Momentous occasion...for me


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I have to say I'm pleased with my Laura Geller stash as the products don't go off and the prices have been creeping up recently. I think that I have some years of going through her blushers not having to buy any new ones, especially the size is being reduced all the time.
Well Done all who have escaped the EZP trap we all live & learn.I am running some out but not a huge amount they seem small but all add up.I am sure so many people get into this as they are always pushing the EZP's to get sales.I have just cancelled something on Advanced order after I had come to my senses.
Keep going Tarketta, facing your problem and actually doing something about it puts you in control & that feels good. We've all done it to some extent & when I have 'slipped off the wagon' I return items whereas at one time I would keep.These days there is so little on QVC that I really want & if I do I tend to order elsewhere & get free p&p.Well Done you!!
3 cheers for Tarketta!

My heart goes into my boots when I hear Del Boy etc going on about get 2,get 3, get 4 they are on EP so it's only costs you £16............ personally I feel she should be taken up for false/dodgy selling. The number of UK people in debt directly attributable to her must be high.

I once had a bad Q habit but never for beauty items so I never got sucked into EP so they were paid immediately (in a way worse as once paid then forgotten).

Unfortunately if we don't buy from Q we buy elsewhere unless we are really strong so might not be better off, we all really need to stop buying.

Anyway well done - even if you only mentally put the money away you will feel like a millionaire.
Must a great relief Tarketta, such freedom. I have curbed my spending to zero since before Christmas and am happy that way and like you, it was usually easy pay that got me buying. I did keep it to just one easy pay a month cause that's all I could afford of no more than £25, not on a credit card as I don't use one but realised I was just giving QVC money every month, that's what they want. Since I'm not buying anymore, I don't come here as often or post as much which TBH is my biggest regret of the new non buying.

It's always a win win situation with QVC, they don't care about the customer at all, there must so many people up to their eyes in debt because of their sale tactics and as long as they are getting the profits, it'll never change. I was a great fan of QVC when I first found them 20 odd years ago, now I never watch and wouldn't recommend them to anyone.
Must a great relief Tarketta, such freedom. I have curbed my spending to zero since before Christmas and am happy that way and like you, it was usually easy pay that got me buying. I did keep it to just one easy pay a month cause that's all I could afford of no more than £25, not on a credit card as I don't use one but realised I was just giving QVC money every month, that's what they want. Since I'm not buying anymore, I don't come here as often or post as much which TBH is my biggest regret of the new non buying.

It's always a win win situation with QVC, they don't care about the customer at all, there must so many people up to their eyes in debt because of their sale tactics and as long as they are getting the profits, it'll never change. I was a great fan of QVC when I first found them 20 odd years ago, now I never watch and wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

I think most of us rarely watch or buy any longer but it doesn't stop us waxing lyrical so keep on posting, the more the merrier!
Honestly, I wouldn't have even thought of undertaking this task without the support of this forum. Spanking money has always been my downfall but I kept it to myself out of fear and shame, so being able to be so frank and open on this forum, as well as read other people's experiences/views has been incredibly invaluable so I thank you all from the bottom of my heart (and wallet!) :mysmilie_3:

I'd like to add my congratulations, Tarketta. I hope my "pep talks" about the Yankees have been of some assistance, however little. I became a bit evangelical about the joys of cutting spending after my credit card showdown with Q last October, and I worry I drive people mad with how virtuous I am! But if it's contributed even 1% to your new resolve, I'm happy.

Actually, a lot of my own resilience has come as a result of others on this forum too so it's like a big circle and we are gradually helping each other, one by one, to lose the Q habit, or at least consider carefully.
QVC are the masters of the big sell, if you think about it, you don't really want the product you buy till they plant the seed in your mind. Half the things you buy you probably would never have thought of only you seen it on the telly. You've got more chance not buying anything if you don't watch, it's quite subliminal really..........does that make sense. :mysmilie_3:
We're here for you Tarketta. :mysmilie_14: Just imagine the thrill of seeing that debt go down, it'll be a lot more exciting than a face cream or make-up. When I used to shop I found it was the act of ordering that gave me the excitement, the thrill rather than the product it's self, and by the time it arrived the novelty had worn off. I have to thank QVC, for the rip offs, the over charging, the slow delivery, the eye watering p&p and finally, sending me out lots and lots of used goods and expecting me to pay full price for second hand goods, the #%^*%*<>s.

You make an excellent point Shopperholic. I always find the way QVC packages look when delivered anticlimactic. Those polythene bags or brown boxes. When I compare the lovely packaging I get from beauty brands for much lower or free postage charges!

I don't buy jewellery so can't comment on it. I find QVC's suggestion of getting a gift sent direct laughable. I don't think a battered box or bag bunged through the letterbox, dumped behind or in a bin or left on a doorstep is going to cut it as a present to a loved one. Imagine if they decide their next wheeze is to charge ridiculous sums for gift wrapping... Assuming their antiquated systems could cope.
Re sending gifts direct. Never with Q, imagine the person having to put up with Hermes not delivering, would you even know? Would they be too embarrassed to say?

It reminds me of flowers by Interflora. My sister used to send to my mother and half the time they were half dead but she never wanted to offend my sister so always said that they were "lovely" so she went on merrily ordering not knowing.
You make an excellent point Shopperholic. I always find the way QVC packages look when delivered anticlimactic. Those polythene bags or brown boxes. When I compare the lovely packaging I get from beauty brands for much lower or free postage charges!

I don't buy jewellery so can't comment on it. I find QVC's suggestion of getting a gift sent direct laughable. I don't think a battered box or bag bunged through the letterbox, dumped behind or in a bin or left on a doorstep is going to cut it as a present to a loved one. Imagine if they decide their next wheeze is to charge ridiculous sums for gift wrapping... Assuming their antiquated systems could cope.

I agree MML, when I buy a present from the shop for a relative or friend, I scrutinise it wether it's only a pound or two or over a hundred pound, every present gets the same attention regardless of price, I've had the husband, bless him, stand there for a good fifteen minutes before today till I find a perfect one, in a perfect box because for me, and as I keep telling the husband that the first thing you see is the packaging so I don't want a squashed, dirty one, I want the person to know I've lovingly put thought in to it, I've even had the shop assistant go in to the back and get me a new untouched one on many occasions. As for QVC squashed boxes and blue bags..........say no more. :mysmilie_17:
This forum is an absolutely brilliant safety valve, therapy session, cheerleader, font of great ideas, comforting support, great entertainment, inspiration... The QVC element has become more and more incidental.

Thank you to all members past and present for that. Thank you to QVC and other selly telly channels for bringing us here, and thank goodness for Graham giving us this home, and Sazza keeping us in line so this remains fun.

We're rather like selly telly anonymous where we won't be harshly judged but supported and regaled with experiences which remind us we're not alone, just at different stages of recovery. Knowing, through excellent sleuthing such as SCW's, in advance about forthcoming events on QVC gives us some breathing space. We may still buy, but more often with our heads in the game, rather than swept along by QVC's urgings to buy, buy, buy.

And as LATI rightly points out, it's not just QVC, but other retailers too, all relentlessly chasing the money in our pockets for things we don't really need when we just stop and think about it. Buying new things is fun, but we don't have to do it on someone else's timetable.
Re sending gifts direct. Never with Q, imagine the person having to put up with Hermes not delivering, would you even know? Would they be too embarrassed to say?

It reminds me of flowers by Interflora. My sister used to send to my mother and half the time they were half dead but she never wanted to offend my sister so always said that they were "lovely" so she went on merrily ordering not knowing.

A little off topic tip on the subject of sending flowers (as I used to order for colleagues as part of my last job). Never use Interflora but instead search for florists near the postcode of the recipient and call them direct, strike up a friendly conversation about what exactly you'd like and colours, maybe tell them a bit about what the flowers are for (eg new baby, or whatever), say you know they'll do a good job, etc. When you have that personal contact, they ALWAYS do a nice job, probably also partly based on the hope of future business. They also get all the money you spend and not minus Interflora's commission so you are more likely to get your money's worth.

Here ends Andi's Tip Of The Day.
A bit of a belated well done from me too, I do admire people's honesty on here and admit that in the past I have overspent with Q and other retailers but have reined myself in a lot in the last year or two, and have finally realised that all this stuff I have bought has not made me any happier or younger looking, and in some ways has just helped me clutter up my home. Credit cards can handy sometimes, but I have in the past been guilty of using it to buy stuff I am not sure I would have bought if I had to physically pay cash for it, and been lead into temptation by ez pays etc, I don't blame QVC as I am old enough to know better and should shop responsibly! But I can see how people get carried away.
I too had a large credit card bill and when I was made redundant last year managed to pay it off but it was still annoyed with myself as I felt I could have done something far better with my money had I been sensible, but I have learnt my lesson and am far more restrained these days as I don't want to go back to my old habits.
In a way I am glad Q is so predictable now as I buy so much less, long may it continue!
The thing with QVC in the early days of my shopping with them. All these brands which I just could not get locally, in the 90s the internet was still in its early days of shopping online. So it was OMG, Aveda I need to buy that and Molton Brown etc. You had to send for a catalogue buying direct and many of them did not ship to Northern Ireland!!! Every beauty brand TSV I was in there. Then about 10 years ago I developed mild rosacea which strangely was a good thing in disguise. I had to be more careful what I could use, I really needed samples to try before committing to buy full sizes with new brands. The idea of having to pay to send stuff back to QVC plus the postage to get was a big factor too. Having to go on a 3 month course of antibiotics if a range broke me out! Soon stopped the manic buying, oh and the increase in pricing and to be honest getting bored with the brands.

Now, I have bought some great stuff from QVC over the years. Now of course you check online elsewhere for prices free shipping etc before jumping in.
i like some of the beauty brands on qvc but find as they are usually higher end they las a very long time. i am just finishing a perricone cleanser i bought last year and had a few weeks when i did not use it. just about to empty the bottle. buying three tsv's at a time and a dozen a year is just putting money in qvc huge coffers

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