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Hope you don't mind a newbie adding comments but the whole time he was on I just kept thinking of Raul and the "Ladeeze...." Iron bru advert!
And Dahlink da jewellery was wonderfulk and Chaka & Gina were his B.F's in the whole world!
My score sheet says Entertainment value 10 - Jewellery 0 All I needed was "Love it Love it Love it" and my day would have been complete xxx
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1. Hi Artemis!

2. QVC should sack all other presenters NOW - let's see Harald present the DIY, Easiyo yoghurt, garden equipment, craft etc etc.

Best laugh had in ages.

Was he made of foam rubber? Best bit was when he was reclined on chaise longue!!!
Julia versus Harald tonight should be a goodie. Who will emerge victorious as Queen of QVC UK? There will be some serious hair flicking going on that's for sure. I really enjoyed this afternoon's show but Sarah had her hands full with the unpredictable Harald. I thought she and the models were struggling to keep straight faces all the way through.
Have to say loved the show, haven't laughed so hard in ages. What a shy, retiring wallflower Harald is - such a delicate rose...

Seems like a nice enough bloke, and for all the ostentacious clothes, make up and behaviour quite genuine. In a weird way.
I'm hoping to stay up for it, but 10 in the U.K. is midnight here....
If I don't manage it, I'll look forward to all the comments on here...
Awww, what the heck - I've GOT to watch, havn't I and, even better, I'll be safe because I won't be tempted to buy anything!:grin:
Poor Harald was trying to tell us of his charity work at one point. The animals and children but evil Sarah bounced him along back to the jewellery.

The man was born for Panto season.
look out, he's behind you!....oh and welcome Artemis! :flower:

Yes.....it's going to be pure pantomime - can't wait!
Hubby's gone off to play footie so I think a coffee, a brandy, and Harald the Hunk for me.......I'll be in my jammies though, 'cos it's late for me....:wink2::coffee::nod:
I bet Julia's really looking forward to tonight - first Harald and then she's launching the Quacker Factory TSV!! :LS:

Wonder if she'll give us a 'tease' of the Quacker TSV and wear it with the PooPoo jewellery? :manic:

I can just see Harald blowing on a duck caller and shouting 'Quack Quack Dahling'!! :speechless2:
I bet Julia's really looking forward to tonight - first Harald and then she's launching the Quacker Factory TSV!! :LS:

Wonder if she'll give us a 'tease' of the Quacker TSV and wear it with the PooPoo jewellery? :manic:

I can just see Harald blowing on a duck caller and shouting 'Quack Quack Dahling'!! :speechless2:

PMSL !!:giggle:
I didn't get to see the 3pm show today,however i've just had a glance in the product review videos on QVC website.

OMG!!! The late Liberace would think this stuff was tacky.

Poor Sara,she sho nuff earned her crust today,someone give her a Bafta already.

Am definately watching the entire 10pm show with Julia tonight,THIS I HAVE TO SEE!

PS:Chaka Khan lemme rock u lemme rock u Chaka Khan,lemme rock u thats all I wanna do......

Oh Dear Baby Jesus,I may wet myself tonight!

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