Presenter Duos


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Guy Andrews

Registered Shopper
Mar 21, 2014
Flicking through channels last night caught Cris & Andy presenting together - good entertaining selly telly (many double entendres though !) Compared to Chloe & Andy presenting the latest Air Fryer - the clip I caught she looked most peed off !
It’s getting silly now. Rotator cuff injuries is NOT in your elbow, your elbow is not a ball and socket joint.
Flicking through channels last night caught Cris & Andy presenting together - good entertaining selly telly (many double entendres though !) Compared to Chloe & Andy presenting the latest Air Fryer - the clip I caught she looked most peed off !
She normally sulks is if she is not getting all the attention I can't watch her for long periods in fact not even short periods.
I’m enjoying duo presenting, makes it a much more pleasant experience. I’m also enjoying the variety. What is going on with beauty ? Are they just having one channel? I enjoyed beauty Gala on main channel and spent a fortune. Peter has been doing lifestyle shows as well as beauty. Are they going to one channel?
I’m enjoying duo presenting, makes it a much more pleasant experience. I’m also enjoying the variety. What is going on with beauty ? Are they just having one channel? I enjoyed beauty Gala on main channel and spent a fortune. Peter has been doing lifestyle shows as well as beauty. Are they going to one channel?

Most of the duos now work pretty well together I think as well

Beauty is live 6 am-10 am and then repeated until live again the next day, it was also live 6-10 pm but NOT on Freeview then which affected sales

Been a couple of hints it will come back and I think the eventual plan is they want it to be another 24-7 live channel if feasible

They are waiting for a Freeview slot to come available, maybe the old Ideal World slot if nobody outbids them for it?

They have enough presenters now really to almost fill that schedule
Really? Do they have the product variation for 24 hour? I would enjoy more beauty/lifestyle channel to be fair. They seem to be down scaling the beauty presenters, Peters doing more elsewhere he did fashion the other day. I wondered if the much needed slap on the wrist for their devices was resulting in less of the culprit presenters and less beauty altogether. I hope you are right though
Good question I think 24/7 would be a stretch at the moment but they do have the German and Us Channels so a lot more product lines out there potentially

Personally I think giving the evening slot another go but with a Freeview slot is worth a try. Freeview is very expensive so I understand the worry about doing that but if they could get some kind of deal on the old Ideal World slot even if it is for a few months trial might be the way forward
I like the duos. Jenny and Andy work well together, Cris and Anshu, Chloe likes working with Peter but she does dominate. At the weekend Stacey was working with someone from the states and it was a great show. Whilst I am not always a fan of Tony I did think he and the queen of sparkles Vicky worked well together. I like most of the presenters the ones that grate on me a little are Mark, Chloe and Lindsay.
I like the duos. Jenny and Andy work well together, Cris and Anshu, Chloe likes working with Peter but she does dominate. At the weekend Stacey was working with someone from the states and it was a great show. Whilst I am not always a fan of Tony I did think he and the queen of sparkles Vicky worked well together. I like most of the presenters the ones that grate on me a little are Mark, Chloe and Lindsay.

Pretty much bang-on with my thoughts. Anshu is also really good with Marina they had a cracking show today at 2 pm very busy as well

It seems such a simple concept to pair people together who have chemistry/like each other rather than just random pairings

Chloe tolerates working with Peter I always get the impression she would normally be on her own the odd shift she seems genuinely happy that is he there

Even though I think it shows who has the egos again if your presenters would rather work alone and they are getting the sales let them
Pretty much bang-on with my thoughts. Anshu is also really good with Marina they had a cracking show today at 2 pm very busy as well

It seems such a simple concept to pair people together who have chemistry/like each other rather than just random pairings

Chloe tolerates working with Peter I always get the impression she would normally be on her own the odd shift she seems genuinely happy that is he there

Even though I think it shows who has the egos again if your presenters would rather work alone and they are getting the sales let them
So true she is a pain.
It might just be me but I really do not take to Andy. I turn off immediately as he comes across as a bit rude and somewhat bigoted. Maybe it's a form of humour I am just not getting. I dunno - just not for me.
It might just be me but I really do not take to Andy. I turn off immediately as he comes across as a bit rude and somewhat bigoted. Maybe it's a form of humour I am just not getting. I dunno - just not for me.

He was awful when he was on bid IMO. I'm not talking Bernard Manning levels or anything but there was definitely a nasty streak to him which he does seem to have toned down considerably since joining TJC but I do understand where you're coming from.
I am in two minds about him these days he could present on any channel with his eyes closed but some of the "humour" is massively outdated and frankly offensive

He still regularly says "If you are a man or a woman and please do check" in a sneery tone

If any other presenter said that it wouldn't fly, since he has come into TJC in general the background running of the channel seems a lot smoother I actually think he is more valuable in a behind-the-scenes role these days

I quite like him with Jenny and Caroline but on his own it is a bit much agreed
I agree regarding Andy, he doesn’t have a pleasant air to him. His jokes and innuendos are cringy. As for the duo presenting, I am really enjoying it. The chatting format makes it far more watchable and as a result I have bought more. I have been enjoying beauty a lot more as well . I haven’t seen one of the beauty regulars lately and I have to say that’s a real pleasure, she was exhausting to watch. The shows were unprofessional especially if she had a male guest with an air of sheer desperation.
Well done TJC bring in a few more knowledgeable presenters to keep the duos up and they are winning. Really enjoying it of late, but definitely spending more money.
Has anyone seen Richard from instant effects on with Carmel and lyndsey? What a joy in comparison. I’ve only ever seen him on beauty where the presentations were so painful I had to turn off and therefore never purchased. I’ve watched him this past week and loved hearing what he had to say (so so in-depth) without the horrendous Innuendo, giggling and flirting, needless to say I now have 4 items on its way. I feel TJC have listened to their customers. Less of the over the top crazy claim presenters where everything they are flogging is the best ever miracle and just talking about the products they are selling. As others have mentioned on here other shopping channels seem to have got rid of their better presenters and the weaker ones remain which I agree with, get some of them on board and TJC have got it right.
Is it me or do certain presenters Chloe or Mark rarely share Tv time with any of the buyers (only beauty or watch company people ) Had the misfortune to channel hop this afternoon and Chloe was being particularly sarcastic about people watching her (suggesting turn off the sound when she’s presenting ?) And Mark I thought was due to present today but the schedules (again) have been changed again …
Is it me or do certain presenters Chloe or Mark rarely share Tv time with any of the buyers (only beauty or watch company people ) Had the misfortune to channel hop this afternoon and Chloe was being particularly sarcastic about people watching her (suggesting turn off the sound when she’s presenting ?) And Mark I thought was due to present today but the schedules (again) have been changed again …
That is becoming the norm for Chloe imo. Mark is On holiday this week yipee.
Chloe or someone has been monitoring events here

May I humbly suggest Chloe that in order to prevent this you do not slag colleagues LIVE on air whether you think you are better than them or not, and this includes the schedulers who often get both barrels
Personally I like Chloe's presenting. Adopting a detached, critical view of TJC and many of their products may be a strange approach, but there's no doubt that it builds trust with the viewer that she really does like the products she's telling them to buy. She appears to be 'on their side', and I imagine that reflects itself in sales, or she wouldn't continue to be employed. I'm not a gold jewellery buyer, but I think most people would be likelier to shell out big bucks for a gold chain if Chloe was enthusing about it, rather than Chris SV or Derek (both of whom I like) just going through the motions. I'd also point out that 'watch me with the sound off' is criticising herself, not the viewers. She admits she annoys people.

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