Pet Insurance ... yes or no?


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What an awkward situation, I have to agree with Mam it's probably going to be a good idea to keep him in for a bit longer, as hard as that might be. Even forgetting the gits next door you will no control over what wildlife he takes a fancy to or a kindly neighbour giving titbits, finding scraps etc? What a worry for you.
Just to add my two-penneth, I would keep him in.

Yes, he wants to go outside. Yes you want him to go outside, but it is really not worth the risk.
His health is still fragile and it all hinges on his diet at the moment.
A few weeks down the line ... who knows.
I'm really pleased he's doing well but I agree that keeping him in for now is for the best. Will you be able to introduce different things into his diet as you progress? If so can chicken be first? If he can tolerate it then he'll be OK to go out. I doubt very much he will go for the dog food unless he's really hungry. What a worry though.

My biggest worry about your neighbours feeding the foxes and leaving out too much food is that they are encouraging rats. Where there's regular food supplies left about there will be rats.
exactly tink. i had to stop feeding the birds because of the rat problem and they put food down a few feet from the house! they are not normal.

i am going to do what i said and ask them again at the weekend. i've nothing to lose. there are only a few houses here and no-one else leaves food around because of the rats. who does anyway? i've never seen people leave food outside, apart from birdfood, my whole life. all the neighbours know louis and know he's been ill. i'm not worried about wildlife because neither vet is. the specialist vet said it's not ideal but he has to balance it with louis' quality of life.
We used to have a neighbour a few doors away - actually a nice old boy but totally deluded - who liked to "do his bit for the food chain". Each day he would smother his lawn with stale bread, nuts and any food Malcolm, his cat, hadn't eaten. He stood outside, arms outstretched, waiting for pigeons to descend on him Francis of Assisi stylee. The food would never be finished but would attract rats from the playing fields behind us then Malcolm - a feisty fellow - would chase and invariably kill them.

The neighbour, I'll call him John because that was his name and I know you are all pretty discreet, would hang the corpses of said dead rats along his fence for the foxes. He refused to listen to all reasonable argument and only stopped this hideous practise when someone involved the RSPCA.
Oh my! I have only knowingly met a rat once when there was a drought and they moved up from the Irwell to our back gardens where they meet the railway banking One was parading along the wall as bold as brass between us and next door. Our cat went for it and got bitten. We had to take her straight to the vets. Next door's son had an air rifle and shot the rat. We got the local pest control people in and they dealt with the rest of them.
We are aware that rats are around which is expected seeing as a stream runs alongside our property. In the night you can hear them drop back in the water and the grasses move as they make their was along the bank. Big buggas they are too when they show themselves. I'm comfortable with them being there, it's a natural habitat for them.
We have a few rules - don't show yourselves and stay your side of my fence and I won't alert the council.
Meg won't go any where near them.
I can remember reading that none of us are more than a matter of feet away from a rat at any given time. Don't know how true it is but I agree with min, there are bound to be rats around here as I'm quite near a stream and there are a lot of stables around which usually provide rich pickings for rodents. I've never seen one myself but I think the dogs (both terriers) would give any rat a run for its money.
Yes, there are stables in the next field so the feed is an attraction.
When 21 was little I saw an enormous rat wandering around the bottom of the garden, bold as brass & quite unperturbed when I opened the doors and shouted at him/ her. It was quite distinctive in that besides the size, it had a broken tail. I showed our cat (not Meg) and she turned away.
When I saw it on the patio one morning I rang the council & the nice man put down bright blue feed for it.
The owner of the horses called me over her field one morning & there it was, stiff as a board. It was huge!

More worryingly, years ago "something" dug a tunnel beneath the stable and killed 13 of 14 chickens. They were decapitated and stacked up by the hole leading out. The owner could only guess what had killed them. He ruled out fox (tunnel too small) and thought possibly a weasel.
Rat poison is another worry for us cat lovers though!

It seems we're all agreed we hate rats but what about squirrels? I don't mind them which is just as well as we are pretty inundated but I know my brother hates them unearthing plants when burying things.
Our squirrels are unfortunately grey not red, but I still like to watch the two who live at the bottom of our garden. I have a feeling when the kittens master major tree climbing there will be some fireworks !
i'd never seen a rat until i moved here. there are horses in the front field too. it amazes me that rat poison is sold to anyone, always has. because so many people are too tight to call the rat man who knows how to hide it, they buy it and chuck it anywhere. the people who used to live next door weren't normal either and they used to chuck big handfuls over the fence into the field. when the women moved in they stole some of the land (back field is privately owned) and one of their dogs found it and was very ill. ok karma but i'd want them to suffer not an innocent dog. i was worried about this when louis was first ill but james said it is rare in cats because they are picky eaters.

they really are bold and will stroll through the garden a few inches from the house. i finally stopped feeding the birdies when i saw them swinging through the trees like tarzan one day to get to the bird feeders. i also saw one actually bare its teeth at a bird. that was it, sorry birdies, no more grub. unfortunately with these two about 3 feet away putting food back and front, there's no hope.

when i got the rat man - there was a long waiting list - there was nothing i could do because they weren't actually nesting on my property.
i love squirrels but surprisingly see very few here. i wonder if rats go for them? years ago, i lived in a different village in the forest and i used to find stuff buried everywhere - in all my flower tubs, all over the lawn etc. they were very tame and would hop around when i was gardening. unfortunately there were a lot of snakes in that garden too.
Rats! Yikes! My biggest fear/phobia/nightmare. We are surrounded by farms and fields and there is obviously cattle and sheep feed left out by the farmers. You quite often see a rat around. When Itchy and Scratchy were alive they would tackle anything and had a mighty time terrorising the rat/mouse and rabbit population. Then they would leave their dead prey on the drive, for me to congratulate them. My youngest son was the only one who would go out with a shovel and fling them into the field., husband and oldest son were nearly as freaked out as me.
I've never actually seen a rat, there are several restaurants and food outlets nearby so they must be out there. The road has a resident fox, perhaps he/she keeps them under control.
Rats! Yikes! My biggest fear/phobia/nightmare. We are surrounded by farms and fields and there is obviously cattle and sheep feed left out by the farmers. You quite often see a rat around. When Itchy and Scratchy were alive they would tackle anything and had a mighty time terrorising the rat/mouse and rabbit population. Then they would leave their dead prey on the drive, for me to congratulate them. My youngest son was the only one who would go out with a shovel and fling them into the field., husband and oldest son were nearly as freaked out as me.

trouble with louis is, his prey is alive and once he's brought it in he loses interest. i've had a rat up the curtains, one in the bath and one running round the living room. my neighbours hide when they see me coming........
OMG Janie, I would have lost the plot! In the early days, the furries managed to get the odd live mouse in which was bad enough. Everyone would be shouting at youngest son to get rid of them! We soon learnt to check them carefully before letting them in. No cat flaps in this house.
itchy - i feel the same as you but like everything else in life where you have no choice, you just have to get on with it. lol!
Thankfully Hopey is a lover not a fighter. he he. She just brings in flies or wasps, plays with them and then wanders of.
I have a phobia of mice and can't even think about rats. Uuk. I'd screammmmmm

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