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Sorry to confuse as Merryone said Lola ( Nicola) of cleavage fame is aptly named as she has LR running through her veins.I called JoJo ‘ Shirley Valentine ‘ she so reminded me of the film character helped with her Liverpool accent, haven’t seen much of her lately? The ‘stars’ of the show seem to be these two and Erika who I am sorry I cannot a tune my ears to her accent!
Thanks for highlighting this app,it will be interesting if any other tat sellers appear Delboy,Chunts,etc,would be to good to ask a question,on how they can justify the overspending and addiction behaviour of this app.
They'd have to stick to the official party line - and that is it's a fun app, that allows it's members to give real reviews and demos and be part of a friendly community. Friendly it most certainly isn't - I know we joke about the rivalry on there, but it's real . On paper it sounds great, until you stop and think. Selly telly is not the same as bricks n' mortar or even regular online shopping. It's riddled with people who watch for company, see the presenters as their friends, will order ridiculous amounts of stuff and send in texts and messages...eg "I've got 50 Cozee Home throws and today I'm ordering it in every colour". What we see on the app is the tip of the iceberg. Most of the people apart from being out of control spenders appear to be people with jobs, families and friends - and whilst what we see is truly shocking, we don't actually see the real horror stories. The reply I was given to my email was that they couldn't do anything about anyone's "worrying spending habits" unless they were specifically instructed to do so. What they haven't considered are those who haven't got anybody to do that for them, the postman's probably the only human interaction they ever get. What can they do about this? probably not much, but they can most certainly not normalise this sort of behaviour thus encouraging other people to get themselves into financial difficulty. You can see people being influenced to buy more tat. That bunting necklace is a case in point, it's popping up on the reviews like chicken pox.
Like a lot of us have been saying, some kind of recognition regarding the serious problem of compulsive spending disorder would be something.
As for "unboxing" - That has been invented by the Freebie crew - Craig, Flinty et al which is pointless and annoying especially when we know they're not having to pay, but watching the "mug punters" savaging open boxes with lethal looking kitchen knives, knowing that they've paid a fiver for the box, let alone what they've paid for the contents within, is just as pointless and slightly worrying! I remember seeing Lola vigorously shaking a box, saying I'll be surprised if the contents aren't broken....I was thinking well they ****** are now you daft bint!
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Maybe we should send them some suggestions - Perhaps they should have a top of the pops style spending chart "Shirley Valentine" goes down two places, "Lola goes straight in at number one with her latest purchase of 17 jumpsuits" - but will she be able to hold on the number one spot for Xmas? - they've missed a trick there.
Perhaps they can have different categories like in a dog show. Biggest spend on goods, biggest spend on postage and packaging, most extreme unboxing - "Call that a knife, Lola?!"
Or maybe they could include an online board game..beat your opponents to the centre of the board and become CEO of Q. Your new jumpsuit has a dodgy stain on the crotch area..go back 4 spaces, You've just spent your life savings on Cozee Home, good girl, go forward 2 spaces, Lola's made a nice comment on your video - Free p&p forever (cause that's never gonna happen), The Dog's making sweet love to the leg of your wellness pants.....whack whack ooops, you lose!
Maybe we should send them some suggestions - Perhaps they should have a top of the pops style spending chart "Shirley Valentine" goes down two places, "Lola goes straight in at number one with her latest purchase of 17 jumpsuits" - but will she be able to hold on the number one spot for Xmas? - they've missed a trick there.
Perhaps they can have different categories like in a dog show. Biggest spend on goods, biggest spend on postage and packaging, most extreme unboxing - "Call that a knife, Lola?!"
Or maybe they could include an online board game..beat your opponents to the centre of the board and become CEO of Q. Your new jumpsuit has a dodgy stain on the crotch area..go back 4 spaces, You've just spent your life savings on Cozee Home, good girl, go forward 2 spaces, Lola's made a nice comment on your video - Free p&p forever (cause that's never gonna happen), The Dog's making sweet love to the leg of your wellness pants.....whack whack ooops, you lose!
No, they're one and the same. Nicknamed Lola due to the unfeasibly large collection of (practically identical) Lola Rose bits! Her jumpsuit collection is fast catching up with her Lola Rose collection!

Oh right, I see what you mean now. I was wondering why I couldn’t find any videos by “Lola.” 🙄 I guess there are other names that could be appropriate though. 😉
Wow! Nothing from our lovely ladies for a couple of days now. Where are they? Answers on a postcard please. I'll start - Lola's allowed out now, so she's popped on 10 jumpsuits cause it's dead parky out there and 50 necklaces, and she's popped out to the CO-OP. On second thoughts, she's probably going through Q's website to find herself a jumpsuit for NYE!
Erika still going strong.
Even with no delivery’s 🚚
I’m guessing normal service resumed on Wednesday for Lola.
I caught a bit of the Lola Rose sale show yesterday and Craig thanked Nicola who had sent him photos on Twitter (I think) of her collection. It looks like in the absence of any deliveries she had to get her fix that way.
I avoid photos as well because Mr CC takes my photos and I always look like a witch or an elephant. He surpassed himself when taking the photo for the ID badge for my new job - I look like a crack user. . . .

I have no need to win a Ninja cooker as I bought one but it's so ****** complicated I've barely used it. It does make nice bacon though 🐷

I think we should judge said photos for ourselves - just pop them up on screen for us ! 🥰
I think we should judge said photos for ourselves - just pop them up on screen for us ! 🥰
As requested, here is the photo you wanted - - - ;)

Screenshot (2).png
Check out the last 1 minute of the Nails Inc video, the customer shows the camera a named email from the new qvc uk ceo

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