Presenters who use fillers and botox


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Jul 24, 2008
I am in no way being nasty to anyone. Q have a massive beauty department. Who do you think out of the presenters use if any, fillers or botox? I have nothing against anyone using them.

What is the best skincare to use. If so what ones? My Daughter and I have beauty/skincare stashs. Just advice on which ones genuinely do work. Any advise greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Another question does Alison Young use hair extensions as her hair was like mine. Even when she had it long it was thin. Again I am in no way causing offence to Ali or anyone else. If you think I am I am sorry.

Last question do you think by doing all this cleanse, tone, moisturise with oils and serums added in. Do you think any of this skincare actual work?

Sorry for all the questions. Thank you x
I think it highly likely most of them have had some work done in the way if botox or fillers, just my opinion...
I would find it stretching credulity if Alison Keenan were to deny having had more extensive work done.
There has been a severe outbreak of suspicious lisping going on recently. Could be invisalign or veneers.
I think that if you hit the genetic jackpot, it’s possible a normal skincare routine would keep you looking good, but for the best results you would need more… not necessarily invasive work, but retinols, facial toning tools, dermarolling/dermapen/micro needling.
Being able to pay more doesn’t necessarily mean you get better results, as some go to unqualified people and suffer the consequences, even people who can afford to go to the best people.
On the hair front, wearing hair pieces and wigs is now more accessible than ever. You can get very good fullness this way without the expense and damage of hair extensions.
Best beauty products are your sunscreen, retinol, and a good cleanser, imo.
Best beauty enhancers: love yourself and be happy in your own skin; drink enough water; get enough sleep; eat well; and avoid excessive sugar and alcohol. And cut out smoking.
I had better follow that more regularly myself!
I would say that most of the over 50 women presenters have had under the eye surgery to remove the 'bags'. I have had it done. It takes a few weeks for the swelling and bruising to go away. I think that many presenters have porcelain veneers on their teeth and have regular face fillers or cheek plumpers. As for the hair, it's difficult to judge, but I think most of them have extensions and without much doubt, Ophelia wears a wig. PS. You have not been hurtful or unkind CSI
I would say that most of the over 50 women presenters have had under the eye surgery to remove the 'bags'. I have had it done. It takes a few weeks for the swelling and bruising to go away. I think that many presenters have porcelain veneers on their teeth and have regular face fillers or cheek plumpers. As for the hair, it's difficult to judge, but I think most of them have extensions and without much doubt, Ophelia wears a wig. PS. You have not been hurtful or unkind CSI
Only Ophelia mentioned by name. Who are the others?
The more I look at Melissa Hardy, I think she wears a wig. Surely the ‘seagull **** on my head’ look can’t be natural!
Heard he talk of visiting the hairdressers post lockdown in April and a presenter visiting her dressing room prior to a show to find her in hair rollers!!!
Because I have very sensitive skin I can only use a very small choice of products and none of them are expensive so my spending on gloop is minimal yet I usually get comments that I don’t look my age (particularly in my 50’s and 60’s as I feel much older now I’m 70!} Like most sensitive skin it is very dry so I’ve always made sure I moisturiser well so i think a moisturiser which suits your skin has more benefit than anything else.

I could spend as an Olympic sport but i don’t like spending a lot money on things which have to be constantly replenished (other than food) and could never imagine spending £30 on shower gel so perhaps it’s a good job I can’t use them!
I was watching Michael over Christmas and he sounded like he had borrowed someone else's teeth ...poor lamb. Alex looks like she had some fillers/Botox. She has a friend who looks the same. I think she has done some clothing brand ambassador work for Q on the style channel and also advertizes one of those daylight lamps or a memory foam mattress on ordinary TV. They both look like Klingons but without the creases from the nose up !! I used to like the cozee homes girl but then she started wearing weird things and had strange, rigid, rat tail hair and fake tan hands. If they all stopped doing weird stuff to themselves l could concentrate on the products better ☺️yeah right never going to happen !! 😉
I've had regular Caci facials for years now, and coupled with slapping on the Marine Cream every day, it has helped no end. Heaven above knows what I would look like otherwise. Granny & Mum had good skin (without the expense apart from a spot of Astral), but I still look at my Mum in the mirror when I get up in the morning 🤭 . I could seriously do with some help on the thinning hair problem - so if anyone has good recommendations for a 'piece' or extension then I'm all ears.
One of the girls at work has noticeably improved hair and people were commenting how good it looked from dull and thin to shiny and thicker. She said she had tried that caffeine shampoo (think it's a German brand). Her hair really did look a lot better.

One of the girls at work has noticeably improved hair and people were commenting how good it looked from dull and thin to shiny and thicker. She said she had tried that caffeine shampoo (think it's a German brand). Her hair really did look a lot better.

Thank you I will get some and try xx
Mostly it is genes. But I went too a school reunion a few years ago. You could tell the difference between those who had poor or no skincare routines and those who did. Also those who were in bad relationships as they too looked awful. They looked constantly like they were frowning and had an angry look etched on their faces. It makes a big difference wearing any moisturiser and having a decent cleansing routine. That does not have to cost a fortune but those that spent a bit more I could tell the difference. As I get older I have added extra steps. I use a hydrating toner and an Essence step. These are water based and make a lot of different and only cost a few pounds.
Mostly it is genes. But I went too a school reunion a few years ago. You could tell the difference between those who had poor or no skincare routines and those who did. Also those who were in bad relationships as they too looked awful. They looked constantly like they were frowning and had an angry look etched on their faces. It makes a big difference wearing any moisturiser and having a decent cleansing routine. That does not have to cost a fortune but those that spent a bit more I could tell the difference. As I get older I have added extra steps. I use a hydrating toner and an Essence step. These are water based and make a lot of different and only cost a few pounds.
I have heard people say that your face is a road map of your life. The same facial expressions year after year cause permanent lines that cannot be erased by beauty products. Laughter lines are looked at more positively than frown lines, obviously. Skin that is well cared for
doesn't make you look younger - it just shows that you take care of yourself. The same goes for hair. You cannot escape your inherited genes. If you were born with 'good' skin and hair, you are fortunate, but if your dna determines fine hair, frizzy hair, etc. Hair products can temporarily help but will never change your hair type. You're stuck!
I've had regular Caci facials for years now, and coupled with slapping on the Marine Cream every day, it has helped no end. Heaven above knows what I would look like otherwise. Granny & Mum had good skin (without the expense apart from a spot of Astral), but I still look at my Mum in the mirror when I get up in the morning 🤭 . I could seriously do with some help on the thinning hair problem - so if anyone has good recommendations for a 'piece' or extension then I'm all ears.
There are 'toppers' available, but, imo, they look 'wiggy'. Hair extensions work, but you have to be prepared to spend time at the hairdresser every six weeks or so, and be willing to fork out. I think I heard Ruth Langsford say she uses temporary stick on extensions. You can do these yourself if you are 'good' with hair as you can with clip on extensions. Another idea is a lace front wig. It can be integrated into your own hair. There is a spray. I believe it is called Mane. The ad for it looks convincing. Hair is a bloody nuisance. The same with teeth.
Only Ophelia mentioned by name. Who are the others?
If extensions are done well and not too thick or too long, it's difficult to tell who's wearing them. However, and these are guesses, the Knuckles woman wears them, as well as Frank's, CHuntley, who admits it, JR - sometimes - who would never admit it, and Carla - - - the list goes on. We all care about our hair, and if you're on TV, you probably care very much that it looks perfect.
I was watching Michael over Christmas and he sounded like he had borrowed someone else's teeth ...poor lamb. Alex looks like she had some fillers/Botox. She has a friend who looks the same. I think she has done some clothing brand ambassador work for Q on the style channel and also advertizes one of those daylight lamps or a memory foam mattress on ordinary TV. They both look like Klingons but without the creases from the nose up !! I used to like the cozee homes girl but then she started wearing weird things and had strange, rigid, rat tail hair and fake tan hands. If they all stopped doing weird stuff to themselves l could concentrate on the products better ☺️yeah right never going to happen !! 😉
Miceal's teeth look too big. Maybe he went to the same dentist as Rylan!

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