NOOOOOOOOOOO Matts last day!


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Hi Mirabelle. The official line is that Argey hasn't been very well and is in bed with a chest infection poor old soul. However, I think after the recent jewellery heists she's hiding out on a beach in the Bahamas enjoying herself!

No seriously though, word has it she's on the mend so hopefully she'll be back annoying us I mean entertaining us very soon :tongue2:

Hey Lurgey if you're reading this HURRY UP AND GET WELL cos I'm missing your insults!

Sorry posts crossed i should just mind my own business lol
Aahhhh i emailed the studio this morning to give my best wishes to Matt and he has just emailed me back what a lovely guy he is i'll miss you Matt another huge loss to Gems Tv i wonder if he will pop up somewhere else or hes doing something new all together?
I'm sure he'll do very well what ever he does x
I watched Matt's last game at 2pm, and after everyone was there, and he was given a bottle of shampoo and a leaving card, by Lee. I had a lump in my throat the size of an Ostrich egg!! I was blubbing like Bubba Bear (from Wacky Races!!!) I dont know, today has been so sad, it started off early this morning learning Matt was going, then on top of that, the sad news of Patrick Swayze! I have red eyes, worse than if i had peeled 10 tonnes of onions. Matt you are a shining diamond - you are a star - whatever you do in your future, you are going to go far!!! Now back to my hankies for a good weep! lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:heart::heart::star::clapping::clapping::flower::flower:
Hi Mirabelle. The official line is that Argey hasn't been very well and is in bed with a chest infection poor old soul. However, I think after the recent jewellery heists she's hiding out on a beach in the Bahamas enjoying herself!

No seriously though, word has it she's on the mend so hopefully she'll be back annoying us I mean entertaining us very soon :tongue2:

Hey Lurgey if you're reading this HURRY UP AND GET WELL cos I'm missing your insults!

I was wondering where ArgeyBargey is, i have been scouring the forum for her these last few days, thought maybe she had gone on holiday! Not good news to hear that she is poorly - i wish her a speedy recovery, and hope she hurries up and gets herself on this forum, i am missing her posts - she does make me laugh - and its not the same without AB! Get well soon! :flower::flower::flower: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dearest Argey,

Horrible to hear that you are feeling poorly again. Sending you hugs and best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Inge xx
Matt says farewell to GemsTV

'I have taken the difficult decision to leave GemsTV. After five happy years with GemsTV, presenting in the UK and helping to launch the channel in the USA, it is now time for me to take the opportunity to move on and find new challenges. I have loved working here and will miss both the job and, of course, some wonderful colleagues.'

Matt MacNamara
well you all know how much i :heart: Matt, Im :heartbroke: ly devestated he's going but i did get to meet him when i visited in dec 07 with Debsie even though i was very embarrassed :blush: he was lovely, a real gent. Matt if you do read theese it was a pleasure to meet you and i wish you all the very best in whatever you

Am sorry to read your best mate is leaving Yummyhun. Sad day for you xxxx Can hardly believe it was nearly 2 years ago I was sat in my living room, having seen you a few hours earlier for a cuppa, howling with laughter at the repeat VT of you and Debsie giving Matt a tandem kiss!! (I got a text from Debs yesterday on her travels so she'll be gutted at the news too)

It has always struck me that it's left to almost the last moment for GTV etc to announce a presenter's leaving. It leaves those fans not tuned in that particular day to find out belatedly and miss sending in good wishes.

In the meantime, I wish Matt all the best in his next venture. I always liked his quiet modest way of presenting, even if I haven't seen him in a while (I gave up watching GTV a good while ago).
Thank you soo much klosblue and Gemcherub for kindly letting me know about Argey :)
I've been sooo worried as we email quite regularly, and hadn't from her heard for ages..

My mind is more at ease now as i've heard from her daughter Sam today!!

Many Thanks again and ill pass on all your well wishes too her in my next email.

Mirabelle xx
OMG I go to work, have a hard day, get home late and then see the news about Matt. What a terrible shame. Matt was always one of the "originals" on GemsTV and he'll be missed. Wishing him the very best.

Mummybear - I will wear black to assist in your mourning tomorrow.
So sad Matt has gone he was the best and will be sadly missed. I wish you all the best Matty.
well this morning im still in shock. But yesterday i had a missed call and a voice mail on my phone and yes it was from Matt!!! He had actually taken the time to call me, firstly i thought how sweet it was of him to do that then i thought S**T ive missed speaking to him :( im gutted lol.
Ahhh thats so nice of him he is a true gent he replied to the email i sent to the studio.
I met him at the studio as well, well i didn't actually get to speak to him because he was presenting but he looked over to me waved and beamed a big smile then told the views they had visitors lol
Hope your cheer up soon MB xx
Ahhh thats so nice of him he is a true gent he replied to the email i sent to the studio.
I met him at the studio as well, well i didn't actually get to speak to him because he was presenting but he looked over to me waved and beamed a big smile then told the views they had visitors lol
Hope your cheer up soon MB xx

i actually got a kiss from him and we had a bit of a chat and he is a really lovely guy and he has the most amazing blue eyes i have ever seen.

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