q or the general election?


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the tory party have made the poor shark bait. the working poor has increased steadily and thoroughly under the conservatives. its true that schools are having to find money out of staff pocket to pay for coats, clothes, food for more and more children. under the overall benefit cuts families are being moved around and not able to stay at school because the hb keeps getting cut. my sister is a classroom assistant. the stories she tells me i cannot believe happening in 2015. the tories are making britain a third world country and this being the 6th richest country in the world. i hope that the tories and thier coalition cohorts get booted out!
All I will tell say you have it so lucky, don't even try to get your head round Northern Ireland and voting. Its tribal nothing less. One side you have the Born Agains who do insist on bringing their religious views into office with them. The other side you have the terrorists who 15 years ago wanted to blow us all to hell. Then a few minor parties who try to keep it all clear on what people need, don't have a hope in hell of getting a seat.
the tory party have made the poor shark bait. the working poor has increased steadily and thoroughly under the conservatives. its true that schools are having to find money out of staff pocket to pay for coats, clothes, food for more and more children. under the overall benefit cuts families are being moved around and not able to stay at school because the hb keeps getting cut. my sister is a classroom assistant. the stories she tells me i cannot believe happening in 2015. the tories are making britain a third world country and this being the 6th richest country in the world. i hope that the tories and thier coalition cohorts get booted out!

Couldn't agree more Boffy, you're spot on. Food banks have increased from 12 across Britain in 2010 to1282 across Britain today, the food bank staff say it's because of the cuts but will the Cons listen? Not a chance, they'll get that deficit down if it kills us.
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Couldn't agree more Boffy, you're spot on. Food banks have increased from 12 across Britain in 2010 to1282 across Britain today, the food bank staff say it's because of the cuts but will the Cons listen? Not a chance, they'll get that deficit down if it kills us.

they wont listen because they dont give a dam. this tory idelogy is costing the country more than common sense.
It's a shame we don't have PR (proportional representation) imo. They wring their hands about how little engagement and how much apathy they get from younger people in particular, but they have a vested interest in making NO change at all. They - both Conservative and Labour - have latched onto the relationship between constituency and constituents, but I don't believe that washes. There are so many ways to have a relationship with electors and serve the constituencey, and it doesn't need to rely on one elected person represented in a constituency area anymore. The current system means it appears almost impossible to unseat people in "safe" seats.

Let everyone have a voice and let the politicians work for the votes.
Goodness the more I read and hear the more confused I get, apparently this seat is one of 12 marginals that will decide who's in and who's out so the responsibility to vote and vote "well" is almost to much for mere mortals to bear. I might vote first thing and then go back to bed until it is all over and done with.
I just hope it is sorted this time round to have to go through it all again in October will be beyond painful for all involved and think of the cost, it has already cost enough to supply several dozen food banks with food for the rest of the decade ,which in my opinion would have been a much better way to spend the money.
It's a shame we don't have PR (proportional representation) imo. They wring their hands about how little engagement and how much apathy they get from younger people in particular, but they have a vested interest in making NO change at all. They - both Conservative and Labour - have latched onto the relationship between constituency and constituents, but I don't believe that washes. There are so many ways to have a relationship with electors and serve the constituencey, and it doesn't need to rely on one elected person represented in a constituency area anymore. The current system means it appears almost impossible to unseat people in "safe" seats.

Let everyone have a voice and let the politicians work for the votes.

the argument against pr has always been we will get hung parliament bit like in euorpe with no overall winner. looks like its happening anyway. anather coalition?
q or the general election?

I have no interest in politics or politicians, I will have a looksee Friday morning to see who is moving in/out of No 10....so I will be doing what I usually do...channel hop am, and pm find a good film to watch previously saved on my sky planner.
There's a televised play on More4 tomorrow at 8:25pm called The Vote with Dame Judi Dench, Timothy West, Catherine Tate and others: http://www.donmarwarehouse.com/whats-on/donmar-warehouse. I'll probably be watching this, topical but probably more entertaining than Q or the Election!

PR = dreadful coalitions with very minor parties gaining far more power than they deserve.

I hate the way the election has become like a presidential election, with minimal scrutiny of manifestos or local candidates; Cameron and Clegg swerve questions about the promises made in their last manifestos but there's a religious voting pattern with many voters always voting by colour rather than by policy. I'm not sure the floating voters have enough info to make a choice with only 24 hours to go.

Please get to know your candidates, you're voting for them as much as the party leaders and give them hell when they don't represent your needs during their time in office. You can email your MP and ask them why they haven't met their election promises at a national and a local level. Politics is for life not just election day!
There's a televised play on More4 tomorrow at 8:25pm called The Vote with Dame Judi Dench, Timothy West, Catherine Tate and others: http://www.donmarwarehouse.com/whats-on/donmar-warehouse. I'll probably be watching this, topical but probably more entertaining than Q or the Election!

PR = dreadful coalitions with very minor parties gaining far more power than they deserve.

I hate the way the election has become like a presidential election, with minimal scrutiny of manifestos or local candidates; Cameron and Clegg swerve questions about the promises made in their last manifestos but there's a religious voting pattern with many voters always voting by colour rather than by policy. I'm not sure the floating voters have enough info to make a choice with only 24 hours to go.

Please get to know your candidates, you're voting for them as much as the party leaders and give them hell when they don't represent your needs during their time in office. You can email your MP and ask them why they haven't met their election promises at a national and a local level. Politics is for life not just election day!

I was thinking about this - a lot of people will turn up at their local polling station and be confused when they don't see Cameron, Clegg, Miliband, etc on their voting paper.
I`m one of those undecisive voters and yet I haven`t seen one local candidate canvassing the area. I wouldn`t know any of them if I fell over them.
I`m one of those undecisive voters and yet I haven`t seen one local candidate canvassing the area. I wouldn`t know any of them if I fell over them.

Our local MP has been around, have voted for her (postal vote) as I think she has been a good MP.
Nor have we here, vienna. All we've had are a couple of leaflets shoved through the door from the three main parties. Nobody on the high street, nobody out on the local streets, shopping centres or anywhere to explain their point of view. Not good enough. If there's no overall majority, we're in for a mess.
We have had no one come round our area. I don't open the door to them, but hell a little effect would be nice.

The Proportional is something we have but not with Westminster elections. I like to give a few votes up and down to hopeless candidates, The My Granny's Parrot Died things like that.

I found it very funny when Cameron said they could not have it in England as it was too confusing for the English!!!!!!!

Hell Scotland and Northern Ireland had it for years.
Food banks have been mentioned a lot recently, and TBH I do have mixed feelings about them. On the one hand there are genuine recipients who are desperately struggling, but like I've seen near my Food bank, several people emerging with carrier bags full of stuff and then checking their smart phone ! er, hello ? equally, one chap regularly spends time in the local pub then crosses over to get his stash of free food, so what's that all about ? alcohol and top of the range mobiles ? I cant understand the growth of food banks when we dish out benefits for everything from school meals to housing benefit. As for children suffering, perhaps the wisest course would be to hand out family planning advice with the weekly benefit. Sorry if that offends, but even Prince Philip said it once on a visit abroad "haven't they heard of contraception?" - seems like a no brainer to me.
We had a vote a referendum on introducing PR and it was well and truly kicked into the long grass.
Our local MP is a Conservative, answers all his emails with proper letters and stands outside the local Sainsbury's once a month to be available to his constituents. For that reason I will vote for him and the fact our last Labour MP fiddled his expenses big time.
We had a vote a referendum on introducing PR and it was well and truly kicked into the long grass.
Our local MP is a Conservative, answers all his emails with proper letters and stands outside the local Sainsbury's once a month to be available to his constituents. For that reason I will vote for him and the fact our last Labour MP fiddled his expenses big time.

Maria Millar fiddled over fifty thousand pounds, Ian Duncan Smith fiddled roughly two hundred thousand and had his wife on the payroll even though it's against the rules, so he fiddled that too, Chris Grayling fiddled expenses of 137 thousand pounds, just a few examples, these are all Conservative MPs...........always best to do your research before you vote.
Food banks have been mentioned a lot recently, and TBH I do have mixed feelings about them. On the one hand there are genuine recipients who are desperately struggling, but like I've seen near my Food bank, several people emerging with carrier bags full of stuff and then checking their smart phone ! er, hello ? equally, one chap regularly spends time in the local pub then crosses over to get his stash of free food, so what's that all about ? alcohol and top of the range mobiles ? I cant understand the growth of food banks when we dish out benefits for everything from school meals to housing benefit. As for children suffering, perhaps the wisest course would be to hand out family planning advice with the weekly benefit. Sorry if that offends, but even Prince Philip said it once on a visit abroad "haven't they heard of contraception?" - seems like a no brainer to me.

You need a slip off the DWP or Citizens Advice to allow you to receive a food parcel, consisting of some out of date food and items shops can't sell because no one wants them, not just anyone can pop in for a bag, believe me the majority are genuine cases and not just after a free bag of food, that must lower your self respect so low as well as the embarrassment. People don't visit these places unless they've hit rock bottom. Phones could be a gift as could the pint, never judge until you know for certain and as for Prince Phillip, this is the man that said the Chinese have slitty eyes and all look alike and called a boy at school fat and told him to do more excersise, the boy was ill and being overweight was one of his symptoms, this comment made the child suicidal and sent him into a fit of depression, so I really wouldn't take what that fool says as gospel. They don't dish out benefits for everything, you still have to pay for prescriptions and dental care as well as all the bills, some people have roughly £2.50 per day to live on, so it's not the picnic it's made out to be. Me and my family are lucky enough not to need any help because we're comfortable, but I do have compassion for people who have £2.50 to live on, Cameron and his propaganda about the poor is nothing more than victimisation, he wants that deficit cleared to be the "Prime Minister that did" and the poor, working poor, disabled and the less well off are going to have to pay for it.
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QUOTE=shopperholic;795969]Maria Millar fiddled over fifty thousand pounds, Ian Duncan Smith fiddled roughly two hundred thousand and had his wife on the payroll even though it's against the rules, so he fiddled that too, Chris Grayling fiddled expenses of 137 thousand pounds, just a few examples, these are all Conservative MPs...........always best to do your research before you vote.[/QUOTE]

I did do my research and that's why I'm voting Conservative!
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