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Brill. Glad its all over for you and Louis . Was thinking about you all day. Good job cats have nine lives, he is amazing, just keeps on. Brill, amazing , fighter, in all ways
no anaesthetic! :mysmilie_13:

glad it's over and that Louis is oh-so-nonchalant about it now! :mysmilie_851:
Oh thank goodness for that Janie. You've both been on my mind all morning and it's lovely to read some good news. Let's hope the little blighter will stay away from fights for a while and give you some peace. Such a brave boy and a brave mammy too:)
Oh all these posts are making me well up, either that or the vodka, after a rough day, minding a toddler, and Tinks yours was just lovely, and all the rest, all so true,
so we;re all behind you tomorrow janie xx

It was what I was told by the heart specialist vet when Alf was a baby. He'd just been diagnosed with a heart murmur but we didn't know how bad it was. She said he trusted me and it made it easier to cope with the not knowing whether he would even make it past the first year.

Of course now the bugger has had three major operations I'm quite blasé about his heart problem. :eek:)
Thank the stars for that!! Good on Louis for foregoing the anaesthetic. Lets hope the anti bs do their stuff.

A peaceful weekend anyone??
FP - i've let him out. james didn't say keep him in and i forgot to ask. if he does get in a scrap he has 2 weeks worth of antibiotics in him and he hasn't been spending that much time outside so far - he just seems to like to know he can go out if he wants to. he's well in himself and on tuesday james said keep him in while he's quiet. i'll lock the flap tonight as usual.
It was what I was told by the heart specialist vet when Alf was a baby. He'd just been diagnosed with a heart murmur but we didn't know how bad it was. She said he trusted me and it made it easier to cope with the not knowing whether he would even make it past the first year.

Of course now the bugger has had three major operations I'm quite blasé about his heart problem. :eek:)

i've been thinking a lot about what you said about trust tink. i'd never really thought about it but i think he does trust me. if i have to do something unpleasant to him, he's such a good boy. i can see he's gritting his teeth but he stays nice and still. even if i have to do it twice :(

this afternoon, he came downstairs for a little while and sat net to me on the sofa. then he leaned across and bit me - no malice, he was very casual about it. he grabbed a mouthful of my cardi and nipped the skin underneath. enough to hurt but he obviously didn't mean business. wondering what he was trying to tell me. maybe "if you take me to uncle james one more time........." lol
Oh that's funny. Casually leant over and had a bite ... lol.

I'm pleased if the trust comment brings you any comfort or insight into your relationship with Louis. Alf trusts me 120%. I can do anything to him and the most he will do is moan a bit or walk away. Harvey does trust me but if I do something he doesn't like he loses that trust for a while. I have to rebuild it.

He hates going to the vet. The last time I took him I had to sit on the floor with my back to the cat flap whilst he scrambled all over me desperate to get out. He's so strong he can get out of the flap if its locked!! He was frantic. Up one side down the other. He was like a ****** eel. But I did get him in the basket. Checked myself over and I hadn't a mark on me. Not a bite or a scratch or a claw mark. I had envisaged my arms and shoulders ripped to shreds. Took him about five hours to forgive me for that. Took him about two weeks before I was allowed to pick him up.

God help me if he's really sick.
not so much trust as understanding - as you all know, i lock louis in at night and he's bursting to go out every morning. i'm feeling really rough at the moment with a URTI. barely slept for the past 3 nights with my throat on fire. managed to nod off around 7am thinking will have to let lou out soon. woke up at 8.45, no sign of him. went to the loo and crawled back in bed, still no sign. by 9am i was worried so came downstairs to find louis quite happy and patiently waiting to go out. may be wrong but i'm sure he thought 'mama's not very well, i'll let her sleep' :heart:

he's full of beans after yesterday's trauma and the wound is looking clean and not swollen. although he's apprehensive when i approach him with the cotton wool, he holds still while i give it a good bathe. mama's little angel :heart:

he's made sure all is as it should be in his kingdom and is here on the sofa keeping me company :)
he's holding his own thanks FP :) he's now had 2 injections of reduced dose steroid and so far so good. he's eating well and seems happy :)
Hope you're getting over your infection Janie and that Louis is back on the straight and narrow after the setback with the abscess. Hugs for you both.

We haven't had an update on Louis for a while - is he doing well, Janie?
hi everyone :) louis' holding his own thanks. he's seemed a bit off the last couple days - hasn't wanted to go out much, bored faraway look in his eyes and has been hunching. don't know whether he's feeling a bit off colour or whether it's me over-watching him. he's been eating fairly well fortunately.
Thanks for the update Janie. The kittens haven't wanted to go out much over the last couple of days. I think it's the weather. Boris likes to sleep in the bathroom washbasin whilst Katya prefers a dining room chair.
we had another hiccup today. having thought lou seemed a bit off the last couple days, came downstairs this morning to find he'd been sick. spent all morning waiting for vet to call by which time, lou had been stalking around happily outside and had eaten some biscuits and a teaspoon of canned food.

vet agreed as he seemed well, to give the injection at the normal time today but to phone on monday when david will be back to check the next move. we were due to reduce the steroid dose again on monday so need to see what he thinks first. sigh

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