Oh do shut up!!!


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Jul 8, 2008
I do wish the presenters would keep their flippin' cake holes shut sometimes and just let the guest do the job they've been brought on air to do! This morning during the Gatineau show, it was like watching Aunt Sally with Worzel Gummidge! Poor Andrew could barely get a word in about the products while Claire just yammered on and on and on and on and... you get the idea.

Not that she's the only guilty party on this channel. It's so incredibly irritating when you want to hear about a product, how it works or how to use it and all you get every few second is "use the website....", "queues on the phones.....", "we sold this many in the 7 seconds since I last told you..." etc. It's off-putting in every way and I know it loses them custom because it certainly makes me turn off and I'm sure I can't be the only one.


(Can't have a moan without including JF. Every time I turn the telly on she is on. Do you think they read here and are punishing us by using her on every hour the working time regulations will allow? Oh, and why did she look like an extra from The Munsters on the BE show? Was there an early hallowe'en party?)

I no longer find QVC pleasing or relaxing to watch the way I used to. I know we all poke at IW for their shortcomings but they are, on the whole, much better to actually watch (even if the products are rubbish!) They don't seem to have overblown ego syndrome.
Did anyone see the Illy show this morning?

Craig was doing my head in. The Illy guest was really interesting and knowledgeable, but the grinning idiot kept interrupting with the most inane banter imaginable. I can just about put up with that if it's to tell people something is limited stock or sold out, but for pointless comments on how shiny/trendy a gadget's going to look in your kitchen, it's just plain rude.

Also, you would think that someone presenting a coffee show would know, or have been told, that it's ESPRESSO, no 'X' in it!!!
This interruption of guests really irritates me too. Especially when they say pointless things like "Two hundred of these have gone in the last 5 minutes." So what? Just because 200 other people have bought it, doesn't mean I'm going to follow them like a sheep and buy it too. Just tell me when its limited stock and I''ll make up my mind, if i haven't already.
and while on the topic of Jill Franks is she on all the time? Have not watched much QVC this week as very busy but every time I do switch on it seems that she is there! So I switch straight off as cannot bear her inane gushing pointless comments. Maybe she has to do every shift available to pay for all the stuff she tells us she owns. I always imagine her loft and garage as being packed out with the endless handbags, lip glosses and other "girly" garabge she claims she "can't live without" Makes me want to sceam "grow up you daft woman you are 45 for **** sake" It is not endearing or cute it is embarrassing.
I wanted to watch the Illy demo and was considering purchasing if a good price. The machine costs €300 here and is web only purchase so the benefits of instructions in English and a visual demo appealed. I gave up after a few minutes as I soon realised that Craig would never let any useful information through. This is becoming a major problem with so many presentations and must be putting a lot of people off.
You must have read my mind, Moth! I was just about to come on here and post about the Gatineau show with Claire. I used to like her as I thought she was a nice person, just very girly. But I recorded Gatineau's show with her so that I could watch it at my leisure this afternoon and I have lost count how many times I had to rewind because she talked over Andrew and Michaela so much and I was trying to find out if this product would be suitable for me and how to correctly use it. I was not amused. You'd think the producers would notice something like this, surely, and tell them through their ear-piece to just be quiet for a bit so the guest presenter could talk? Grrrr....
I was just about to point out that JF needs the money to pay for all the beauty purchases..

Back to Illy...
I can put up with Craig as I love his accent but you could see that the Illy chap was wanting to put his head in a coffee grinder to end the inane wittering. Despite that I got some good tips to make the most out of the (very much cheaper) coffee machine I recently got for my birthday.

In Craig's defence, for years I pronounced espresso 'expresso' and sometimes it comes out wrong oops! But you would think that you'd get it correct if you were prestenting a coffee machine.
Arggghhh!! AY and her interruptions!!!

The offence in question took place at midnight on the Gatineau TSV. Only 6 mins into the show just as Andrew started to talk about the products she jumps in with:

"Can I just say you are bulk buying already, there are 200 on the phones, now there's 300 on the phones, we've got loads of operators, we've got QCut, the website, the red active button. There is a 3 year shelf life unopened, you can order a 2nd one or a 3rd one.............."

I haven't heard about the products yet!!!!! I don't care who is on the phones, or how many have been brought in on an extra shift to take my call, please please can the guests be allowed to speak? (off to check blood pressure.....) :sweat:
You'd think the producers would notice something like this, surely, and tell them through their ear-piece to just be quiet for a bit so the guest presenter could talk? Grrrr....

I always thought it was the producers who were feeding through the inane "200 sold", "approaching limited stock", "queues on the phones" rubbish to the presenters who basically have to repeat it no matter what the guest is saying. It would be more helpful if they were watching the presenter and prompted them with questions they haven't yet answered, like "how do you use it?" "what's it made of?" "what's the inside look like?" instead of just geeing them up about what the sales tally is on the computer.
Craig doesn't bother me really,I can take him or leave him.

Now Claire Sutton is my QVC bug bear..I simply want to sream at the tv when she is on.

She is false,patronising, squeely squeeky silly and juvenile beyond words.I don't want to know about "my Dan" and co, and she really does need reminding her target audience are wage earning adults not 5 year olds with 20 pence to spend on sweeties.
She also needs a damned good hair cut.

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