Especially when you get the urgent ‘hurry up and order now! The easy pays finish at midnight!’ , when you know full well that at nine o’clock the next day, another easy pay ‘offer’ will be launched.QVC don’t help by continually pushing EZPays at customers. I think the EZPays just promote impulse buying and some customers end up buying something that they didn’t really want or need.
I’m surprised it’s taken them so long to realise this! Should Q stop offering ez pays? From their point of view , of course not, but if they’ve got any kind of conscience they should limit it to three. A good point was made by one of them , and that was their prices are so high now that literally nothing is affordable straight out any more.Oh dear the Qurios finally admitting easy pays are putting them in the doo doo.
It was bound to happen do QVC care?
I hate easy pays its very rare that I ever use it. Specially if its something I know I will keep.I remember in my innocent bought an Elemis TSV on easy pay now it was the Xmas one and on four easy. Cannot remember if the TSV was late November or early December, but I am sure I ended up paying last one in Feb. It was really p*ssing me off, now I know people say you can phone up and just pay the rest, but for some reason I just do not trust Q to continue to take the money even after you pay the full amount off. I can handle 2 or maybe 3 easy pay, but now I just think if I know something is coming up and put the money away and pay in full.
So do I but let's hope that this first step is followed by the second and that is actually stopping the spending. It'll be disappointing to see "Oops I did it again" and sheepish looking emojis alongside a video of some piece of useless tat because "at that price it'd be rude not to"! If I remember rightly, last year Qurio had a bumper build up to Christmas but once the new year came in it understandably tailed off considerably until Pullinger stepped in with those competitions which put the spending back into overdrive. It seems to have tailed off a fair bit already, obviously Hyacinth being laid up hasn't helped, but I've not seen or heard so many negative reviews and comments for a long while. Q really need to take a look at this app - I very much doubt whether getting rid of it would put much of a dent in their profits, if they insist that it stays then they can't just rest on their laurels. If it carries on this trajectory then it'll become a place where people come to slag them off. I think that somebody (and it might be me if I end up feeling brave enough) should try and reach out to the contributors themselves and urge them to cut down or even stop posting eg, "Is it really necessary to tell everybody about every single skincare product you've bought, who is it helping?" "Does anyone need to see that dress you bought in clearance? -It's probably not available anymore, "Your 19 hundredth Kipling bag", "those shoes that you can buy somewhere else for a fraction of the price if you only bothered to shop around" I could go on forever with this list! Think about it - "what does a shaky video of a bottle of shampoo on your table tell anybody, other than you've bought yourself a bottle of shampoo"? What does this achieve? Sales for Q and nothing more - that's your answer! Now, take a look at the comments and read the room - People are struggling - Please don't encourage them!I have respect for people who say I have overspent and now admitting it in the open,what I don’t have respect are the heads up merchants, who are openly associated with QVC in the past and present by promoting Qurio,this includes certain presenters.
Your encouraging people to overspend keep it to yourself,I’m sure people can decide to search for product information themselves if they want to.
Qurio needs to be binned or abandoned look at the comments,I’m sure many others are in the same position of ezy pay overspending.(tip of the iceberg)![]()
I think that was Ballerina and I haven't seen her here for a while. I hope she's OK. I'm another that got into a bit of trouble using EZ pay but now I pay one off before getting another. I had a bit more cash in days gone by but now I'm on a limited income. You do have to be careful as you can be cleaned out. Before people started watching QVC it was catalogues that got you into trouble, now I fear some people have both.I remember a lady here was very brave and honest and admitted she got into real problems using easy pay. Took her a while but she got them all cleared and then stopped using it.
I think I deleted mine.Anyone else got the email from QVC about Qurio.
Take part in the survey for a chance to win........(drum roll) £20 in QVC vouchers.
I did as well.I think I deleted mine.![]()
My brother and I had a similar conversation before Christmas. He will be 60 in Feb and I’m 67. We cannot work out how we suddenly hit our 60’s when we still feel 30. We both love our holidays but he will not have the Covid jabs so for the foreseeable he is confined to the UK.. I’m fast approaching the magical age of 70 when the cost of travel insurance seems to automatically double, and that’s before the inevitable pre-existing medical conditions.I know as you get older that material possessions mean very little. I was left reasonably comfortably off after my wife died last year. 20 years ago, when my first marriage ended, I was one step away from being homeless. I have seen both sides financially. I bought a brand new car a few months after my wife died. To ‘cheer me up’ you could say. But once I got it, all gleaming and fresh outside the house, the overwhelming feeling was one of flatness. In the end, a few months later, I decided I just didn’t want the car, saw the car I had traded in was still unsold, took the car back and bought my old one back - the one my wife had sat in and we had a few laughs together while out driving. What I am saying is, it is about experiences and NOT about buying stuff. Stuff doesn’t make you happy. Good experiences do. Holidays, seeing places, doing happy things in general. Particularly in this key decade from 60 to 70. Do things while you can. My wife went at 57 and got just about a year and a half of her NHS pension. You just never know.