Pet Insurance ... yes or no?


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Aww Janie that's so brave of you to post. I bet you kind of wish we'd all leave you alone. I really am gutted to hear Louis isn't home and better. At least they can treat his ibs, that's a start. I really don't know what to say apart from I am thinking of you and hoping with every breath I have that he will pull through Xx

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

i don't think that at all cap - i really appreciate all the support.

the results on friday thing is because even after the pathology, they're still not sure that he doesn't have lymphoma as well. he definitely has pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease but the bowel biopsy contained a lot of lymphocytes. the extra test is immuno cytochemistry to identify the lymphocytes. if they are monoclonal (all the same type) that means he has lymphoma as well. as for the neuro thing, the vet would like to do an mri or cat scan of his head. i've declined - he has enough to cope with. if he has something going on in his head as well, i don't want to know about it. i will decide his future on his symptoms/quality of life.

thanks everyone for all the good wishes.
Oh Janie, i'm finally down here and reading all your updates on Louis, and my heart is breaking with you, as i'm thinking what if it was my cat
Hopey, who is like my baby, just as Louis is yours. You've both been through so so much, and hopefully the steroids will help. They certainly
help ill patients, so hopefully they will have the same effect on Louis. One day at a time, and just remember we're all thinking of you both and
hope everything takes a turn for the better. Keep strong xx Barbara
I hope whatever he has can be treated and his quality of life is ok. I've got hope - he's a little fighter! If we all send happy, positive thoughts I wonder if he'll feel them?! Bless his heart. He has a whole load of women thinking about him!

And on a negative note, Casey is going to the vet tomorrow as the vomiting hasn't gone away. It reduced, but happened again earlier so decided it was time for a check up.

If she has to have tests etc,.does insurance cover this? Am hoping it's just a case of trying new food or something. Neither her or Rossi are eating much at the moment. Both are absolutely fine though, apart from the odd regurgitation from lil' miss Casey :rolleyes:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
I hope whatever he has can be treated and his quality of life is ok. I've got hope - he's a little fighter! If we all send happy, positive thoughts I wonder if he'll feel them?! Bless his heart. He has a whole load of women thinking about him!

And on a negative note, Casey is going to the vet tomorrow as the vomiting hasn't gone away. It reduced, but happened again earlier so decided it was time for a check up.

If she has to have tests etc,.does insurance cover this? Am hoping it's just a case of trying new food or something. Neither her or Rossi are eating much at the moment. Both are absolutely fine though, apart from the odd regurgitation from lil' miss Casey :rolleyes:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

oh no!! i thought she was all better :( yes insurance covers everything apart from the routine stuff like vaccinations. depends what your excess is too of course - it it's £100 like mine, blood tests may not rack up above that anyway. it's things where they have to sedate or anaesthetise that seem to be really spendy.

i'm really sorry this has happened again but glad she's having a check up. best to make sure. thanks for all the positive vibes. i'll tell louis. (((hugs)))
Thanks Janie. It's been off and on, mainly off, but as it happened in front of me whilst I was working from home I thought, right, that's it! I have taken the dried food up completely, as both me and hubby think this may be the culprit, but I still want her checked out. She's lost weight too.

Talking of Mr C, he who pretends he doesn't care about the pusses but has them on his lap whenever my back is turned (!!) I was telling him about you and Louis and he said he hopes he pulls through too. You've both touched many a heart through this forum! Xx

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I hope whatever he has can be treated and his quality of life is ok. I've got hope - he's a little fighter! If we all send happy, positive thoughts I wonder if he'll feel them?! Bless his heart. He has a whole load of women thinking about him!

And on a negative note, Casey is going to the vet tomorrow as the vomiting hasn't gone away. It reduced, but happened again earlier so decided it was time for a check up.

If she has to have tests etc,.does insurance cover this? Am hoping it's just a case of trying new food or something. Neither her or Rossi are eating much at the moment. Both are absolutely fine though, apart from the odd regurgitation from lil' miss Casey :rolleyes:

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Oh poor you Capirossi and your Casey. Maybe its just a tummy bug, i don't think insurance covers tests etc, but you'd need to check fine print. Sure they do anything to get out of it. I've a cat Hope, who was a rescue kitten, and we only had her and she kept getting infections and turns out she has cat flu. Doesn't really bother her, except she sneezes a lot, to ahem get rid of you know what, and if she doesn't i have to try and catch her to clean her nose. She's much quicker than me, so she runs when she sees me. So funny. She's feisty also, and gives a few scratches, if she can't be bothered getting stroked etc. Just shows you how we can all love our animals, and treat them like one of our families.
Im sending positive thoughts and wishes to your Casey and poor Louis and Janie xx
thanks again everyone - cap, please tell mr C i really appreciate it. the afternoon report is that poor louis was sick again this morning, yet another backward step. the plan is still for me to bring him home tomorrow to see if he does better at home. i'm nervous of the feeding tube and having to administer the drugs but terrified of him vomiting it up.

i can do this.......right?? :sad:
thanks again everyone - cap, please tell mr C i really appreciate it. the afternoon report is that poor louis was sick again this morning, yet another backward step. the plan is still for me to bring him home tomorrow to see if he does better at home. i'm nervous of the feeding tube and having to administer the drugs but terrified of him vomiting it up.

i can do this.......right?? :sad:

Janie you can do it because you love the little guy! As horrible as it may seem, ultimately it's to help him. That'll see you through Xx

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
Janie, when my last cat Katie was just a year old she was run over and her jaw was broken in four places, luckily she survived and after surgery came home with her jaw wired together top and bottom, an Elizabethan collar and a feeding tube through her neck into her stomach. She was so happy to be home and I was ecstatic to have her back, all be it battered and bruised, I had to fed her with liquid food via a syringe into her tube which I also had to clean and flush out regularly. Most animals dislike enforced stays at the vets and recover much better at home, if I coped with it I'm sure you can manage OK too and of course the vet has Louis best interest at heart so wouldn't let you bring him home if he didn't think you could do it and if you need advice they're only a phone call away.

Go for it I'm sure he'll do better with your TLC and you'll all feel happier when he's home.
Janie, when my last cat Katie was just a year old she was run over and her jaw was broken in four places, luckily she survived and after surgery came home with her jaw wired together top and bottom, an Elizabethan collar and a feeding tube through her neck into her stomach. She was so happy to be home and I was ecstatic to have her back, all be it battered and bruised, I had to fed her with liquid food via a syringe into her tube which I also had to clean and flush out regularly. Most animals dislike enforced stays at the vets and recover much better at home, if I coped with it I'm sure you can manage OK too and of course the vet has Louis best interest at heart so wouldn't let you bring him home if he didn't think you could do it and if you need advice they're only a phone call away.

Go for it I'm sure he'll do better with your TLC and you'll all feel happier when he's home.

That's a very reassuring post DD. I'm sure Janie will think so too. Thank you for posting. Sorry to hear about your Katie, sounds like she had a fab nurse though!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)
That's a very reassuring post DD. I'm sure Janie will think so too. Thank you for posting. Sorry to hear about your Katie, sounds like she had a fab nurse though!

From mobile, please excuse any silly errors!! :)

She did well, I had her until she was 21
diamond diva - i can't thank you enough for posting that! it sounds so complicated from the instructions - the flushing, feeding, flushing, grinding up and administering the drugs etc. if he wasn't being sick i wouldn't be as scared but i have a horror of him vomiting the tube up :sad: but anyway, just knowing someone else has done it, makes me feel a lot better - did katie start eating normally again with no problems when her poor little mouth was healed? louis is refusing to eat and obviously he has to - he can't have the tube forever.

thanks again (((hugs)))
She had the tube in until the wires came off, from memory it was about four weeks, it was stitched to her neck so even if she had been sick it wouldn't have come out. I'd forgotten about her painkillers, she'd always hated taking tablets so they were dissolved in water and went down the tube too which was so much easier for me. When she'd healed her lower jaw was offset from the top one and she'd lost most of her teeth so couldn't chew very well, I had to chop her food up smaller and she perfected a way of nosing her food to the edge of the dish and sort of flicking it back into her mouth, she loved her biscuits too and ate them without chewing in the same way !

I'm sure you'll cope well and Louis would be happier at home with you xx
Good luck for coping when he is home. After you have done it a couple of times you'll be fine. He will be much better off in his own home with familiar people and smells and lots of love and attention.
Good luck for coping when he is home. After you have done it a couple of times you'll be fine. He will be much better off in his own home with familiar people and smells and lots of love and attention.

I agree. You will Janie & so will he & trust me, it can't be any worse than trying to stick a plastic mask over a horse's face to administer puffs of something to help it breathe & at least Louis isn't going to rear up & splatter you into a concrete floor in thanks for your efforts! l
(Not that said horse did, he just looked a bit shocked & surprised the first time but I did have visions of several hundred pounds of panicked equine rearing up & splattering me into the concrete, so I can sympathise with your ooh, err, eek thoughts here! lol)

Seriously though, cats as a rule don't do so well in kennels/at the vets long term & can quickly become very depressed, stop eating & stop improving but they often perk up considerably once back in their own surroundings. If you get worried about him, or it all starts going a bit pear-shaped, the vets are only a 'phone call away, day or night!
Make sure you ask any relevant questions (no matter how small or seemingly silly! lol) before you leave the surgery & if unsure & they don't offer to do so, ask them to demonstrate anything you're not 100% on!
Once at home, gather everything you will (or might!) need for the various procedures & put them all together in one specific place, so you're not suddenly having to run around looking for a bowl just the right size, or a small handtowel, or whatever. It might be a bit messy, so have kitchen roll etc. to hand for a 'not having to leave the scene' quick clean up! lol

Try to be confident; I have never yet met a cat (oh, that's a lie actually, I have but that's a tale for another time!) that appreciated (at the time!) or fully co-operated with such things but he can't do it himself & it's got to be done, so he'll just have to put up with it; in their own environment cats are remarkably forgiving (afterwards! lol) & furious growling/waving of claws etc. is often a sign that they're on the road to recovery but don't forget to immediately bathe any scratches that may result from his 'treatment'!
I'm sure you'll be fine & at the end of the day, I know you haven't gone through all this stress & worry to now not be able to cope with what may hopefully be the start of his recovery. Good luck but Louis may well surprise you & I think you may well surprise yourself with your steely nerve when it actually comes down to it! xx
It's amazing what you can do for those you love when you have to Janie. I'm sure too that Louis will be very grateful to be home with you where he feels safe. Keeping everything crossed for you that things will go well today, you're an amazing mammy.


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