Name dropping : par for the course.


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Jun 24, 2008
Every time James Read comes on peddling his self tan, we get bombarded with all of these "celebrities" who, he says. can't live without his product. Whoever Rosie Huntington Whitely is, he mentions her about 6 times each go. It is so annoying. Someting about this guy, doesn't seem too sincere to me.
He did this even speaking to him one to one at the Beauty Bash; he blathered on regardless of my eyes glazing over. Tt comes across as a bit desperate. They're not exactly household names or A-listers!
She is a model and girlfriend of Jason Stratham(sp), looks tall and pretty. Oh and has an underwear line in M&S.

She must be in with all the name dropping and appearing in Daily Mail all the time.

Name dropping has no truck with me.
Didn't see his show but in any case the name drop would have gone right over my head. Never heard of her.
Rosie H Whitely is gorgeous. Loved those M & S Adverts, she was in with David Gandy, at Xmas. Rosie was also a Victoria Secrets model once too and was in Transformers. The name dropping does annoy me when Keeley has to mention about the Japanese oil, every single time she has to mention the fact that Victoria Beckham tweeted about it when she was pregnant. I expect them to mention it once or twice but Keeley has been banging on about it for the last 3 or 4 years. Sick of hearing about it. You always know it's coming everytime she is on.
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Who cares??!! Couldn't give a fast cr@p about what 'slebs do or don't use - they're given them free so probably have a go at them until they find something that suits them. Normal folk buy they're stuff as trial and error until they find something to suit them. I've never understood celeb culture, but I'm known to be a bit odd anyway :mysmilie_854: Name-dropping actually puts me off stuff!

The M&S ads are starting to wear thin on me these days, too. I'd rather they use normal models and read their customer reviews so they get their stuff right than pay £stupid to 'slebs (though I do appreciate their use of older women in them).

RHW is pretty, as are many other models - but that's the point. They're models for their looks and used to advertise in the hope that mere mortals buy in order to look like the ads. Seems to work on the majority so that definitely proves my oddness.
Who cares??!! Couldn't give a fast cr@p about what 'slebs do or don't use - they're given them free so probably have a go at them until they find something that suits them. Normal folk buy they're stuff as trial and error until they find something to suit them. I've never understood celeb culture, but I'm known to be a bit odd anyway :mysmilie_854: Name-dropping actually puts me off stuff!

No you're not odd, just normal like the rest of us, but QVC have a very odd idea of what 'normal' people really think or do!
I think it is useful to mention the endorsements of celebrities, particularly if they are ones we are familiar with. If someone could tell me how to get the skin finish that Kylie gets, and which products she swears by, for example, I'd be very interested. Similarly, if someone likes the tan look of this particular model, it is useful for them to know what she uses and be able to use a product without getting a look they don't want. I wouldn't buy something solely because a specific celeb used it, but if it helped me get a look I was after, with some confidence, I would consider it.
I can see where you are coming from Nicky but how true is the statement that Xyz uses the product, they may have been given a freebie at some stage but do they use their own money and actually arrange the purchasing of it (even if only to ask an assistant to do the necessary).

Even those celebs who get paid to endorse a product don't always seem use it if interviews are correct.

And that is before we even think about air brushing!

I think you would have to have similar skin, see them in the flesh, and hear from their own mouth that they use the products before you could base your decision to purchase on anyone's say so.
Twiggy once had a skincare range on Qvc, it disappeared and then reappeared in Asda a couple of years later. It didn't last long there either, and could be found in discount stores for a fraction of the price, loads of it too.
Twiggy sang it's praises to the hilt of course, but I have read several times that she uses plain old cold cream for dry skin from Boots, and has done for years.
Even though I'm not keen on the whole name-dropping thing I think James Read is quite likeable.

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