Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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At some point I hope all those buy now pay later people will come to their senses. The excess of indulgence at Christmas is so unnecessary.
I listened to a phone-in earlier in the week, and one mum was getting her daughter a 'new' (to her) scooter for her daughter. She had been side-eyed for weeks and months by other mums for not replacing it already.
Another mum uses the gifting advice for her kids: something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read. For some, 4 presents is unattainable, yet for others it would seem mean.
Frankly, though, that's more or less what my parents used to do... and many pre-loved or hand-made things among them.
It is a shame that people aren't presented more regularly with alternative approaches to a season which should be about spending quality time with loved ones...with faith based activities if it's your thing.
Our daughter found that 4 present idea on social media a couple of years ago; it was her little girl's second Christmas, thought it was wonderful & decided that would be how she'd do Christmas. She says the gifts in the stocking are from Santa but the others are from mummy & daddy.
After reading the posts here, I downloaded the app out of curiosity.

I think that the majority of those customers, who appear on Qurio, definitely have issues. 1) because they buy so much from QVC and 2) because they want to be seen on video with it all. I certainly wouldn't. Maybe they're going for their 15 minutes of fame.

The only video I have watched all the way through was from a lady who'd bought some Tili acupuncture type mat. I wasn't the least bit interested in the mat, but did find myself chuckling when she started laughing about her experience with it. With the others, I just say to myself "Oh, not you again" and I close their window down.
I was hoping that I'd get a response from Q regarding my email, but nothing as yet (No surprises there) I sent it on Friday morning and I had immediate acknowledgement and was told I'd have a response within 72 hours. by my calculations, the time's up, however I'll give them until tomorrow afternoon and send it again with a little footnote as to how I feel this needs to be addresssed! It could be that they're not fully staffed over the weekend, or that perhaps my words need a little more than a standard response hence the delay (doubtful). More than likely, I'll hear nothing, but I'm not gonna let the matter go that easily - It's not on!
I don't expect them to close the app, but I would like them to acknowledge that shopping addiction is dangerous and to at least include somekind of warning or link to a helpline. Yes, of course there are people addicted to other retailers - but I've yet to find an app from another retailer that does nothing other than encourage people to go crazy with their money and to show off about it! Most retailer apps I've seen, offer points that lead to discounts, offer exclusive savings etc etc.
I've got a work colleague who's among our social group - I remember on one of our girlie trips out to The Range when, one of the ladies spotted on of those smoked glass vases with a string of fairy lights inside and said...Oooh I like that - Cheryl piped up "I've got one of those "Amanda Holden, you know"! One of the other ladies replied "Oooh very nice" . I managed to stifle a giggle and said nothing but thought "Uh oh - Qvc" . The version in the range was pretty damned identical but for a fraction of the price of course - maybe she was embarrassed to admit that she'd paid through the nose for hers - but I kept schtum! Just now she has posted a photograph of herself wearing an "Astrakhan coat" - I immediately thought "Ruth Langsford" - checked out Q's website, and sure enough it was identical. She's had some comments saying very nice etc etc, but none directly about the coat (yet) I'll be interested to see whether she purrs "Ruth Langsford" - Somehow, I don't think she will - I mean, you wouldn't would you? I'd be embarrassed! Do you know what, the devil in me is spurring me on to write...beautiful coat Cheryl and see what happens! Yeah I'll do it!!!
Oops done it - I'll let you know lol!
Actually feeling a bit bad after all I've said about Q - should I really be encouraging people's Q habits? No probably not. The coat does look nice on her, I'll give her that! And just spotted a pic of her in a black "pleather" biker jacket - could it be an exclusive RL? - Yup I'd say so!
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To be honest, I'll not worry too much about Cheryl, unless she starts posting loads of her purchases on Qurio. Hopefully she's got it in check. She keeps an immaculate home and is always well turned out, and yeah, so what if she buys a few bits from Q, absolutely nowt wrong with that....she does put her name down for a lot of overtime though!!!
Addictive shopping is just as bad as addictive eating, drinking, gambling, drug taking, stealing etc. There should be warnings on the QVC sites to shop responsibly and links to helplines if you're just buying for buying's sake and end up in debt (me, but not now but I still buy things I shouldn't).

It could be that those who appear to be addicted to shopping actually lack imagination & only buy from the Q. Over the last 20 months we've had most aspects of normal everyday life taken away from us three times & restrictions placed on us even when we weren't locked up so those who may have bought clothes & other stuff from real shops only had selly telly or online sales. I don't have credit or store cards, my savings are for good enough for a showery day & won't need money when I shuffle off this mortal coil. I don't give my money to multinationals & those companies that import tat from countries I detest & the Q now only deals with these.
The lady with the dog is on again but dog is behaving this time!The outfit is not for me but the Kim &Co. cardigan she is wearing is £42 then there will be the P&P. I can spend on clothing but always think is it worth the cost in quality, performance and look.They obviously are hooked into the hype that QVC give any clothing offer because it certainly ain’t value for money! This app. Shows their level of unquestioning devotion to QVC, gushing about purchases which show a complete disregard for the money they are parting with.
It could be that those who appear to be addicted to shopping actually lack imagination & only buy from the Q. Over the last 20 months we've had most aspects of normal everyday life taken away from us three times & restrictions placed on us even when we weren't locked up so those who may have bought clothes & other stuff from real shops only had selly telly or online sales. I don't have credit or store cards, my savings are for good enough for a showery day & won't need money when I shuffle off this mortal coil. I don't give my money to multinationals & those companies that import tat from countries I detest & the Q now only deals with these.
I think you make a good point there, however, I think that people can become as addicted to the shop as much as to the goods they sell. I freely admit that I prefer to buy everything from my catalogue, and seriously, there's been times when I've nearly bought something that's been a better deal elsewhere. So far I have always stopped myself, because it's ridiculous, and have either decided against buying the item at all, or have gone for the better price elsewhere, but seriously haven't had the buzz I've had from buying from my usual place - What's all that about? Maybe, this is a bit how the minds of these people work, but many don't have, or they ignore the "good sense mechanism" when it tries to kick in. I mentioned the "buzz", and yes I do get a buzz from knowing a parcel is coming, but it is rare for me to get a come down when it arrives. Nowadays, I've got myself into the habit of only buying things I really need, or really really want, so I'm rarely disappointed.
I think we all like "a one stop shop" - I've often gone into town with a list of a few bits I need to get which are more often than not available from a single retailer - I've gone in and spotted one of the items on my list, looked around for the rest, and if I'm unable to find it all, and if the stuff's not vital nine times out of ten I decide not to bother with any of it - I guess we all have our little foibles.
I am thankful that I don't, or should I say, no longer have a QVC/shopping channel addiction, and as much as I love my catalogue, I would never pay more for something just because it's them. A shopping addiction is unhealthy enough as it is, but when it's with a company like Q where it is possible to spend money on nothing, ie the things that many retailers provide free of charge - It's 100 times worse. I hope some of these ladies "see the light" eventually. Off to check my emails - I'm not holding my breath lol!
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Glad to see these lovely ladies keeping Chunts in the style she is accustomed to,after a long break apparently back soon,OMG will It never end I thought panto was beckoning for her, but she’s suddenly announced the comeback 🤬😂
My latest gadget, £3-49 from Ebay, free PP, had it in about 3 days.

Various colours available, I chose the gold, very shiny and pretty.

Snowflake multi tool.jpg
Snowflake multo tool sefse.jpg
As Tuesday draws to a close, I still have no response from Q about my concerns. Instead of chasing them up, as I said I would do today, I've decided to give them the benefit of the doubt for the unlikely scenario that they're actually considering what type of response they could give. If I do leave it until the end of the week, there's no way they can accuse me of not giving them a chance. I shall probably just copy and paste my original statement and send it over again with a foot note to let them know how disgusted I am by their lack of a reply. I'm seriously thinking of closing my account officially, I know they wouldn't give a flying %*£" but at least I'd feel better for it and would no that however tempted I was in future to give them any of my money - I wouldn't be able to!

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