'oh bless her'


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Mar 29, 2013
On the quacker show again Iv noticed Julia Roberts has said this many times before, after a caller leaves the phone, Julia says 'oh bless her' I think its nice but it could sound a bit like Julia is patronising the viewer, although sure this isn't her intent. Im not sure she would say 'oh bless her' if the caller wasn't a more mature lady. What do others think?
Again, twice in the same show! again lady souned lets say 'more mature' if Julia said 'oh bless you' while the caller was on line, it would sound better.
It's too vague for my liking.
Whose beneficence is she bestowing when she blesses these callers?
It ought to be clarified.*

* Joking.
Not bothered as like a lot of what JR says it's a meaningless cliché. Such is the nature of shopping tv.
Yes she says it a lot of the time-am sure its just a term of endearment but I wouldn't like it if she said it to me.
I can't criticize her for that.I think I must start anmd end every tele[phone call the same - as does AK with her "Cheers,Bye!" and JH with her "bub-eye...bub-eye-now"

Its just a habit isn't it??
Its funny she doesn't say to the actual caller 'oh bless you' she actually waits till the caller hangs up then says to the guest 'oh bless her' only seems to do it with more mature callers.
I sometimes say "ah bless" when someone does something very kind or goes out of the way but its more of a comment about what they've done rather than to the person. But then again I use phrases like ticketty boo and doolally.
I don't think I'd like anyone assuming I had the mental capacity of a kumquat just because I had celebrated a certain number of birthdays.

But that's just me.
I dont think Julia is being patronising at all. Of course, others may interpret it that way. Julia comes from near me (18 miles away). It's not an uncommon thing to say or hear and I've rarely, if ever, heard it said with any hint of patronisation.
I think its one of those habits people don`t realise they have. Over the years I`ve had people say to me, right pet, away hen, ok me duck, yes cocker, no love, aye man, and yes, bless you !
I think its one of those habits people don`t realise they have. Over the years I`ve had people say to me, right pet, away hen, ok me duck, yes cocker, no love, aye man, and yes, bless you !

I think it wouldn't be perceived as patronising if Julia acted like this with callers regardless of apparent advanced age.

Just a thought :wait:
I think it wouldn't be perceived as patronising if Julia acted like this with callers regardless of apparent advanced age.

Just a thought :wait:

How would she know how old a caller is? Some people sound younger than their years and vice versa.
How would she know how old a caller is? Some people sound younger than their years and vice versa.

Quite! I must have a young voice because, more than once, when answering the phone I've had callers ask me whether 'Mummy or Daddy' were in!
Come to Belfast and you get "You alright love?". Bus drivers, pensioners at bus stops and even once said to me by a teenage guy in a hoodie walking past him in the street. You get called Love , by all sorts here, I pay no attention. Its just a local saying to everyone.

I did once in Dublin have a SA say "God Bless You!" after giving me change in a store. I just smiled and went on my way.
I'm sorry. I'll retract that statement.

Julia can do no wrong. I apologise for stating anything different.

I do hope you all can forgive me.

I'll leave the QVC forum to you all and won't disturb you again.
Sorry but who has said Julia can do no wrong?. We were politely discussing her saying ah bless after a T caller had phoned in.
Come to Belfast and you get "You alright love?". Bus drivers, pensioners at bus stops and even once said to me by a teenage guy in a hoodie walking past him in the street. You get called Love , by all sorts here, I pay no attention. Its just a local saying to everyone.

I did once in Dublin have a SA say "God Bless You!" after giving me change in a store. I just smiled and went on my way.

Now I'm wondering just what it was that you bought Donna? :giggle:

Or had you popped your change in a charity box?

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