Phones at Liverpool


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Well I hope she calms down and returns, Sues are always a good thing to have. :muscle:
It's not something which would bother me but you are allowed to be annoyed by the small things regardless of what is going on in the world. There are people dying but if I get the flu I'll still feel sorry for myself.

However this is a forum and people will agree and disagree & that is to be encouraged not something to throw your toys out of the pram and leave over.
As said before, of course she can have a moan, but it doesn't mean that everyone has to agree with it.

My whole point was and is, that some things that people moan about on here are very petty and immaterial. Maybe when you've had a terminal disease you see things with a different perspective and maybe tolerance comes with age.

I've been told to 'feck off' because I disagreed with her, hasn't bothered me in the slightest, people can't be liked by everyone and opinions differ and thank God for that!


Just because someone tells you to "feck off" doesn't mean that they don't like you does it? We don't know each other (one presumes) and just because we don't always agree it doesn't mean that we wouldn't like each other if we met.
I love what the germans have done by getting rid of the "Fraulein "thing eg their form of Miss. Every woman over 14/15/16 is automatically called Frau, which is the german form for Mrs. Theigh no doubt there would be loads of people here who do not wish to be titled as a married woman and would rather be a Ms. Not sure what the solution is, but I like the way no woman in germany can be identified as a married woman unless she wears a ring, it sort of gets rid of that
I think it may be the Liverpool accent which (naturally :tongue:) most of the call centre staff have. In my experience their pronounciation of 'Mrs' can sound alot like 'Mizz'.

I tend to go by 'Ms' as my title - I kept my married surname when I divorced, but wanted to define my change to single status (bitter, me?!). However, 'Ms' is the most stupid thing ever to have to pronounce, I mean it's not even a word is it?? Most people seem to plump for 'Muzz', which sounds horrible when you stop and think about it - which I hadn't, until today.... :dull:
I love what the germans have done by getting rid of the "Fraulein "thing eg their form of Miss. Every woman over 14/15/16 is automatically called Frau, which is the german form for Mrs. Theigh no doubt there would be loads of people here who do not wish to be titled as a married woman and would rather be a Ms. Not sure what the solution is, but I like the way no woman in germany can be identified as a married woman unless she wears a ring, it sort of gets rid of that

It is the same here in Italy. At least it is supposed to be.
Children in primary school call lady teachers and assistants Miss regardless of their marital status.
Is this or is it not shopping telly forum? :confused: ?? Isn't everything said here trivial compared to war - umm yes but we are here to discuss our thoughts and feelings about SHOPPING TELLY and to pull someone down for expressing their thoughts about something SHOPPING TELLY RELATED on a SHOPPING TELLY FORUM is just WRONG (in my honest opinion).
*here endeth the FIRST POST*:taphead:

Hello are you a newbie? Welcome to the forum.

I didn't pull her down, I just disagreed with her by expressing my thoughts back. How come she can't, but I can't?

LOL! :happy:
Accepted in the spirit it was given lol. :tongue:
Newbies should use this thread as training.

The original poster had a quibble about Shopping Telly [note the name of this website]. The reply back was to do with people who chose to be in a dangerous job. A subject appropriate to another forum. But when this was replied to, out come the knives and swearing [yes, being told to 'feck off' is the same as the grown up way of saying that phrase].

Newbies, you learn to identify these people - they are the type who would be the loud, obnoxious one on Come Dine With Me, that no-one likes.

No, we don't have to like or agree with one another but we can, at least, be civil. It isn't difficult.
OK as I seem to have caused all this today, can I now try to put an end to this thread?!!? :blush:

I promise (yeah right) to keep my gob shut (not possible) in future and agree (not a hope) with everything that is said here. :blush:

Certainly didn't mean for this to get nasty so for a little light hearted stuff may I draw everyone's attention to the wonderful new Fashion thread that Mrs James has posted. I know I'm going to be taking advantage of a few natty (gnatty??) little numbers!! Now.............. where's my credit card!! :cool:
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