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hi barbs :) he's doing well thanks. seems fairly happy, he's bright and alert. he likes his new special diet biscuits which finally got delivered yesterday and he's sleeping in the wardrobe :sleepy:
hi barbs :) he's doing well thanks. seems fairly happy, he's bright and alert. he likes his new special diet biscuits which finally got delivered yesterday and he's sleeping in the wardrobe :sleepy:
Oh thats brill news janie, seems like he's well on the road to recovery. :rock:
hello everyone, louis here :mysmilie_482: i can see mama's been a bit lax with my updates so you know what they say, if you want something done, do it yourself.

i am bored bored bored bored bored. :mysmilie_490: i've been asking to go out all day - crying even - but mama just pats my head and says "soon, louis". she says i can't go out while i have this stupid tube in my neck. is it my fault she keeps putting stuff down it? sigh... :mysmilie_478: anyway, there's only so much snoozing in the wardrobe a big boy like me can do. :mysmilie_496: i've been looking out the windows but i'm bored with that too. mama doesn't understand the whole area needs remarking. :mysmilie_515: i'm trying to be good though because i don't want to go back to that place with lots of strange people that smells funny. :confused:

i did have one bit of fun this morning. :smirk: i was just settling down on mama's lap for a nap, :sleepy: when i saw that pesky mog from next door on MY deck :mad: - the one they got because i'm so handsome, they wanted a cat that looked like me. true story - mama says they're a bit weird. anyway i ran up to the door and hissed at him and the big wimp ran off. showed him who was boss even in my weakened state and from inside the house too! mama said she was very proud of me. :mysmilie_484: :mysmilie_850:
Hello Louis!! You've had all us women really worried you know. I am so glad to hear you're still the boss of your street though. They'll soon fall into place when you get back out, don't you worry. Make sure mam is giving you lots of cwtches, and bear with her, she may be a dotty old bird but she's only doing it to make you better ;)

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Well done Louis! That was a really great thing to do and shows how much better you must be feeling.Hope you can get outside and really put the frighteners on soon. Make sure you are eating enough and looking after mam.
Hang in there Louis, you're doing really well.

Hope you've got lots of toys and DVD's to watch - Aristocats, Garfield or Stuart Little should help to keep you amused?
Hang in there Louis, you're doing really well.

Hope you've got lots of toys and DVD's to watch - Aristocats, Garfield or Stuart Little should help to keep you amused?

And if you've already seen those there's always Danger Mouse, The Three Mousecateers, A Fish called Wanda and Bless this Mouse!
no dvds - she doesn't spoil me at all :mysmilie_515: i have to make do with watching the birdies through the windows.

well...........she did get me a cube to play in and lots of new toys as coming home from hospital pressies but it's not really cool to let her know i like playing with them. :mysmilie_484:
You could always try hiding and then jumping out and grabbing mammy's leg when she walks past Louis. I've heard that's great fun, my puss Callum used to love doing it. :smirk:
So glad you are doing well Louis. You will soon be well enough to join the 'Free Meg' campaign! She needs some kitty allies.
You could always try hiding and then jumping out and grabbing mammy's leg when she walks past Louis. I've heard that's great fun, my puss Callum used to love doing it. :smirk:

auntie mam - you didn't tell me i couldn't bite her leg. :mysmilie_484: i did what you said and got told off. :confused:

i saw off that mog from next door again this morning. i woke mama at 7 am because i was hungry :angel: she grumbled a bit and tried to fob me off but eventually came downstairs to get me some of my new biscuits. when she pulled back the curtains, he was in MY back garden! :mad: i soon showed him who was boss though and he shot off over the fence. just wait till i get out there...i could do with a good scrap :mysmilie_454:
Oh I'm sorry I got you into trouble Louis. :sad: Maybe try it without the claws and teeth next time, mammy might like it more:)

You'll soon have that moggy next door back in his place if you keep eating all your biscuits.

aunty mam
Hopey here (SparklyBarbs) cat. I'm out on a mission Louis, to make sure my terrority is safe, so
i'll have an adventure for you while im out. Its a bit cold and frosty but i've been lying on Barbs
bed all day, as she's not well and it seems to cheer her up. I lie just on the spot , you know, the
spot where she can't turn incase she disturbs you, so silly moo just lies there and doesn't move
incase she moves me, if she does try i don't move much. So i think i deserve a run around and she
can sit and wait for me to come in. Its now 2 hours i've been prowling, and the silly billy is still
waiting and calling me. I'm having too much fun to come in, but maybe soon. Im due some of my
lovelly dried food and my favourite butter. She really enjoyed your posts Louis, they made her
laugh out loud, and cheered her up. Been a bit down, life and stresses and men. You know the
score. Keep fighting Louis and you'll soon be out there again, and keep that cat out of YOUR
garden. Miaow miaow x x x x
hi hopey :wave: thanks for your post. i'll tell louis about your adventures and he'll be really envious.

been waiting till late before i post an update as he's not been so well today. was grumpy this morning when i had to give him his meds, has hardly eaten anything and has spent the whole day in the wardrobe. i was speaking to the vet sbout a problem with my invoice so i mentioned it to her and she wasn't overly concerned. she said if he stops eating completely to try him with a few of his non-diet biscuits and if he refuses that as well, to start the anti-nausea tablets again. i haven't done as he did eat a small amount. he came downstairs an hour ago and had a cuddle on my lap but he was lying there with a far away look in his eyes.

mama's trying not to worry. i know he's bored and frustrated and they did tell me there would be bad days. i also feel so sorry for him having to eat the same food all the time. :confused: no wonder he's fed up.

hopey - you give your mama lots of cuddles and hugs from louis and me. oh and try not to hog all the bed ;)
Its probably just a down day janie, bound to be. He's a fighter, a tough cookie and he's got you in
his corner, so thats all he needs. And at least he's coming out of the wardrobe, tiny steps, but look
how far you've come. Thanks for the hugs x x Positive thoughts whirling their way to you. Keep
strong and smiling (( ))
i woke mama at 7 am because i was hungry :angel: :mysmilie_454:

What a really good boy you are Louis!

It's still dark when my special little man starts makings attempts. I try to hide under the duvet but he comes under as well! The face patting goes on until I give in - as always. I'll be glad when he's adjusted to the clocks going back! He's a pensioner now so gets spoiled a lot.
What a really good boy you are Louis!

It's still dark when my special little man starts makings attempts. I try to hide under the duvet but he comes under as well! The face patting goes on until I give in - as always. I'll be glad when he's adjusted to the clocks going back! He's a pensioner now so gets spoiled a lot.

he really is a good boy frazzled. i've always left a dish of biscuits upstairs for him and because he's a grazer, he doesn't just eat them because they're there. so normally, he always gets his own breakfast before he goes out to make sure the road is as it should be. i know so many people who's cats wake them at 5am and they can't leave food down because they eat it there and then. because i'm weighing his food out and putting down his daily requirement, he'd finished it off before i woke up. he was so polite about it - just gently tapped me on the shoulder :heart:

he's still very sleepy - he was in the wardrobe when i woke up and he still is now at lunchtime. he seems happy enough and purred all through me giving him his meds. he hasn't eaten yet but did eat a bit overnight.

i'm really annoyed with myself because i got all sorted out and ready to go to asda this morning which means putting his collar on which he hates, sneaking out of the house without him noticing, got all the way there and parked only to find i didn't have my bag.:sad: i think i'm losing it. it's an hour round trip so i wasn't going to go straight back and leave him again. as he's slept all morning would have been a good time to be out too. sigh...
Have you tried Asda's delivery service Janie? Makes my life much easier and saves me a fortune as I don't see things I "fancy".

Attaboy for eating your biscuits Louis, big hugs from me. ((((((((xxxx))))))))

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