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I think when they had to choose between Awfelia and Annaliese, it was a bit of a Sophie's Choicce for QVC: they couldn't get rid of both of their only black female presenters, particularly after 'losing' the equally rubbish Marverine, so they had to keep one of them. Awfelia was marginally better than Annaliese, thought that was a pretty low bar.
Jumping in here.

I had the feeling that Annaliese was either asked to leave, or, stop subtly (and one time I noted), mentioning the race thing.

The one time I mentioned above, shortly after she came to QVC, I saw a show the had her and Glenn C presenting fashion. She made some sort of comment about 2 black people presenting together. (Can't remember the exact comment).

I thought to myself, if she's this gung-ho about it on shows, what must she be like backstage?

That one incident I think revealed her true agenda & I'm sure there were more.

That aside, I didn't like her presenting skills. Barking at viewers like an army sergeant.

I don't mind Ophelia so much now. At least she keeps politics out of her job.

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