Have Rocks & Co. completely lost it?


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Feb 16, 2015
:mysmilie_17:Watched part of a Rocks & Co. show tonight - couldn't watch it for very long, but good for a laugh! They seem to be following in the same 'cobblers' path as Q.....- tonight there is a presenter (Hannah Clemmow, ex-Gemporia), and a lady guest presenter. They are flogging (amongst other things) Paraiba tourmaline and Zultanite rings, admittedly large stones and in 18ct gold but oh boy............they sat there for at least 5 minutes, trying to flog a Zultanite ring with a price tag on screen of £24,999! (How can this possibly be worth their while?). Ring finally went down to nearly £9,000 before being taken off-screen, implying that it had been sold (what's the betting we see it again sometime soon - was supposed to be the "only one"!). Pretending it was such a great bargain, etc. etc and that there were "people missing out here". Yeah, right, Hannah - and I'm James Bond...

How the heck can it be worth their while to sit spouting this rubbish, when (if they're lucky) they might get the occasional boutique jeweller tuning in and considering a purchase of this magnitude, but who else is going to buy jewellery at this price? The occasional millionaire? - but I think not, as surely these are people who would want to SEE an item before parting with hard-earned cash. And what ordinary person has credit cards with these credit limits to enable them to spend this kind of money on one piece of jewellery? Cue Hannah: "How are these things here? Oh, my gosh, Oh my gosh". Well, Hannah dear, if they are really worth much more than the cost price, why are you selling them at a lower price???????????? Answers on a postcard, please.

This channel is a joke, surely? Hannah's presenting manner seems to be just the same as when she was on Gems IMHO (like a Miss Bossy Boots talking down to the viewers) - and where the heck are they getting these so-called 'guests' from? The Rent-a-Guest Agency? The "guest" has just pronounced the name of the gemstone 'Peridot' as 'Perry-dot', which I find somewhat surprising for an "expert". The guest and Hannah Clemmow are talking over each other, and we've just had another "perry-dot" mentioned! Expert, schmeks-pert. My.... foot! Anyone who knows anything about jewellery would surely know how to pronounce 'Peridot', wouldn't they? And she's trying to sell items at over £8,000 - very reassuring, I must say - I find it unbelievable they have the nerve. Do they really think the viewers are that daft? Many of us know more about gemstones than they probably do and don't make fools of ourselves, either. Bid-up Deja Vu..
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You know they want to screw you over or they'd just come in at the sale prices, robbing bar stewards. I get my jewellery from the high street, you get more for your money, second hand for £9.000 you could get a two carat, excellent cut and clarity, colour grade E/F diamond ring set in platinum for that..............I know which I'd prefer.
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I couldn't believe my eyes either. Its a red carpet event....A designer has produced these huge gemstone rings and they are flogging them for thousands of pounds They may be worth it but I cannot believe they will even sell one in UK to private individuals.Gem collectors possibly but you couldn't even put one on your credit card unless you were a millionaire .They have lost the plot....To me they are so huge they are unwearable.
I am absolutely astounded that Debbie Cavell has complained that she has a bad headache because of how low the prices are!!! Even Vicki thinks the prices are ridiculously low and there are loads of people on the lines vying for the pieces. In what a World does she live in and could she afford to buy them. To be honest I think it's disgusting.
Tuned in this evening a little while ago, and there are the Dynamic Duo (sorry, Dud Duo) Hannah Clemmow and the "lady guest" (a jewellery designer??). They should do a re-make of Groundhog Day at that channel - repeato ditto of last night - big rings, huge prices, fake gasps of amazement, bad acting, £8,000 plus prices for some pieces (and that's AFTER they've reduced the item), the "I've only just noticed the price - how do we go this low?" utter garbage. Appalling, and an insult to viewers' intelligence, people must be switching off in droves - I found myself staring at the screen open-mouthed because it's car crash TV. If there are (quote from Vicky, the 'singer' with the sandpaper voice) "so many people trying to get through" then we won't see the one-off items ever again, will we? Yeah, and pigs might take to the air - they'll be back. They have now lost the plot completely, methinks. Sitting there all night on costly air time, mouthing rubbish and selling pieces with prices so high that only one person in many thousands would even vaguely consider buying (or even have the money to buy) - er, I'm no economist but where's the profit in that? One positive thing, though: they make IW look professional.
I am absolutely astounded that Debbie Cavell has complained that she has a bad headache because of how low the prices are!!! Even Vicki thinks the prices are ridiculously low and there are loads of people on the lines vying for the pieces. In what a World does she live in and could she afford to buy them. To be honest I think it's disgusting.

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