Qurio - a socially interesting documentary!


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Lola is back with Nikki & Me!
Same old Lola Rose stuff under a different name now.
Do they never learn😂
Yes this is her second appearance in the last couple of weeks showing her Nikki and me stuff she’s bought direct. What puzzles me is why she’s hoping they’re coming to QVC. I’ve had a look at the website and it appears that p&p is capped at £2.98 per order or free if you spend over a certain amount. They have sale items and a 15% discount for new customers, and you can use Klarna if you wish. From her video you can see that her order consisting of 4 different items were beautifully packed in the same box. If she’d have bought that lot from Q they’d have come in 4 separate plastic bags secured by a lacky band and crammed through her letterbox and she’d have paid an extra £16 for the pleasure. What is wrong with these people?!
Why do QVC allow someone to promote goods bought elsewhere that they do not stock on Qurio? Why Lola needs more Lola goodness knows.
In the early days that video would've been removed, but now the organisers don't give a monkeys and I'd be very surprised if anyone from Q looks at it any more. While I'm typing this, it's suddenly dawned on me why Lola has expressed her wish that Nikki & Me would come to QVC. I'm sure she's not stupid enough to want to pay more money for inferior service, she probably thinks that if she mentions the Q word then the video isn't in breach of the rules. I'm gonna forgive her on this one, because she's been away for a while and during that time, the tiniest $hit QVC ever gave about the tatty appy has long gone!
I'm not one for collecting things myself, but there are collections and collections - and overpriced junk jewellery isn't one of them lol!
Yes this is her second appearance in the last couple of weeks showing her Nikki and me stuff she’s bought direct. What puzzles me is why she’s hoping they’re coming to QVC. I’ve had a look at the website and it appears that p&p is capped at £2.98 per order or free if you spend over a certain amount. They have sale items and a 15% discount for new customers, and you can use Klarna if you wish. From her video you can see that her order consisting of 4 different items were beautifully packed in the same box. If she’d have bought that lot from Q they’d have come in 4 separate plastic bags secured by a lacky band and crammed through her letterbox and she’d have paid an extra £16 for the pleasure. What is wrong with these people?!
I think she was trying to justify showing them on Quirio. They take down videos NOT about qvc products. I think it is t&cs. I think she was tempting them from the dark side into the light.
I have looked at the Nikki& Me range online and Qurio Lola must have spent well over £100 on the trinkets she is showing off ( well it’s her money, so what).When she gets to my age, or probably half my age she will be able to look at something and think ‘I don’t need it’ simply because it is so close to something you already have.I went away over Christmas and was able to dig out stuff from years ago and wear as it I had never seen before.So economical!
Lola has disposable income,but the others oh dear,some of them are obviously hand to mouth merchants.
I bet the credit card bill this month,has been quite a shock!
Heads Up 😂Easy Pays🥲
I have looked at the Nikki& Me range online and Qurio Lola must have spent well over £100 on the trinkets she is showing off ( well it’s her money, so what).When she gets to my age, or probably half my age she will be able to look at something and think ‘I don’t need it’ simply because it is so close to something you already have.I went away over Christmas and was able to dig out stuff from years ago and wear as it I had never seen before.So economical!
Yep, I think less is definitely more when we get a bit older. My idea of a good wardrobe of clothes is to have a few timeless basics, that you can dress up or down with a few well chosen accessories. Gone are the days when I dreaded being seen in the same thing twice and I was buying little bits and bobs willy nilly. If you choose your garments well then you never do have to look the same. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Lola didn't have duplicates. I'd rather spend my money on other things. Even if I did have a lot of money to play with I still wouldn't want to buy all this clutter!
Still pretty quiet on the Western Front. No news on Hyacinth's cruise, I presume all's well and she's actually gone, hopefully all's ok and we'll see some of her myriad purchases in action very soon. Couple of demos of tweaked hair products have come up. Erika's hair certainly looks fairly shiny and more pouffy than usual (but if I'm honest I think her hair usually looks better) and Shirley V is thrilled as her hair looks shiny and again I can't see that her hair looks any better than it usually does. What I did notice in Erika's video was some hair loss at the front and when I looked at Shirley's I could see a bit of the same (but far less obvious) and this isn't apparent in any of their other vids. Coincidence? Yes probably but this would put me off buying as much as the crazy price! I'm sticking with my Head and Shoulders for now as it seems to be doing the trick!
Well most of them have lost their dignity, so hair loss is hardly going to bother them,don’t forget Cardboard Richard with his easy pay codes,shameless encouragement to spend more 📣 and more.
Well most of them have lost their dignity, so hair loss is hardly going to bother them,don’t forget Cardboard Richard with his easy pay codes,shameless encouragement to spend more 📣 and more.
I'm prepared to forgive the guy as I get the impression he's got Aspergers combined with OCD. So far he's not been a crazy spender, but I do worry for him as he does seem vulnerable. Qurio's probably helping him "socially" but in the long run it could do damage as any "spending based" platform is bound to do - Not great really!
Died a death hasn't it? The latest posting was nearly a week ago and that's a repeat 'cause she was having problems with the sound quality when she first posted it. Oh dear, have they all seen the light?!
I guess what’s the point of posting. QVC no longer mentions Qurio . There used to be endless promo clips.
All quiet on the ezpays front,bound to happen at this time of year.
Nobody can keep up that level of spending,it was insane and dangerous,I suspect some of them are having a hard time now.
As for the video without sound,best video of the year for all the right reasons heads up 🤣
All quiet on the ezpays front,bound to happen at this time of year.
Nobody can keep up that level of spending,it was insane and dangerous,I suspect some of them are having a hard time now.
As for the video without sound,best video of the year for all the right reasons heads up 🤣
.....and even more depressing than that is if they look back and consider the sort of $hit they bought to get them into this state! especially all the Christmas toot that's gonna remain in the attic or on top of the wardrobe for another year! Over the last few months nothing the qurios have shown has been of any substance - silly little ornaments, xmas decs, candles, skin goop, hair goop, junk jewellery, brow serum, tweezers, flimsy throws, acrylic tops. Ok I've probably spent as much as these people over the past few months but looking back the money covered ALL my Christmas presents/ OH's birthday present as well as some much needed purchases. I've replaced my aging mobile phone, bought a new cordless Henry hoover stick vac, a coffee machine, new duvet, paid off the balance for my holiday and put a deposit down on another holiday. Yes I've bought some little bits and bobs but they've all been bought on the dreaded highstreet using money out of my purse.
My large purchases have had no extras like postage and packaging to pay and have been interest free and for more than 3 measly months, in fact my latest haul which includes oh's birthday present I don't have to start paying for until next year. I mean I'll aim to pay it off long before then to avoid interest but it gives me time to save and I'm able to pay as much as I want when I want unlike the restrictive EZ pays Q offer.
I do think that this year will be the end of Qurio, especially now they've formed their own Whatsapp group. I miss the shocks but it really does need to go!

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