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I only have a handful of friends on FB, and these are genuine friends that I know, plus family members.

I don't use it much, just don't find it very interesting, none of my friends are avid users either. The occasional thing crops up that is funny/useful, or a photo (usually of dogs or horses!).

The most useful thing for me is being part of a group relating to my main hobby, access to a lot of expertise and help.

Twitter a definite no-no for me!!

You are like me Prussian Red. I too have a handful of real friends on facebook. Some people seem to have thousands of friends. Really? Imagine having to scroll through the crap they post on a daily basis. I just use it for access to certain pages.
My observation is that most Fakebook users hang around the house all day and this seems their link to society! The constant posting and commenting on QVC Prsenters is totally beyond me! Really find the whole thing so false and don't get me started on these Reviews from the QVC Fan Club! :mysmilie_500::mysmilie_500:
I have the same thing at work.People wanting to contact me on FB.Well I am not interested in the least.I have a few real life close friends.I don't want cyber friends posting their lives and wanting mine too.This forum is fine as we share a common interest and don't and cannot post the c***as on FB.
I never understand why some people put all aspects of their personal life out there for the whole world to see, it actually chills me to the bone how dangerous that could be. At fifty one, I've never got on board with that, I'm quite happy with the lovely people on this forum and my small group of family and friends, I never have, and ever will, be tempted to go on Facebook.
I never understand why some people put all aspects of their personal life out there for the whole world to see, it actually chills me to the bone how dangerous that could be. At fifty one, I've never got on board with that, I'm quite happy with the lovely people on this forum and my small group of family and friends, I never have, and ever will, be tempted to go on Facebook.

I love a bit of Facebook but totally agree with you Shopperholic, it's astounding how much personal info people put out there (just today, the story about John Terry's home being burgled cos he put it on social media that the family was away) and in turn do not understand that when it's out there, it's no longer yours. As you say, it is chilling how much people divulge but my involvement on FB is mainly the 'lurking' kind - it's been ever so useful when it came to finding out what exes were up to :mysmilie_13:
I never understand why some people put all aspects of their personal life out there for the whole world to see, it actually chills me to the bone how dangerous that could be. At fifty one, I've never got on board with that, I'm quite happy with the lovely people on this forum and my small group of family and friends, I never have, and ever will, be tempted to go on Facebook.

I really agree with you. It actually disturbs me when I see how much personal information some presenters share. Where they live, where they take their walks, which cinema they are going to....... Where is the sense in that? It really is alarming, such poor judgement.
I really agree with you. It actually disturbs me when I see how much personal information some presenters share. Where they live, where they take their walks, which cinema they are going to....... Where is the sense in that? It really is alarming, such poor judgement.

I cringe at the out spill of this private information too! Only a couple do this on a regular basis but to say where they live or where they walk daily or where they go for coffee is surely over stepping the mark and making life easier for the strange people out there! It's also rather bizarre that you would want to tell the world all this information? :mysmilie_11:

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