Ojon or Aveda


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Ojon or Aveda?

  • Ojon

    Votes: 20 32.8%
  • Aveda

    Votes: 33 54.1%
  • Other (please state on thread)

    Votes: 8 13.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Registered Shopper
Jun 25, 2008
Washington UK
I need to order more shampoo - am using MOP at the minute - not impressed but have 2 HUGE bottles and too expensive to throw!!
I'm tempted with Aveda Brilliant but do like Ojon - it's a while since I've had both.
What's your favourite? I love hearing waht you have to say....
Ta loads

MM, would you mind if i did a poll? Sorry, can't find the poll thing at the bottom, so can't do it!
I'm looking too, sort of gone off Ojon. Want to try Philip Kingsley. Any opinions out there?
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Aveda all the way for me. I colour my hair and have done for years and I use their colour conserve shampoo and conditioner and the detox shampoo once a week. I used to use their damage remedy intensive treatment as well, but I discovered Aussie 3 Minute Miracle is just as good and considerably cheaper.
Not uised Aveda - other than a damage repair treatment. I have been using Ojon for just over a year and swap between the different ranges. Best shampoos and styling products I have ever used.

Bought my DD a Philip Kingsley set - fine hair - she loved it. I tried it but was not fussed. I have the Elasticizer and that is quite good but IMO nothing to rave over.
My Hairdresser's only sells MOP, Aveda and Philip Kingsley products. I've asked them which products they like best and they all say Philip Kingsley products are the best and they all use them. I love PK too but just wish he was organic.
MM, would you mind if i did a poll? Sorry, can't find the poll thing at the bottom, so can't do it!
I'm looking too, sort of gone off Ojon. Want to try Philip Kingsley. Any opinions out there?

I've added the poll for you.

I'm an Ojon girl, have been using it for a few years now and it's fabulous on my wavy, thick hair :1:
Thanks for the replies - I'm still not sure - never tried Philip Kinglsey maybe I should try a different one. OH just had a moment when he asked about ow much they all are LOL!!!
But when I explained how the cheap ones are rubbish and that they cost more ml for ml - he was totally won over.
He's not got any hair - gets jealous by all my nice smells!!
I was an aveda girl who converted to ojon then dabbled in PK! Of the three my fav is Ojon (although I think every range has its stand-out products - IMO elasticizer from PK and Aveda shampure). I voted 'other' though, because as uch as I love my Ojon, i've been using it for ages and needed a change so I'm currently raving about Kerastase Reflections range which makes my coloured hair really smooth and shiney, but not lank and weighed down.
I was an aveda girl who converted to ojon then dabbled in PK! Of the three my fav is Ojon (although I think every range has its stand-out products - IMO elasticizer from PK and Aveda shampure). I voted 'other' though, because as uch as I love my Ojon, i've been using it for ages and needed a change so I'm currently raving about Kerastase Reflections range which makes my coloured hair really smooth and shiney, but not lank and weighed down.

Completely agree with all you've said,PG :43:
I love Ojon(Ultra Hydrating is my fave),love some Philip K & most of the Avrda range especially Blue Malva & Shampure but my all time fave has to be Kerastase.
Have been using their Nutritive range for years on my long (highlighted) hair & it's been brill but recently got a new hairdresser who is wonderful & has said that I should try the Kerastase Age Recharge range(green bottle) as Nutritive is for dry hair & my hair isn't dry (I knew that but I loved it anyway).
The Age Recharge is brilliant,protein based & is specifically for hair that has been coloured for years,heat dryed or thinning with age.
It's so luxurious & gorgeous & well worth a try imo
I have to say aveda,i aint used ojon,i have tried mop but didnt like it,i have been using aveda for years and never felt the need to change brands
Completely agree with all you've said,PG :43:
I love Ojon(Ultra Hydrating is my fave),love some Philip K & most of the Avrda range especially Blue Malva & Shampure but my all time fave has to be Kerastase.
Have been using their Nutritive range for years on my long (highlighted) hair & it's been brill but recently got a new hairdresser who is wonderful & has said that I should try the Kerastase Age Recharge range(green bottle) as Nutritive is for dry hair & my hair isn't dry (I knew that but I loved it anyway).
The Age Recharge is brilliant,protein based & is specifically for hair that has been coloured for years,heat dryed or thinning with age.
It's so luxurious & gorgeous & well worth a try imo

I always loved the Aveda Blue Malva range on my highlighted hair but tend to use Ojon most of the time now, purely because OH prefers it. I've also used the Daniel Galvin Jnr range too which is quite good.

Found your comments very interesting about Kerastase Marzy as my hair has been highlighted for years, I use a hot brush and I guess it's thinning with age. Where's the best place to buy please?
I voted for Aveda too as loved using the shampure all those years ago. Have tried MOP but wasn't too keen on it as made my hair feel quite rough to touch after using the brilliant range (sorry can't think of another way of describing it) and I've never used Ojon. :1:
Aveda for me too. Ojon doesn't suit me at all. Tried most of the other ranges too and they didn't suit either.
It's strange about scent. Not a comment on haircare but I was using a lot of Gatineau at one point, and then went over to LE. I recently dug out of the 'stockpile' some Gatineau (OH rides bike and skin gets very dry so he is using it!) and have realised just how highly perfumed it is. I can't go near it now.
I always loved the Aveda Blue Malva range on my highlighted hair but tend to use Ojon most of the time now, purely because OH prefers it. I've also used the Daniel Galvin Jnr range too which is quite good.

Found your comments very interesting about Kerastase Marzy as my hair has been highlighted for years, I use a hot brush and I guess it's thinning with age. Where's the best place to buy please?

Hi BL.Well,I buy Kerastase from a hairdresser's here in Dublin.I always run out of the shampoo first so only have to buy one item at a time so it's not too expensive.The Age Recharge mask is fab,you should give it a try :10:
It's always back to PK for me. Though the list of ingredients bothers me.
Body building shampoo and conditioner on my coloured medium length hair. Flaky Itchy Scalp for OH. He's always been plagued with white flakes but this stopped it totally and his hair feels lovely and soft ahhhhhh :0)

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