Ms Burton I'll take the challenge!


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Jun 24, 2008
Sorry on my high horse tonight - I really must never flick channels when I'm bored!!

Ms Burton had a rave about how great their Tanzanite prices are and challenged anyone to find Tanzanite with the colour and cut of theirs at better prices either on the High Street or on other channels.

Well, I couldn't find any as badly cut as some of your Ms Burton but here's an 'on the spot comparison' for you:-

The ring you were presenting when you set your "challenge":- 116
Final auction price of £399

The Jewellery Channel:-

Web shop price (always considerably higher than an auction price) of £399 but I have seen this auctioned for £349.

Now, you said to compare but didn't stipulate an exact size comparison so the TJC one is as near to the carat weight as I can find quickly.

TJC being Sightholders (which Rocks aren't of course) have the best Tanzanite available and at the best prices.

Now if we do the usual silly Rocks & Co calculation whereby the selling price is divided by the carat weight then this figure is quoted as the cost per carat then Rocks & Co's tanzanite in this case would be slightly cheaper than TJC.
However, if you live in the real world you know that you also have to consider the diamonds and gold weight.
TJC have a higher diamond weight and this is made up of only 2 stones, but that aside, if the gold is taken into consideration then they blow you out of the water Ms Burton!
Rocks & Co gold weight - 2.12g
TJC gold weight - 5.25g
So, taking the whole ring into consideration, TJC offer a far better deal than Rocks.

I rest my case!

Actual pic of the Rocks ring:-


  • Tanzanite challenge Rocks.jpg
    Tanzanite challenge Rocks.jpg
    38.4 KB
HI KB, you made me laugh today!

Miss Burton must be under pressure. Your examples just illustrate the quality of tanzanite available and differences; R&C a company who purchases Tanzanite from an intermediary and TJC a site holder with first call and direct access to the mine.

A quotation I think that is attributed to Plato is apt!

"As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers"

HI KB, you made me laugh today!

Miss Burton must be under pressure. Your examples just illustrate the quality of tanzanite available and differences; R&C a company who purchases Tanzanite from an intermediary and TJC a site holder with first call and direct access to the mine.

A quotation I think that is attributed to Plato is apt!

"As empty vessels make the loudest sound, so they that have the least wit are the greatest blabbers"


Hey Sapphireblue, I hope the quote's for VB et al and not me!! :tongue2:
Sorry on my high horse tonight - I really must never flick channels when I'm bored!!

Klos, have you thought of getting one of those portable blood-pressure monitors to keep by the chair where you watch TV (or possibly next to your high horse), in case you get tempted to flick channels again? Could be a life-saver I reckon!
Yeah but that would be no fun for the rest of us MissM! I love KB's rants - because they're normally spot on!!!! :grin:

KB - isn't it a shame that Vicky Burton didn't back up her challenge with the offer of a free ring! Think we'd all be in with a chance of winning a low gram weight one don't you? :giggle: They'd be bankrupt in 24 hours!
You could be right Miss Magpie!

If you look at the time of my post you'll see it was in the early hours of this morning. In the cold light of day, I wish there was a big Delete button I could press!

Why do I allow these people to annoy me so much? Well it's a number of things really but mainly the total rubbish they talk! Why do they have to use these deceitful methods to try to sell? Surely if their product was good enough it would speak for itself? They always have to tell tall tales, go on about how theirs is better than anyone else, how their prices are better, their cutting is better, how rare it is, how Director/Gem Hunter Tony had to go to ridiculous extremes to get it for them etc etc etc!! The whole thing stinks of desperation! Most of it is so childish too - for example this carp about them being asked every year to be Sightholders but they turn it down!! For goodness sake it's like kids in a playground fighting over a toy I want it, I want it, I want it, then when they can't have it they say "well I could have had it but didn't want it anyway"!!

TJC imho have the best selling methods - they give the facts and if nobody buys at the time they say "fine let's move on" knowing it'll sell another day. They don't have to resort to the Rocks & Co garbage because their products do stand up and in the case of Tanzanite they ARE the best. They don't have to say there are 5 people on the phone for the one item but if there are then they bring it back for the 4 who missed out. Why? Because they are telling the truth - there were 5 people on the phone!!

Maybe I should get a pair of tights and a cape and become the "Seeker of Trust & Justice" either that or I need someone to work out how to block this channel on my TV :tongue2:
Klos you are brilliant, and everything you say is so true. However, when you are sitting watching this programme Miss VD (oops B) can be so convincing that if you haven't visited this forum, or know nothing about gems, (as a lot of us were in this situation - before being incredibly well informed by certain members of this forum - Meeshoo eg - and thanks) - the 'blurb' is very convincing. As many people have already said.

There MUST be trading standards people who cover TV shopping channels, surely?? I can't believe they are unaware of them and these channels have no policing by anyone??

Is it just up to people (ie joe public) to complain about them??

Please keep taking the tablets Klos and make sure your high horse keeps eating whatever it is you are feeding him.


Dingbat - yes, unfortunately it is up to the general public to complain to the ASA. I believe there are a number of complaints against this channel pending already.

If you want to complain, your complaint must meet certain criteria i.e. the presenter has been misleading, lies are told, they have made comparisons that are inaccurate etc etc.

You can complain online and this is where you do it - it's a very simple process - and I'd encourage people to do it. The ONLY way that Rocks and Co will learn to be truthful and accurate is for them to have their wrists firmly slapped.
Sorry on my high horse tonight - I really must never flick channels when I'm bored!!

Ms Burton had a rave about how great their Tanzanite prices are and challenged anyone to find Tanzanite with the colour and cut of theirs at better prices either on the High Street or on other channels.

Well, I couldn't find any as badly cut as some of your Ms Burton but here's an 'on the spot comparison' for you:-

The ring you were presenting when you set your "challenge":- 116
Final auction price of £399

The Jewellery Channel:-

Web shop price (always considerably higher than an auction price) of £399 but I have seen this auctioned for £349.

Now, you said to compare but didn't stipulate an exact size comparison so the TJC one is as near to the carat weight as I can find quickly.

TJC being Sightholders (which Rocks aren't of course) have the best Tanzanite available and at the best prices.

Now if we do the usual silly Rocks & Co calculation whereby the selling price is divided by the carat weight then this figure is quoted as the cost per carat then Rocks & Co's tanzanite in this case would be slightly cheaper than TJC.
However, if you live in the real world you know that you also have to consider the diamonds and gold weight.
TJC have a higher diamond weight and this is made up of only 2 stones, but that aside, if the gold is taken into consideration then they blow you out of the water Ms Burton!
Rocks & Co gold weight - 2.12g
TJC gold weight - 5.25g
So, taking the whole ring into consideration, TJC offer a far better deal than Rocks.

I rest my case!

Actual pic of the Rocks ring:-

Twinny i sincerely hope you have emailed Ms Burton with a copy of this post? I'd love to be a fly on her wall if you did, stunned stuttering would be on overdrive methinks:tongue2:

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