Christ some days I honestly don't even get a few minutes to myself
I've just come off night duty on an extremely busy acute nephrology ward (manned by 2 nurses), we have to administer all of the I V and oral drugs and infusions,reserve all the bloods on every patient to determine whetjer or not they will require dialysis today,as well as make out the ruddy blood forms to boot on top of the 'normal' nurses role, it's very seldom that we manage a break even though we are not paid for 2 1/4'hours of our shift, many of our patients require 2 hourly femoral and temporary line checks all to be documented and a fair few are also on syringe drivers again requiring 2 hourly checks and documentation above the norm, including skin bundles, food charts , hourly observations etc etc ad nauseum, some even require dialysis due to sepsis or raised potassium levels.
I've stopped at M&S on my way home to do the food shop, put a load of washing in the machine, started the dishwasher made myself a G&T ,left out a uniform for tonight's shift, had a showers and am now in bed as I type.
It'll be a ****** miracle if I sleep later than midday and the Ill do it all over again tonight.
Lucky if I'm still able to function before I start work tonight, never mind ****** Pilates