on her high horse denying she said anything about the war, fabricating what she said, even though it's there in black and white for all to see, and then had the cheek to accuse others of turning her lovely app "political". Well, sweetie, if you stop making such crass and insensitive comments and show a little humility, then it won't!

Someone has kindly told her about all the personal info she's shown I'd like to think that it was somebody from Q, but I doubt it. I doubt if they've even looked at my email as I've had no acknowledgement as yet. I mean I could've told her myself, however, I thought it was something that Q needed to address. If I hear anything I'll keep you posted.

Finally Lola's promised us another review after she's used the "bog brush" - No before and afters please! :poop: :poop: :poop:
If it doesn’t go in a cupboard or on internal pockets in the shower it doesn’t get bought.

Bedroom has 1 serum, 1 moisturiser 1 deodorant, 1 small bottle of Black Tulip sitting on a tray, Mr L has very dry skin so has a couple of bottles of stuff - everything else (spares) in a cupboard. The skant amount of makeup I have is in a roll up thingy (from Q) is in a cupboard beside the dressing table. When I decorated the bedroom I had a massive clear out of stuff I didn’t use but held on to “just in case”. Mind you I have dedicated a deep drawer to “hospital drawer”. When Mr Lwas rushed to hospital it was manic to gather up stuff for him and I know he wouldn’t be as efficient as me so I now have a drawer with PJ, undies, teeth stuff etc which I use and then replace so we can just lift and run if need be. Actually I find it quite depressing even though I know it is sensible.

Cant stand toiletries everywhere.
Well, having not been able to view the Quiro app for weeks, I am now able to. Not quite sure whether that is a win or a lose. Anyway, just saw Lola's bathroom. MY GOD! What a blooming mess. So much junk, all over the place, every nook and cranny filled to the brim. It is not my bathroom, but yeah gods, I am going to have nightmares about it. :ROFLMAO:
I must admit, I have far too many toiletries in my bathroom, (nothing on that scale I hasten to add), thankfully I have 3 built in shelves so none of the stuff is in the way. I have a couple of bathroom cabinets on the wall. The mirrored one over the sink is empty and the other one on the opposite wall contains my bath foam stash . Other than that, the current bath foam, shampoo/soap dish sits behind the bath taps. Other than a liquid soap on the sink, that's it. Nobody would walk into my bathroom and say "F*%*ing hell"!
It did tickle me a bit when Lola said she bought the "bog brush" because it was a space saver - I guess the more room she has on the floor, the more shite she can cram in!
What I find particularly shocking is the fact she appears to live alone, all this stuff for one person?!
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That bathroom would give me nightmares! I have bottles and jars around but nothing like that! She must have an amazing salary to buy to the extent she does.
How many skincare/make up items can she use? She's got boxes of stuff. All I've got stored in my bathroom is a wire basket from Primark for my bathroom cleaning supplies, and a four shelf plastic storage unit from IKEA for spare towels and haircare/skincare items. Her bathroom makes me stressed.

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