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thanks for your interest everyone :happy: there's not really much to report - we're both just plodding on taking it day by day. louis is such a good boy - he doesn't make any fuss at all. he clearly wants to go out but doesn't make a nuisance of himself. he's tolerating the tube and he's eating all his food. it's heartbreaking being cruel to be kind - he asks for something different but i have to force myself to walk away. then he gives up and eats his biscuits. i so hate doing it but i have to :(

he's still spending most of his day in the wardrobe. since the knob on the end of the curtain pole fell down with a crash a few days ago, it's frightened him a bit of going on the windowsills which is a real shame. he has spent short periods on them in the last couple days so i hope he's getting his confidence back. this afternoon he was in the wardrobe headfirst for the first time. maybe he actually finally felt safe enough to do that. i do wonder if he wouldn't spend so much time in there if he didn't run there and hide when he sees me coiming with the meds tray in the morning because he's always downstairs first thing.

here he is in his usual position.

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i have to try and sort out the blood test appointment on monday as i still haven't heard when they'll be working. i'm also going to ring the specialist vet again and ask when he intends to remove the tube.
Thanks or the update & photo Janie. I can see why he feels happy in the wardrobe, he's safe surrounded on three sides so nothing & no one can creep up on him without him seeing them! My old cat Katie used to curl up in the corner recess of the french doors and if the curtains were drawn back would even hide herself into the end of the curtains, obviously working on the assumption that if she couldn't see anyone they couldn't see her !
Aww he looks so content there! That's a shame about the windowsill. But at least you're leaving him alone to get his confidence back, some people would be forcing him out of the wardrobe. Am sure he'll venture out when he's ready. Bless his heart. Let us know how you get on with the arrangements.

DD I recently read that if cats can't see you they think you can't see them! This is why when they hide they always have a tail sticking out!! Lol

Rossi cries if she can't see me, or doesn't know where I am. I only have to show my face and she's ok, strange puss!!

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Thanks for the update and lovely photo Janie. He does look really content in there bless him. Good luck with the upcoming blood test and please keep us posted.

love Ann
having spoken to local vet sunday and today and specialist vet yesterday, we finally have a plan, guided by the specialist. louis had the last of his antibiotics yesterday - that's 4 of the 5 drugs stopped now. we have to hope he gets on ok without them, vet said if he's going to go off, it won't be for a few days. he's to stay on the same steroid dose via the tube until he has his next set of blood tests which will have to be delayed a week because of stupid xmas. so he'll have them on the 2nd january. if the results come back ok, he will have the tube removed and will have a different steroid injected twice a week. if that goes ok, the dose will be reduced after 3 weeks. so that's the plan till the end of january provided louis stays well and his blood results are going in the right direction.
That doesn't sound too bad. He's been through the worst of it, you've both done really well :D

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FP - all things considered, he's been pretty good. he's loving, playful and eating well. he's also bored and wants a change of food. it's heartbreaking when he asks and i have to walk away :(
All seems to be heading in the right direction, janie. The power of love - eh, ladies?
How's Louis Janie?

Was he allowed a small treat at Christmas, probably not?

thanks for asking frazzled :) no, poor louis just had his usual prescription diet.

we're plodding on about the same, looking forward to seeing the vet for blood tests on wednesday. if the results are ok, the tube can come out. trying not to get excited just in case. also the specialist vet has a habit of extending his time frame. i'm going to phone him tomorrow because the stitch has broken so the tube is just sort of sitting there on it's own.

here he is when he fell asleep face down on his toys the other day

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It does look very healthy shiny fur janie. And at least he had toys. Hopey's climbing thing is still in bits in the garage.
Apparently you can get no other screws to fit it, my son put the wrong screws in the bottom of it, and OH cant get
the top bit built, no other screws in the world fit it. Men., Anyway hope all goes well on Wednesday, and you get the
tube out, positive thoughts for then xx
It does look very healthy shiny fur janie. And at least he had toys. Hopey's climbing thing is still in bits in the garage.
Apparently you can get no other screws to fit it, my son put the wrong screws in the bottom of it, and OH cant get
the top bit built, no other screws in the world fit it. Men.xx

Barbs, I'd be very suspicious of that - sounds like the sort of excuse we've probably all heard before!
he does actually have the softest silkiest fur i've ever felt on a cat. of course i'm used to it now but i can remember doing a double take when i first stroked him :heart:

it's like toyland in here - i'm stepping round his cube and his tunnel and over his mice all the time. one of his favs is a long snake from asda. he was a rattle snake till mama trod on his rattle. lol

i very much doubt if it will come out barbs but as we have an appointment (with the regular vet) just wanted to check with the specialist vet. it has - i've forgotten the name - one of those stitches that sort of twirls around and can be removed with one snip at the base. as that has clearly happened on its own, i don't want the tube to fall out. but....i can see the conversation going like this -

'does it look ok?'


'ok well leave it till we get the results back'


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