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I couldn t do the 5:2 diet .....I get the shakes if I eat less than I should...lit seems a really skewed way to live ......we need food to nourish us every day .....I suppose time will tell ........but I really believe that healthy eating ....and not perfect eating can get us to a happier body ......and mind .....I love to look up foods that release happy hormones etc ....and help me sleep .....I have a distinction in nutrition and it really has helped my attitude towards vitamins etc....I'm not a strict avid watcher of it all but I think if great nutrition is a foundation in our lives it has to be a good thing for leading good habits..........the diet world is sick in my opinion .....nourish not punish ......I was in the hairdressers today and heard a lady say ...." My daughter is 26 stone ....." And finished by saying that she was eating one meal a day a going down the gym 5 days a week sure fire way for failure ......:0( ?.......