As said before, of course she can have a moan, but it doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with it.
My whole point was and is, that some things that people moan about on here are very petty and immaterial. Maybe when you've had a terminal disease you see things with a different perspective and maybe tolerance comes with age.
I've been told to 'feck off' because I disagreed with her, hasn't bothered me in the slightest, people can't be liked by everyone and opinions differ and thank God for that!
I love what the germans have done by getting rid of the "Fraulein "thing eg their form of Miss. Every woman over 14/15/16 is automatically called Frau, which is the german form for Mrs. Theigh no doubt there would be loads of people here who do not wish to be titled as a married woman and would rather be a Ms. Not sure what the solution is, but I like the way no woman in germany can be identified as a married woman unless she wears a ring, it sort of gets rid of that
Is this or is it not shopping telly forum??? Isn't everything said here trivial compared to war - umm yes but we are here to discuss our thoughts and feelings about SHOPPING TELLY and to pull someone down for expressing their thoughts about something SHOPPING TELLY RELATED on a SHOPPING TELLY FORUM is just WRONG (in my honest opinion).
*here endeth the FIRST POST*:taphead:
My feck off was very friendly though.....:tongue: