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I was watching a Michele Hope outlet yesterday 'cause there was nothing else on and I could do with a bit of a laugh, when they were showing those awful "laces" in garish colours - I think Lola's already bought 3 of the buggers and she says she'll wear them as beach cover ups when she's on holiday. Anyway the BA/Kabler were going through how versatile they were, great with jeans, dressed up, dressed down, beach cover up etc etc. Now I know I probably shouldn't be putting ideas into their heads, but what a money spinner this would be "Lola, one of our lovely ladies over on Qurio, has bought three 'cause she said they'll be great as a cover up on the beach", or "Hyacinth has bought these nail polishes 'cause there's a colour for every occasion, and she's gonna be wearing the gold one when our CEO comes round to tea". Something like that would skyrocket the competition over there, not only that it would attract a lot more subscribers too!
Hyacinth would of course buy the periwinkle coloured one to match her Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles :)

Not keen on Michele Hopeless, looks dated on any age, lurid colours and no way is is stylish. Who is her demographic I wonder?
Hyacinth would of course buy the periwinkle coloured one to match her Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles :)
Sheā€™d not let me near her Royal Doulton, far too crack handedā€¦.Iā€™d be getting my tea in a beaker, like Elizabeth; whilst Hyacinth is busy refusing orders for the Chinese takeaway on her ā€œwhite slimline telephoneā€.
Lolaā€˜s vanished I hope she has come to her senses.
.....and this is exactly why that forum is not the hub and community of friendship they try and tell us it is! Unless you're up and spending and showing off everything you've bought, they don't wanna know, and even if they did there's no way of conveying any sense of concern - Where's the community there?
I hope she's come to her senses too, and as CC's just said I hope she's ok too.
Our Webby and his mods know how to run a forum and this is everything that Qurio is not. We can message one another, talk about anything and everything, including selly telly. Q couldn't even run a proverbial pi$$ up in a brewery, and it's high time they knocked it on the head or at least listen the feedback they've been given and make a few tweaks (It can't be that difficult)!
Maybe she googled Qurio and came across this forum and recognised herself, although they rarely do, and either decided to go AWOL or has come to her senses and is busy packing up as many returns before the 30\60 mbg runs out
Iā€™m beginning to think she has come across this forum as well ,it certainly made me think twice about ordering stuff off qvc just for the sake of it which I have done in the past it can be very addictive especially on easy pays but this forum is great itā€™s straight to the point and makes you realise how you can get sucked in by the sales pitch,I still dab in Q now and then but will only order something I need or really want thank you to all the (lovely ladies)šŸ˜‚excuse the pun on this qurio forum for opening my eyes to this shopping channel and for the laughsšŸ˜‚
If we are honest they isnā€™t anything on Q that we need but many see things they want. If you can afford it and will use it and think you havenā€™t been ripped off thatā€™s fine - its the mindless spending addiction thatā€™s a problem. Been there (most of us have to a greater or lesser degree) but thankfully we have all moved on, in my case mainly because there just isnā€™t anything to buy but I guess if I was into beauty products it might be a different story.
Hyacinth would of course buy the periwinkle coloured one to match her Royal Doulton with the hand painted periwinkles :)

Not keen on Michele Hopeless, looks dated on any age, lurid colours and no way is is stylish. Who is her demographic I wonder?
Good question! I really don't think I could tell you. I bought a couple of her shirts, a skirt and a couple of camis some years ago, I would've been in my late 30's/early 40's I would have guessed and I can't tell you what possessed me. Perhaps I thought they looked a bit "different". I remember the skirt. It consisted of a poo brown coloured polyester lining covered in a longer layer of patterned lace with all manner of garish coloured splodges of bright yellows, acid greens and purples. The cami/lace blouse I bought was ice cream green and went with absolutely nothing in my wardrobe, it even looked a bit iffy with a pair of plain blue jeans, and boy did it make me sweat buckets! The other item was a blouse with skinny sleeves and big flouncy cuffs. It was a splodgy design of pinks, purples, white and black...again very sweaty and the dangly sleeves got in the way of everything. I think at the time I was "in the zone" and believed all the $hit they told you in the demos.
I don't think she's got a demographic, but she's just preying on the people who are currently in the zone and will literally buy anything. Since I've woken up to possessing a wardrobe of styles and colours that a) suit me and b.) can be worn with lots of other items in my wardrobe to make many wearable outfits, I've hardly bought myself anything new to wear for a good couple of years and I intend for it to stay that way.
As for paying 20 odd quid for something you're intending to wear as a "beach cover up" = pure madness when Primark sell that sort of thing for about Ā£4 a pop!
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I bought a coat in a sale and sent for another one which I need to pick up tomorrow Intending to keep one although knowing me Iā€™d probably have kept both.
However I saw another one which was far more suitable at half price but they didnā€™t have my size so Iā€™ve been keeping an eye out to see if it appears. Yesterday I saw it in my size but it must be very big sizing as it was too big. However they have the current version, different colour (loved both) and of course full price. Trying on a smaller size it fitted perfectly so I decided a full price coat which fitted was better than half price which didnā€™t and will return both the sale coats as this one is more suitable. Itā€™s not often I do this and Mr L was astounded I showed a bit of sense. Ofcourse I may end up returning them all (or nonešŸ¤šŸ˜‡)
Maybe she googled Qurio and came across this forum and recognised herself, although they rarely do, and either decided to go AWOL or has come to her senses and is busy packing up as many returns before the 30\60 mbg runs out
I think the same, it is very odd that she has stopped appearing, although I do hope she is not unwell.
Qurio, a sense of community, yeah, care in the community more like!

I can't say why but I once bought from Michele Hope's range. Again I too was in the zone and got carried away. Blddy awful cami and cardigan in chiffon (polyester of course). Put it on and it fit, so put it away for Christmas time, 2 years ago now. I wore it on New Year's day and it was sooo sweatty. I never wore it again. Reading this thread has remind me to get it out of the storage nox and get rid. Coming soon to a charity shop near me (laundered of course) LOL xx
Qurio, a sense of community, yeah, care in the community more like!

I can't say why but I once bought from Michele Hope's range. Again I too was in the zone and got carried away. Blddy awful cami and cardigan in chiffon (polyester of course). Put it on and it fit, so put it away for Christmas time, 2 years ago now. I wore it on New Year's day and it was sooo sweatty. I never wore it again. Reading this thread has remind me to get it out of the storage nox and get rid. Coming soon to a charity shop near me (laundered of course) LOL xx
I have bought a few things from Kim in the past and bar a couple of "mistakes" they've been absolutely lovely. I had two or three tube skirts with a small slit at the back so you could walk properly, I only culled those because they were heavily patterned and didn't fit in with my streamlined wardrobe. I still have two of her dresses and I love both of them. The other Kim dress I had was my absolute favourite, it was slimline shimmer plisse slash necked evening dress and it was stunning. It was a dark wine colour with a black shimmer. I reluctantly got rid of it when it started to wear thin, and I discovered a patch of the wine colour had rubbed off showing a blob of black - It wasn't obvious, but it was to me, so it had to go! I got many years of wear out of it. From what I can see, her offerings have gone right downhill, she's not in Michele Hope territory just yet, but she's getting there!

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