Molton Brown TSV 01/10/16


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My TSV arrived but I haven't had a chance to open it yet; I also bought the OTO (215767) x 2. After years of painstakingly choosing beautiful gifts for the out-laws I've learnt my lesson so it's smellies all round this year. On my side of the family the only people I buy for are my children. By mutual agreement my siblings and I jacked it in a few years ago. So apart from the kids' and Mr Akimbo's presents I'm almost done. I don't have a present drawer but I do have a stockpile so some swapping around will happen before I decide who gets what. I can't even re-gift the stuff from the out-laws, there's no one I dislike enough!

I like the Molton Brown outlet at Gunwharf Quays, though I haven't been for a couple of years. One year they had a stack of the Yuan Xhi (now Ylang Ylang) which was bright pink instead of purple, we got a couple of 300ml bottles for a few quid. Plus when they discontinued the make up line for the 2nd or 3rd time I was like a manic contestant on Supermarket Sweep scooping up the bargains - I'm down to my last "Not Just Lips" pencil in "Castaway" and starting to get jittery about it running out (tho I know there are similar things out there).
Perhaps MB don't want their other sales outlets to be too impacted by QVC, so this time around are not aiming to sell in quite such high volumes?

When they withdrew before, wasn't that partly due to their new owners not wanting to be on QVC anyway? Not sure if they've changed ownership since then, though?
I was told by someone (I think it was a,guy in an MB shop) that they thought Q was too down market! That was when they were relaunching/upscaling the brand. I think you make a good point, that they may not want to sell so much on Q that their own shops and counters are deserted. The MB shops that I see or visit do often seem to have a couple of customers, whereas L'Occy is often deserted.
My TSV arrived today and I'm delighted with it. It's great for gifts and the boxes are very nice. If you are on the fence and like the products I'd say it's a good buy. Also doing Christmas with this the price can't be bad when you see what you get.
No same Japanese company own the brand. I think since so many kept begging QVC for MB to return they just did everything they could to get it back. MB are not giving QVC the stock or price points anywhere near the old days.
Yes it is definitely worth checking out the website prices first and discounting from the value anything you are not that's bothered about (like a small lotion in my case) before deciding to buy. I have been very pleased with the cost of the sets I have bought, and I can easily get to an MB shop for their sales. Some people can't though and may not necessarily use online shopping so I think things like the TSV and some of the sets where you got 2 gels inc the postage for under £35 or even less jolly good value.
if qvc never kept saying that every tsv will sell out by the morning "debbie flint" take note people may have believed it when it was true i.e the molton brown tsv
Julia Roberts said this morning that they were all shocked the MB TSV sold out so soon they had thought they'd got enough to last to the eleven o'clock (am) show. I was shocked when she said that I thought they were supposed to buy quantities to last the whole day and as for offering it early!
There was no way the TSV had a sizable stock, not when last MB show was planned to be as early as 2pm, it is simple MB just will not give Q anything like the quantities they used to.
I like the Molton Brown outlet at Gunwharf Quays, though I haven't been for a couple of years. One year they had a stack of the Yuan Xhi (now Ylang Ylang) which was bright pink instead of purple, we got a couple of 300ml bottles for a few quid. Plus when they discontinued the make up line for the 2nd or 3rd time I was like a manic contestant on Supermarket Sweep scooping up the bargains - I'm down to my last "Not Just Lips" pencil in "Castaway" and starting to get jittery about it running out (tho I know there are similar things out there).

I went to Gunwharf recently and the store stocked everything in the range, but at lower prices - so all of the shower gels were £14, and all of the handwashes £12 - and I bought several lovely new frangrances - so I didn't order the TSV.
I missed the beginning of the the 2pm show, so I missed the OTO - however thanks to SCW's links I was able to see what it was - and the price including postage was even better than Gunwharf, and as I really like the set, although it was showing as sold out, I kept refreshing, and managed to get 2 sets just after 2.30 when they will have dropped out of someone else's basket!... sorry!! lol
I don't dislike her myself. Some of the "London via ..." spiel irritates me but she probably has to keep saying that. Like me, she was clearly getting quite wound up by Jill Franks last night, squeezing a quarter of a bottle of hand wash into the bowl of water to swish her giant hand around in. It was annoying me too - I hate waste. And anyway, what's the point of those silly bowls of water on these shows? We still can't feel or smell the product? It doesn't even tell us how well they lather when daft JF uses unrealistic quantities.

Every time the brand ambassador tried to manage people's expectations, Jill corrected her. She was explaining, for example, that you don't get masses of bubbles with their bath foam, and Jill interrupted with a story about how she had so many bubbles in her MB bath the other day that they were cascading over the side of the tub! She also said for people to be aware that the scrub was quite a firm one, and Jill poo-pooed that as well.

Was disappointed it sold out so early, they could have sold a lot more, and I can't understand why QVC and / or MB wouldn't have wanted to!? Had it in mind for a couple of Christmas presents. Not to worry, there will be plenty more to buy!
I thought JF was dreadful with Jemma whom I am not usually that keen on but did notice she was much better with Julia and Catherine. JF tried to dominate IMHO making it all about her (never!!!). Also, she kept saying this is brand new... Sensual Hanleni and Wild Indigo are not new, they are two that I used years ago and have bought both through Q!!! Say they are returning scents. Jemma corrected her a couple of times but it was like water off a duck's back.
I wonder if JF or indeed any of the presenters ever watch back their shows. We used to have to do this when we gave presentations at work, it was to ensure we improved.

Don't think QVC have a training department!
Every time the brand ambassador tried to manage people's expectations, Jill corrected her. She was explaining, for example, that you don't get masses of bubbles with their bath foam, and Jill interrupted with a story about how she had so many bubbles in her MB bath the other day that they were cascading over the side of the tub! She also said for people to be aware that the scrub was quite a firm one, and Jill poo-pooed that as well.

Was disappointed it sold out so early, they could have sold a lot more, and I can't understand why QVC and / or MB wouldn't have wanted to!? Had it in mind for a couple of Christmas presents. Not to worry, there will be plenty more to buy!

I thought JF was dreadful with Jemma whom I am not usually that keen on but did notice she was much better with Julia and Catherine. JF tried to dominate IMHO making it all about her (never!!!). Also, she kept saying this is brand new... Sensual Hanleni and Wild Indigo are not new, they are two that I used years ago and have bought both through Q!!! Say they are returning scents. Jemma corrected her a couple of times but it was like water off a duck's back.

I'm not a fan of Jemma Forte and labelled her the wittering windmill. I have to be fair, though, and say that she has improved somewhat since her early days. But like many here I thought the launch show was terrible (I watched it back) and the terrible factor wasn't Jemma, it was undoubtedly Jill. Clanking whatever jewellery she was wearing against the bowl of water. Swirling it around like a maniac to increase the bubbles (at the same time Jemma was saying it wasn't a high-foaming product). It was like Jill had the story she was going to tell and be-damned to whatever Jemma was trying to say. Seems that Sara Griffiths has left the building, but her obnoxiously high-handed "presentation skills" have lingered like a bad smell. Poor Jemma continued trying to do her best to talk about how the products perform... it was like watching two different programmes simultaneously. The one that told you about the products... and the one that told you about Jill and how she uses the products/feels about the products/the "hilarious" stories that Jill has about her experiences with the products (Jill - none of your stories is hilarious... the last hilarious thing you were involved in is when you fell off your perch in your too-high heels on one live show).

What on earth was that hideous garment Jill was wearing? It looked like she had the pelmet of a set of curtains on... and the colour clashed horribly with both her skin and hair colour.
I might be in the minority here, but I've really warmed to Jemma, the Molton Brown guest. She seems to have a great sense of humour, which the presenters latch on to, she knows her stuff, and she actually looks like she enjoys her job.

I too like Jemma. I agree I think she genuinely uses the products & enjoys her job and therefore knows what she is talking about. She's also honest, for example talked about shipping her kids off to their Dad's last Christmas after a hectic couple of days. Now I'm not suggesting we know the ins and outs of the personal lives of these people, but hiding stuff so that you just sound shiffy isn't a winning format.
i want the rose absolute. i will try and blag some free samples when i get this .....eventually

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