q or the general election?


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Just like everything else in life a foodbank can be abused by a minority but that doesn`t mean you stop having them. I worked at a Salvation Army homeless hostel for 13 years and we also had a foodbank attached to the building. Whether it was needed by a genuine parent who`se benefit hadn`t arrived ( back in the days of giros ) or a feckless parent who`d spent all of that week`s money on cigs, booze and phone credit, quite often the people most in need are their children. Close the foodbanks and many children will go hungry, it`s as simple as that.
In a perfect World everybody would have enough money to live on and every person would know how to budget and stay debt free but sadly that isn`t the case. What people should do and what they actually do, are 2 different things. Many schools now run breakfast clubs offering free cereal or toast because a number of kids aren`t fed in the morning and even those parents who genuinely hate being on benefits and would give their children their last morsal and go hungry themselves quite often have to decide whether to keep a house warm or buy extra food because they can`t afford both.
There used to be workhouses, there`s always been soup kitchens, there used to be local shops which allowed tick until payday and there used to be close families who helped each other through thick and thin but many of those have been and gone. There`s always been poverty and there always will be but in my mind an adult can be answerable for their own actions but their children should never be answerable for the parents actions.
QUOTE=shopperholic;795969]Maria Millar fiddled over fifty thousand pounds, Ian Duncan Smith fiddled roughly two hundred thousand and had his wife on the payroll even though it's against the rules, so he fiddled that too, Chris Grayling fiddled expenses of 137 thousand pounds, just a few examples, these are all Conservative MPs...........always best to do your research before you vote.

I did do my research and that's why I'm voting Conservative![/QUOTE]

Well if it's based on solely on MPs fiddling expenses obviously not. Wasn't being funny and sorry if it came across like that, I was just giving examples that the Cons do it too.
Just like everything else in life a foodbank can be abused by a minority but that doesn`t mean you stop having them. I worked at a Salvation Army homeless hostel for 13 years and we also had a foodbank attached to the building. Whether it was needed by a genuine parent who`se benefit hadn`t arrived ( back in the days of giros ) or a feckless parent who`d spent all of that week`s money on cigs, booze and phone credit, quite often the people most in need are their children. Close the foodbanks and many children will go hungry, it`s as simple as that.
In a perfect World everybody would have enough money to live on and every person would know how to budget and stay debt free but sadly that isn`t the case. What people should do and what they actually do, are 2 different things. Many schools now run breakfast clubs offering free cereal or toast because a number of kids aren`t fed in the morning and even those parents who genuinely hate being on benefits and would give their children their last morsal and go hungry themselves quite often have to decide whether to keep a house warm or buy extra food because they can`t afford both.
There used to be workhouses, there`s always been soup kitchens, there used to be local shops which allowed tick until payday and there used to be close families who helped each other through thick and thin but many of those have been and gone. There`s always been poverty and there always will be but in my mind an adult can be answerable for their own actions but their children should never be answerable for the parents actions.[/QUOTE

sad but very true. i know this woman. she has 12 children. she has minor learning difficulties. she was coping ok . chldren were fed. had a new coat bought from the local tesco's every winter. had a home. now because of hb cuts she has moved twice in three years. her children come to school with no coat. they dont have enough to eat and no support as such. in a perfect world she would not have special needs or so many children. should the children suffer not in a civilised world.
Just like everything else in life a foodbank can be abused by a minority but that doesn`t mean you stop having them. I worked at a Salvation Army homeless hostel for 13 years and we also had a foodbank attached to the building. Whether it was needed by a genuine parent who`se benefit hadn`t arrived ( back in the days of giros ) or a feckless parent who`d spent all of that week`s money on cigs, booze and phone credit, quite often the people most in need are their children. Close the foodbanks and many children will go hungry, it`s as simple as that.
In a perfect World everybody would have enough money to live on and every person would know how to budget and stay debt free but sadly that isn`t the case. What people should do and what they actually do, are 2 different things. Many schools now run breakfast clubs offering free cereal or toast because a number of kids aren`t fed in the morning and even those parents who genuinely hate being on benefits and would give their children their last morsal and go hungry themselves quite often have to decide whether to keep a house warm or buy extra food because they can`t afford both.
There used to be workhouses, there`s always been soup kitchens, there used to be local shops which allowed tick until payday and there used to be close families who helped each other through thick and thin but many of those have been and gone. There`s always been poverty and there always will be but in my mind an adult can be answerable for their own actions but their children should never be answerable for the parents actions.

Totally agree Vienna well said, call me Dave Cameron has done brilliantly with the spin, making out that all benefit claimants are drug taking, cigarette smoking, and lazy, granted some are but the reality is, that's a very small percentage. He wants to phase out DLA, know known as PIP, even though the fruad rate is 0.7 less than one percent, because these disabled/sick people have already been assessed several times, so obviously stopping their money is purely to save money, what sort of person takes money off the disabled and children? Food Banks were mocked by the Conservatives because they simply aren't in touch with the real world, and the affect all the cuts are having. I worked for Red Nose Day at my local junior school serving dinners at dinner time, we were told to give them a small spoon full of beans, two little fish fingers and two small waffles, and I mean small, they were two inch by two inch, one little fella believe it or not asked for extra because his mum will be in late she's working, the kitchen manager shouted at me in front of everyone for giving him an extra fish finger, I was gob smacked and told her were to stick her fingers. I cried my eyes out when I got home and I can still see his little face. So that's the reality of the cuts, children are paying the price.
i think the deficit argument is used to make people think the conservatives are good housekeepers. but i am afraid thier ideology is costing more than money its costing lives
i think the deficit argument is used to make people think the conservatives are good housekeepers. but i am afraid thier ideology is costing more than money its costing lives

That's true, I totally agree Boffy.
I will be watching the election like to see the silly way they all talk about each other, being a scot i will enjoy watching the snp win in scotland but each to their own opinion.
There is the problem Sazza. I admire Nicola but Alex Salmond... no. It's hard to work it all out as I am a Scots-loving English person. I was so happy with the result of the Scottish Referendum. I want the UK to stay together. I just wish the English had someone like Nicola batting for them. I hate politics but I value my vote and care enough to use it. But apart from the Lib Dems I don't trust a single one of them x

Well I'm a scot and the thought of Alex Salmond trying to rule parliament is a no no for me. My opinion the referendum did more harm than good .Cant think what the English will think if they get in a Coalition. Think it bonkers when they were so desperate to break away last year.
Just like everything else in life a foodbank can be abused by a minority but that doesn`t mean you stop having them. I worked at a Salvation Army homeless hostel for 13 years and we also had a foodbank attached to the building. Whether it was needed by a genuine parent who`se benefit hadn`t arrived ( back in the days of giros ) or a feckless parent who`d spent all of that week`s money on cigs, booze and phone credit, quite often the people most in need are their children. Close the foodbanks and many children will go hungry, it`s as simple as that.
In a perfect World everybody would have enough money to live on and every person would know how to budget and stay debt free but sadly that isn`t the case. What people should do and what they actually do, are 2 different things. Many schools now run breakfast clubs offering free cereal or toast because a number of kids aren`t fed in the morning and even those parents who genuinely hate being on benefits and would give their children their last morsal and go hungry themselves quite often have to decide whether to keep a house warm or buy extra food because they can`t afford both.
There used to be workhouses, there`s always been soup kitchens, there used to be local shops which allowed tick until payday and there used to be close families who helped each other through thick and thin but many of those have been and gone. There`s always been poverty and there always will be but in my mind an adult can be answerable for their own actions but their children should never be answerable for the parents actions.[/QUOTE

sad but very true. i know this woman. she has 12 children. she has minor learning difficulties. she was coping ok . chldren were fed. had a new coat bought from the local tesco's every winter. had a home. now because of hb cuts she has moved twice in three years. her children come to school with no coat. they dont have enough to eat and no support as such. in a perfect world she would not have special needs or so many children. should the children suffer not in a civilised world.

12 children! She didn't realise that it might not be a good idea to go on procreating without the means of supporting her offspring? One or two children = fair enough but 12! I've no sympathy for her. I feel sorry for the children though. They didn't get to choose their parents. You'd have thought the hardship might have made her think more about her situation, alas seemingly not. I think it's quite right that these human baby factories should be made to suffer hardship, otherwise society is effectively encouraging their activity. It is a shame that the children suffer the brunt of it, but what can one do. If I had my way I'd put her in a workhouse. That'd teach her once and for all! Her children would be better off away from her. She sounds like she lacks any sort of responsibility or self-sufficiency.
Well I'm a scot and the thought of Alex Salmond trying to rule parliament is a no no for me. My opinion the referendum did more harm than good .Cant think what the English will think if they get in a Coalition. Think it bonkers when they were so desperate to break away last year.

Don't class what MPs want as being the same as what the actual English people want. Almost all of Britain don't care if Scotland stays or goes, we are pissed though that we don't get the same treatment as the Scors like free prescriptions, many English would welcome a split from Scotland, then the money we fund to pay the Scots free prescription could get ploughed back into England.
I love watching election results night, I only see an hour or so but work Thursday nights so always get to be up on election nights both UK and US elections and watch during my breaks. I think it's like Eurovision where the results is the best part.
12 children! She didn't realise that it might not be a good idea to go on procreating without the means of supporting her offspring? One or two children = fair enough but 12! I've no sympathy for her. I feel sorry for the children though. They didn't get to choose their parents. You'd have thought the hardship might have made her think more about her situation, alas seemingly not. I think it's quite right that these human baby factories should be made to suffer hardship, otherwise society is effectively encouraging their activity. It is a shame that the children suffer the brunt of it, but what can one do. If I had my way I'd put her in a workhouse. That'd teach her once and for all! Her children would be better off away from her. She sounds like she lacks any sort of responsibility or self-sufficiency.

The woman has learning difficulties Vienna says, maybe she thinks that's all she's good for, maybe she has a violent partner and she's beaten into having sex, who knows, I can't believe what I'm reading here, but let's just hope you never fall in to a position were one day people can be insulting to you, wishing you the worse or that you should have your kids, if you've got any, taken off you and judging you hey?!
Anyway, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, whatever happens tomorrow, happens, so let's not fall out eh? :mysmilie_378::mysmilie_378::mysmilie_378::mysmilie_378:
Whatever happens tomorrow, remember this.

Whoever wins and you voted for, has no more use for you. Yes, they have used you for their own ends and now you have been pushed aside, like a lady of the night who served her purpose.
Whatever happens tomorrow, remember this.

Whoever wins and you voted for, has no more use for you. Yes, they have used you for their own ends and now you have been pushed aside, like a lady of the night who served her purpose.

Have you been getting ideas from Flinty's books?

(Sorry, just wanted to bring the discussion back to QVC but maybe could have picked a less contentious subject!)
I used to love the old swing-o-meter. I like to see the constituency trying frantically to be the first to return their results (why?). Followed by the pundits saying "if this result is replicated across the country it'll be a landslide" No sh!t Sherlock!
Let's just suppose that the election was for QVC's prime minister. I'd nominate chuntley. She always goes with the party line, is inoffensive and looks presentable. Or maybe Craig. He's smarmy enough to do the job. Anyone else?
Let's just suppose that the election was for QVC's prime minister. I'd nominate chuntley. She always goes with the party line, is inoffensive and looks presentable. Or maybe Craig. He's smarmy enough to do the job. Anyone else?

What about Charlie? He'd enjoy practising eating lots of bacon sandwiches to see if he can perfect the look!
Whatever happens tomorrow, remember this.

Whoever wins and you voted for, has no more use for you. Yes, they have used you for their own ends and now you have been pushed aside, like a lady of the night who served her purpose.

Hope it goes that way Donna with a clear winner or we are in for a bumpy ride.Somehow I think not.
Debbie Flint............because she can write slutty books about Downing Street and I think she's been to China :mysmilie_496:
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