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I am not an expert on cats (apart from loving them), but I think you are doing everything possible in your care of Louis. He could not be in better hands. Chin up! and hugs for Louis.xx
Slow progress janie, but nevertheless progress.
He's not falling over through lack of food, he's not vomiting & he is eating though not as much as you would like.
As for sleeping a lot, I guess he knows best. He must be feeling weak. We have some days when Meg seems to sleep all day and night & I put that down to her age (14).
It must be depressing for you.
It was good that you were able to stimulate him with the light & I would count that as a bonus too. Does he react to smells (catnip/ bleach), boxes (lol), rolled up paper, ping pong balls, wool?
Any maybe worth a try.

min - he does love catnip and gets really excited if i open the container. he gets fed up after a few minutes though - what he likes best is the bag with the catnip in it. he doesn't show any interest in boxes which is strange as he loves getting in anything with a door. he's never played with balls. he's got toys everywhere but despite his boredom, doesn't play with them. i think boredom and lack of exercise is a factor in him sleeping so much.
Hard to know what to say, i knew you were down about louis and i totally feel for you. And
not only me, you know you and louis have a loyal fan club here, who love to hear, if you're
up to it, all about how the two of you are doing. And i hope it goes well at the hospital.
You're having a bad time, which hopefully will end soon. Much love and thoughts. xx And to
louis miaow miaow
hi everyone, louis here :mysmilie_482: thought it was time i checked in with my fan club :mysmilie_484: i think mama might have got you all worried when i didn’t feel like eating much. what does she expect? she won’t let me out to chase meeces and that pesky mog next door :mysmilie_455: i’m bored stiff and i was having a bad day :mysmilie_490: that man at the place that smells funny did tell her i’d have off days but she didn’t listen properly. she never does you know :rolleyes: anyway, because she was making such a fuss about it and went to all that trouble weighing it out and everything, i thought i’d better make more effort yesterday, so i ate everything – every single biscuit and all but a mouthful of that diet goop :angel: it was worth it to see how happy she was when she saw the empty dishes this morning. i got extra brownie points for eating a few more biscuits for brekkies so surely she’ll let me out now? i’ve been such a good boy? :mysmilie_515: although i have to say no luck so far :mysmilie_478: i can’t promise to eat all my dinner every day – it’s pretty boring – venison, whatever that is - but i will try.

mama had some strange man in here this morning – she said he was from somewhere called dell and he did something to her laptop – that little box thing you understand, not yours truly – the original and best laptop :tongue: he said he really liked cats so i decided to make friends with him. i gave him a good sniffing and tried to get on the table to help but he said i couldn’t. i did manage to get two paws on there but then i knocked a box off – it was his fault, he shouldn’t have put it on the edge. so anyway, mama made me get down so i went off to sulk in the wardrobe. he’d kept saying how handsome i was so i thought if i wheedled round him, he might let me out. mama didn’t take any chances though – she even locked him in as well! :bandit:

anyway, i really need to nap now so i’ll let mama get back on here. i know she’s really grateful for all your kind messages and good wishes so a big thank you from me too for helping me look after her :mysmilie_504: i do my best but really...she’s hard work sometimes, makes such a fuss. bye everyone :hi:
Thank you Louis, glad to hear you've been eating all your yummy biscuits like a good boy. Keep it up to make mammy happy and you'll be able to go meece chasing and moggy scaring very soon. :clapping:
Such good news that Louis is eating more! Hopefully, it won't be too much longer before he is out and about again.

They do like a visitor don't they! Remember when we had to have our televisions tweaked by an engineer of some sort in order to receive Channel 5? We had a lovely young lad with dreadlocks to do ours and while he was crouching in front of the TV, His Nibs jumped onto the poor unsuspecting boy's back and starting playing with them!!! I was mortified but, fortunately, he liked cats.
disenchanted - the dell engineer was a real cat lover. he adopts cats with fiv because no-one wants them :( he also said he did one repair with the owner's cat on his lap ;)

when louis was all over him, it reminded me of when the vet nurses complained that louis was aggressive and unfriendly. i reminded them it could have something to do with the fact they were always poking and prodding him and in actual fact, as i wrote on the admission form, he is a very friendly cat.
Hopey always runs out to the front door, when the wrapper goes, she likes to see who's
visitng and runs round their feet. Mostly she gets ignored, but its funny, if she's lying
on the bed all day, and we want her downstairs, i get up and pretend to knock the front
door, open it and say "hello", and she appears at the top of the stairs peering down. How sad are
we ? But it is funny (IMO)
just wanted to report that a 5kg cat is supposed to eat 60-85g of louis' prescription diet. yesterday he ate 100g :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14:
just wanted to report that a 5kg cat is supposed to eat 60-85g of louis' prescription diet. yesterday he ate 100g :mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14::mysmilie_14:

WOW thats brill news janie. He's a fighter :heart:
another 100g yesterday :clapping::clapping::clapping: he didn't want his medicine this morning though - had a bit of a chase around the house :smirk:
Now that's more like it! Nothing like a good chase Janie.

it's really scary when i've got hold of the tube though.............if i can manage to do it when he's settled down, it's no problem but if he's wide awake it's nerve wracking for me and upsetting for him. i try to wait a bit but have to stick roughly to the 12 hours.
He's eating very well janie, do you think they'll take the tube out soon ???
barbs, mam - i'm thinking maybe another week or so? it can't stay in longer than 6 weeks and it's 4 weeks tomorrow i think. i've had him home 3 weeks and i think the antibiotics are for a month. i know the steroid is long term but not sure about the rest. i know the vet wants to leave it in while i have to give him so many meds. i have to check in with him tomorrow and i know he wants louis to have another blood test soon so maybe he'll tell me then, when he plans to remove it. the next hurdle to cross then will be how to give the meds........
Oh yes its a job giving them tablets, they seem to find them even if you hide them.
If they're in liquid form a syringe might be an idea, and maybe the vet will have some
ideas. He does seem to be doing really well, love his posts :)

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