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Oh janie, one step forward and two steps back, but its been pretty settled until now, so hopefully will settle again and its just a hiccup :)
Oh that's a shame. So hard for you Janie. But hopefully it'll be a blip and he will continue to get better.
i spoke to the specialist vet today who reminded me that even the most well controlled cat will have the occasional blip, so he thinks louis was probably having a couple off days. however although he's been well since, he wants me to give him the same dose tonight as a precaution and then drop it on wednesday. i was hoping he'd tell me to drop it tonight to get the panic over with. lol.

if he does ok on the reduced dose and is still doing well after a week, i can introduce a little fresh venison. i rang back cos i forgot to ask if i should give it to him cooked or raw and he laughed and said 'medium rare'. i have to boil or microwave it - no added fat. as a veggie i have no clue - which do you think would be most palatable? what i plan to do - if he likes it - is use it as 'good boy' treats, when he has his injection, is brushed, etc. so i think little cubes, frozen? if lou does well, he will have his next blood tests, 2 weeks, wednesday so i can ask the vet again then how much he should have.

i confessed that even to my mother's eye, lou is now looking a little plump (wanted to confirm the steroid dose is not affected by and he agreed with me when i said i give him all the prescription biscuits he wants (often over the recommended amount) because i prefer to do that and keep him satiated than have him out foraging. he also said when the dose is reduced, it may reduce his appetite a bit.
Oh thats good news Janie. I think the venison would be better boiled. I personally hate microwaved food, and think it would
go chewy You could do it in a pan and keep adding bits of water and stirring it, and then more water, rather than boiling it.

I'm sure he'll be glad to have something different to eat and will love it, good luck tonight for the steroid, you must be an expert
at it now ((( )))
I microwave fish for my boys but wouldn't microwave meat. I think it'll go tough and chewy really quickly. Why venison Janie? Is it because its a very lean meat?!
tinks it's all to do with his condition. they don't really know but they think it's autoimmune. venison is the only protein not used in regular cat food so the theory is, if he only eats venison, he won't have the immune response. the prescription food he's been on for months is venison based. introducing fresh venison is to give him a change.
I know it's for the cat lol! but venison goes tough very quickly unless you flash fry it or casserole. Can you cook it medium rare in a non-stick pan without any fat?
Was just going to suggest that Frazz! It's fine if you slow cook it too but I doubt that as a vegetarian Janie would want it lingering....

Would raw be OK? Our vet recommends raw meat and poultry for healthy teeth - can't say I like the idea much!
Oh that makes sense. I did think it was an unusual choice for kitty food but that's obviously the reason behind the choice.
frazzled/disenchanted - i dunno. just repeating what the vet said when i asked raw or cooked. i don't think my non-stick pans would be non-stick without some sort of grease.
You could spay some fry light on the pans and put the venison in, and cook slowly, and then instead of grease add some water,
and it'll continue to cook, i do that sometimes when i'm doing chicken
barbs - i'm not allowed to add anything to it. i think i'll probably boil it? at least it should be moist?
I must be physic mam, cause as soon as i seen your post, it came to me......... steaming, and there it was , physic or what

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