My wife died in 2021. I was particularly emotionally reliant on her, and in many ways for practical things, too. She was a senior NHS nurse manager and very much things had to be done her (Matron's) way, - including domestically at home. So like most men in that position, it was best to let her get on with it - as whenever I did do a job that she normally did, it was never right and she usually then re-did it! Since her death, I obviously have to do everything around the house and look after three dogs at the same time. But I cope and I was determined to cope.
My partner's mother is 85 and her husband died about five years ago. There IS an example of a relationship where he did absolutely everything for her. Every domestic task at home he did. Every practical task in general he did. He was her emotional rock also. As a result, she is completely hopeless, both emotionally and in practical terms without him, and it is my poor, unfortunate partner who now has had to take on his role at the age of 63. Hence, it is difficult to generalise on which ***, post a bereavement, finds it more difficult to cope, or cope at all. It varies from case to case.