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Jun 24, 2008
Since we've retired/semi retired we watch more than our fair share of tv quiz shows and I find myself cringing on more and more occasions. Everybody seems to say Haitch instead of Aitch, the prize money will fulfil something on a "bucket list" God I hate that expression, somebody will be "as ready as they'll ever be", say "no pressure then" "my husband/wife will kill me if I get this wrong" respond to a question with the word "so" , tell the host that geography isn't their strong point or that the War of the Roses was before their time!
Actually nobody gives a $hit what the contestants do in their spare time either. I can't really blame the contestants on that as it's part of the show's format which I wish they'd drop. "What would you do with the money if you won?" I'd love someone to say "none of your business" . Even worse is the insistance of pushing this question when it is blatantly obvious that the contestant is not going to win (happens on Pointless regularly) "The subject you've got is Japanese animation name three Pokemon characters from series 1" "So if Donald Duck, Peppa pig, or Mickey Mouse turn out to be pointless answers what will you do with the money? I loved the girl who said "I'd buy myself a unicorn!"
Lastly, lets not forget that these programmes are punctuated by adverts for funeral plans, incontinence products and mobility aids being modelled by the young & able bodied!
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Since we've retired/semi retired we watch more than our fair share of tv quiz shows and I find myself cringing on more and more occasions. Everybody seems to say Haitch instead of Aitch, the prize money will fulfil something on a "bucket list" God I hate that expression, somebody will be "as ready as they'll ever be", say "no pressure then" "my husband/wife will kill me if I get this wrong" respond to a question with the word "so" , tell the host that geography isn't their strong point or that the War of the Roses was before their time!
Actually nobody gives a $hit what the contestants do in their spare time either. I can't really blame the contestants on that as it's part of the show's format which I wish they'd drop. "What would you do with the money if you won?" I'd love someone to say "none of your business" . Even worse is the insistance of pushing this question when it is blatantly obvious that the contestant is not going to win (happens on Pointless regularly) "The subject you've got is Japanese animation name three Pokemon characters from series 1" "So if Donald Duck, Peppa pig, or Mickey Mouse turn out to be pointless answers what will you do with the money? I loved the girl who said "I'd buy myself a unicorn!"
Lastly, lets not forget that these programmes are punctuated by adverts for funeral plans, incontinence products and mobility aids being modelled by the young & able bodied!
You nailed it! When Joe Public goes on tv, it's cheap but hard work. No wonder so many sleb versions of game shows and reality shows are being pumped out.. the slebs are a bit less banal and clichéd than the rest of us, simply because they aren't freaked out by studio cameras.
You nailed it! When Joe Public goes on tv, it's cheap but hard work. No wonder so many sleb versions of game shows and reality shows are being pumped out.. the slebs are a bit less banal and clichéd than the rest of us, simply because they aren't freaked out by studio cameras.
Also with the celeb versions I find it quite interesting to find out how knowledgeable/thick they are, and of course they're doing it for charidee instead of wanting to buy a Fender Stratocaster, drive a camper van down Route 66, take the nippers to Disneyland or to see the Northern Lights. I must admit though I do get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when a contestant who clearly needs the money will be able to do the basic things that so many of us take for granted, or be able to visit long lost relatives but it is usually involves those who simply want to indulge themselves!
Also with the celeb versions I find it quite interesting to find out how knowledgeable/thick they are, and of course they're doing it for charidee instead of wanting to buy a Fender Stratocaster, drive a camper van down Route 66, take the nippers to Disneyland or to see the Northern Lights. I must admit though I do get a warm fuzzy feeling inside when a contestant who clearly needs the money will be able to do the basic things that so many of us take for granted, or be able to visit long lost relatives but it is usually involves those who simply want to indulge themselves!
Sadly, going on telly is still seen as a quick and easy way to get rich and famous… but the truth is that even the least obviously talented sleb has had to work extremely hard to get where they’ve got to.
Every overnight success will have put in years of effort, as well as getting a dash of good luck.
Same is true for many video content platforms.The amount of time and effort they put in is astounding. From cooking channels with production values on a par with TSV shows, to educational content, to leisure content. I watch a lot of different creators on YouTube and find some incredibly talented people on there.
There is an ongoing series on Radio 4 of previous contestants from X-factor giving the inside story of how they are manipulated by the production team, and ex-production team members as well with their "spilling the beans" stories. Everything the contestants do is controlled, all for increasing the rating.s.
It's bad enough having annoying contestants, but an annoying/useless presenter in the mix...Yes Alex Scott I'm talking about you. Oh has the telly on right now and "The Tournament" is on. It's actually not a bad concept, but Alex Scott please stick to what you know best - Football! She's obviously been to the Ophelia Dennis school of presenting, or was it the other way around?! You've got 5 hundrid paand and you could win a "cheeky bonus" or a "crisp tenner" "congraDulations" and to top it all one of the contestant replied "I was born ready". My ears are bleeding!!!
I occasionally watch quiz shows if I’m at home and have seen two contestants pop up on more than one quiz programme. The two that come to mind are a woman called Carolynne (a retired nurse) and a young guy called Zeus. They’ve both had more than their 15 minutes of “fame.”
I occasionally watch quiz shows if I’m at home and have seen two contestants pop up on more than one quiz programme. The two that come to mind are a woman called Carolynne (a retired nurse) and a young guy called Zeus. They’ve both had more than their 15 minutes of “fame.”
Yes I remember seeing Zeus on Impossible and on the same day he appeared on Riddiculous..I think he won both shows. There are a lot of people who seem to get a place on every show they apply for!
There is an ongoing series on Radio 4 of previous contestants from X-factor giving the inside story of how they are manipulated by the production team, and ex-production team members as well with their "spilling the beans" stories. Everything the contestants do is controlled, all for increasing the rating.s.
Have they mentioned the girl who was raped in her room in the hotel they used? It was all hushed up at the time, and they let her go through to the next week, then she was voted off. It was last year when she came forward and total her story. But there had been rumours about it for years. Someone who worked at the hotel was convicted for the rape.
Since we've retired/semi retired we watch more than our fair share of tv quiz shows and I find myself cringing on more and more occasions. Everybody seems to say Haitch instead of Aitch, the prize money will fulfil something on a "bucket list" God I hate that expression, somebody will be "as ready as they'll ever be", say "no pressure then" "my husband/wife will kill me if I get this wrong" respond to a question with the word "so" , tell the host that geography isn't their strong point or that the War of the Roses was before their time!
Actually nobody gives a $hit what the contestants do in their spare time either. I can't really blame the contestants on that as it's part of the show's format which I wish they'd drop. "What would you do with the money if you won?" I'd love someone to say "none of your business" . Even worse is the insistance of pushing this question when it is blatantly obvious that the contestant is not going to win (happens on Pointless regularly) "The subject you've got is Japanese animation name three Pokemon characters from series 1" "So if Donald Duck, Peppa pig, or Mickey Mouse turn out to be pointless answers what will you do with the money? I loved the girl who said "I'd buy myself a unicorn!"
Lastly, lets not forget that these programmes are punctuated by adverts for funeral plans, incontinence products and mobility aids being modelled by the young & able bodied!
Oh heck, you've summed it up perfectly, merryone! And can I go on record as saying Bradley Walsh on The Chase irritates the hell out of me (but I love the way one of the chasers (Shaun Wallace) quietly takes the p&ss out of him!). Every single show he acts stupidly, saying unfunny things and then repeating them, just in case we didn't get how unfunny it was the first time. And he shows himself up as a complete dumbo at times, as the most basic things he "claims" he's "never heard of that" - well, Brad, you must have been down a hole somewhere. And don't get me started on the 'I can't answer the question because it was before my time' brigade. I wasn't around when William the Conqueror invaded (I was actually born two years afterwards...), but I bloody well know when it was. And if Brad. says "cool" one more time, I'll lock him in a freezer. (Go back to the green room, open a bottle, Brad). To add insult to injury, they keep scheduling other programmes with Brad. and his talentless - sorry, talented - son Barmy - sorry, Barney. Talk about a double dose of dim - my blood pressure would never stand watching a whole programme, 2 minutes of one was enough to make me reach for the remote.
Oh heck, you've summed it up perfectly, merryone! And can I go on record as saying Bradley Walsh on The Chase irritates the hell out of me (but I love the way one of the chasers (Shaun Wallace) quietly takes the p&ss out of him!). Every single show he acts stupidly, saying unfunny things and then repeating them, just in case we didn't get how unfunny it was the first time. And he shows himself up as a complete dumbo at times, as the most basic things he "claims" he's "never heard of that" - well, Brad, you must have been down a hole somewhere. And don't get me started on the 'I can't answer the question because it was before my time' brigade. I wasn't around when William the Conqueror invaded (I was actually born two years afterwards...), but I ****** well know when it was. And if Brad. says "cool" one more time, I'll lock him in a freezer. (Go back to the green room, open a bottle, Brad). To add insult to injury, they keep scheduling other programmes with Brad. and his talentless - sorry, talented - son Barmy - sorry, Barney. Talk about a double dose of dim - my blood pressure would never stand watching a whole programme, 2 minutes of one was enough to make me reach for the remote.
How funny - Brad is one of a small handful of presenters I actually like, I love it when he loses it when he finds something funny. I agree that his son doesn't need to be on tv though and I absolutely LOVE Shaun Wallace. We're all different, but you mentioning Barney made me think of another genre of show that has sprung up all of a sudden and that is the "faux friendship road trip show" Beverley Callard/and some no mark who appeared on I'm a celeb, Alan Carr/Amanda Holden, Fred, Gino & Gordon Ramsay. Bring back the proper holiday shows we used to have (which actually show case the countries/holidays instead of these ******* road ego trips!
How funny - Brad is one of a small handful of presenters I actually like, I love it when he loses it when he finds something funny. I agree that his son doesn't need to be on tv though and I absolutely LOVE Shaun Wallace. We're all different, but you mentioning Barney made me think of another genre of show that has sprung up all of a sudden and that is the "faux friendship road trip show" Beverley Callard/and some no mark who appeared on I'm a celeb, Alan Carr/Amanda Holden, Fred, Gino & Gordon Ramsay. Bring back the proper holiday shows we used to have (which actually show case the countries/holidays instead of these ******* road ego trips!
Yes, in my opinion these road trips should be renamed - how's about "Travelling with TV's Talentless"? Personally, the list of names you've given would never return if I had my way - they'd stay gone for good. All these progs. are is a giant excuse for a nice freebie for the Z listers.

I also like Shaun, the look on his face says it all when Bradders has gone into one.

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