Presenters contracts and botox


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Not sure it was clear from my post , but the make up artist said presenters contracts . Re models, he talked about Tiffany and how she is always having work done and it causes problems with make up , especially when she had her lips done .
Lilo Lil welcomes diamoneek lil!

Does anyone think Miss Ally has been "touched up" in places or is she as natural as the day she was born?
What, like round the back of the stables! I don't think so but I can't tell unless it is hideous or the camera is right up their noses.
If I was in their jobs ( presenting / modelling) I would go ahead with any treatments I felt necessary to look my best.I think it is when people make out their looks are down to certain products & do not admit to any 'work' that people get annoyed.I am sure one on the models who does BE makeup ( can't remember her name) but it is usually mentioned she is in her 60's, has had work done & good for her!
Babs? With the fabulous cheekbones? aww, are they not her own? Pity. I doubt I'd have 'stuff' injected into me if my life depended on it, let alone my job, but good for those who do.
Babs? With the fabulous cheekbones? aww, are they not her own? Pity. I doubt I'd have 'stuff' injected into me if my life depended on it, let alone my job, but good for those who do.

I'm pleased they're not her own cheekbones, it makes me feel better as i would love cheekbones like that.
I think lots of them had work.As its been said by someone here already,surgery seems very mainstream now.....I know (and know of) lots of "normal" mums having breast uplifts/bigger/smaller/,liposuction,tummy tucks,eyes done,new teeth.I think some work on QVC is very evident,others more subtle,but agree if theres a presenter that hasn't succumbed,then they're in the minority.
QueenB - if Iever get a BeautyBash ticket, it's yours! Would love to have you CastAnEye up close and personal. And tell us, of course!
I think lots of them had work.As its been said by someone here already,surgery seems very mainstream now.....I know (and know of) lots of "normal" mums having breast uplifts/bigger/smaller/,liposuction,tummy tucks,eyes done,new teeth.I think some work on QVC is very evident,others more subtle,but agree if theres a presenter that hasn't succumbed,then they're in the minority.

I think your spot on there rainbowdottie, I personally have three good friends who have had their ****s done & know of a few others too,, also one of them has collagen injections on a regular basis. If I had the money I would have my ****s & teeth done in a heartbeat. Meantime I will keep wearing my minimiser bra & going for my laser whitening once a year (my birthday treat) lol x
It's funny isn't it because I would categorically say I haven't had any "work done" but actually I have. I've had my teeth straightened and whitened and I've had peels to deal with scarring. All of which was done nearly 30 years ago I might add.

I haven't give under the knife though or had fillers or Botox. But who knows.

I think Babs' cheeks are natural. They're too good to be fake.
I think your spot on there rainbowdottie, I personally have three good friends who have had their ****s done & know of a few others too,, also one of them has collagen injections on a regular basis. If I had the money I would have my ****s & teeth done in a heartbeat. Meantime I will keep wearing my minimiser bra & going for my laser whitening once a year (my birthday treat) lol x
I hope you don't mind me saying Latchi but I noticed you get laser tooth whitening once a year, are you aware that the at home tray system from your dentist is much much cheaper and is a far better system for keeping your teeth white? They make you trays and you put the gel in for an hour every so often. That is enough to maintain them. Having the high power bleach is illegal now and all dentists are having to rethink what we offer. It looks like we're all going back to the tray systems although our practice has always recommended them over the laser system. We have both and used laser for people needing to whiten in a hurry ie a wedding etc but always advised that the tray system is so much better for your teeth and the results are better as they aren't dehydrating the teeth for a quick white but are slowly and gently whitening and its much longer lasting. x
I hope you don't mind me saying Latchi but I noticed you get laser tooth whitening once a year, are you aware that the at home tray system from your dentist is much much cheaper and iks a far better system for keeping your teeth white? They make you trays and you put the gel in for an hour every so often. That is enough to maintain them. Having the high power bleach is illegal now and all dentists are having to rethink what we offer. It looks like we're all going back to the tray systems although our practice has always recommended them over the laser system. We have both and used laser for people needing to whiten in a hurry ie a wedding etc but always advised that the tray system is so much better for your teeth and the results are better as they aren't dehydrating the teeth for a quick white but are slowly and gently whitening and its much longer lasting. x

Thank you so much for your kind information Queen Bee, I will look into this. Im only 41 & would like to keep my teeth for a long while yet lol! I have a dental app coming up & will enquire about this when Im there x
I had some work done on my teeth, it started off as a necessary procedure but I had some cosmetic too.I found a good dentist who was very particular ( private) & it did cost but it was the best money I have ever spent.I am surprised at the state of some people's teeth & then again am not as the cost of dentistry is prohibitive to many.I don't believe I would have had my level of treatment on the NHS which is pity.I wouldn't 'go under the knife' as I couldn't treat operations as something I would volunteer for.
I was lucky SilverFox. Mine was all NHS as it started off as a necessary procedure because I had a tooth that came down back to front. But the orthodontist straightened my teeth at the same time because he could. They were OK before, other than the arse about face one but now they are near perfect.
when i watch the housewives of ....whatever they look dreadfull. too thin toooo smooth toooooo couffiered just overdone. quality plastic surgery is hardly noticeable they all look the same in a bad way!
when i watch the housewives of ....whatever they look dreadfull. too thin toooo smooth toooooo couffiered just overdone. quality plastic surgery is hardly noticeable they all look the same in a bad way!

Oh do I have to admit to watching 'The Housewives of---?!!!! They are scarrrrrry,not only in looks and behavior.How much is staged for the camera? All I hope!
Am due to go to the US later this year had better start working on myself NOW.Shed 6 stone, Everything lifted, hair extensions to my silver locks,get a trout pout, that's for starters.

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